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Browsing publications by Professor Darren McCauley.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Shalini Nakkasunchi
Professor Darren McCauley
Professor Oliver Heidrich
Embed systemic equity throughout industrial ecology applications: How to address machine learning unfairness and bias2024
Professor Darren McCauley
A JUST CSR Framework for the Arctic2023
Professor Darren McCauley
Building a just transition in Asia-Pacific: Four strategies for reducing fossil fuel dependence and investing in clean energy2023
Professor Darren McCauley
Energy Justice2023
Professor Darren McCauley
Identifying, improving, and investing in national commitments to just transition: Reflections from Latin America and the Caribbean2023
Professor Darren McCauley
Just Transitions2023
Professor Darren McCauley
Leaders and laggards in the pursuit of an EU just transition2023
Professor Darren McCauley
Libertarian Theories of Justice2023
Professor Darren McCauley
Pathways of scholarship for energy justice and the social contract2023
Professor Darren McCauley
The impact of Covid-19 on the energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy - observations from the Netherlands, the UK and South Africa2023
Professor Darren McCauley
The influence of COVID‐19 on modes of governance for climate change—Expert views from the Netherlands and the UK2023
Professor Darren McCauley
A critical review of energy democracy: A failure to deliver justice?2022
Professor Darren McCauley
Achieving energy justice in Malawi: From key challenges to policy recommendations2022
Professor Darren McCauley
Assessing the post-COVID prospects for the energy transition in the Netherlands and the UK, using a policy barriers approach2022
Professor Darren McCauley
Can Europe lead a Just Transition? Strengthening social justice in the European Green Deal by using European Pillar of Social Rights indicators2022
Professor Darren McCauley
Energy justice beyond borders? Exploring the impact of Brexit on Ireland’s all-island energy market2022
Professor Darren McCauley
The 'just transition' threat to our Energy and Climate 2030 targets2022
Professor Darren McCauley
The risks and impacts of nuclear decommissioning: Stakeholder reflections on the UK nuclear industry2022
Professor Darren McCauley
Towards energy care ethics: Exploring ethical implications of relationality within energy systems in transition2022
Professor Darren McCauley
What makes local energy projects acceptable? Probing the connection between ownership structures and community acceptance2022
Professor Darren McCauley
Which states will lead a just transition for the Arctic? A DeePeR analysis of global data on Arctic states and formal observer states2022
Professor Darren McCauley
10 New Insights in Climate Science 20212021
Professor Darren McCauley
An Ecohealth approach to energy justice: Evidence from Malawi’s energy transition from biomass to electrification2021
Professor Darren McCauley
An inter-disciplinary approach to the energy transition in South Africa2021
Professor Darren McCauley
Assessing policy barriers to the energy transition in South Africa2021
Professor Darren McCauley
Going Nuclear? The Long-Term Problem is Political2021
Professor Darren McCauley
Managing a just transition in urban contexts2021
Professor Darren McCauley
Ten new insights in climate science 2021: a horizon scan2021
Professor Darren McCauley
The emergence of the ‘social licence to operate’ in the extractive industries?2021
Professor Darren McCauley
The methodologies, geographies, and technologies of energy justice: a systematic and comprehensive review2021
Professor Darren McCauley
Climate Justice in the Arctic: A Critical and Interdisciplinary Climate Research Agenda2020
Professor Darren McCauley
Energy justice, hydropower and grid systems in the global south2020
Professor Darren McCauley
Managing a Just Energy Transition Out of the Covid-19 Crisis: Final Report2020
Professor Darren McCauley
Zorgplicht van werkgevers zal toenemen door thuiswerken2020
Professor Darren McCauley
Background: United Kingdom2019
Professor Darren McCauley
Beyond energy justice: Towards a just transition2019
Professor Darren McCauley
Energy justice in the transition to low carbon energy systems: Exploring key themes in interdisciplinary research2019
Professor Darren McCauley
Response to "Monyei, Jenkins, Serestina and Adewumi examining energy sufficiency and energy mobility in the global south through the energy justice framework"2019
Professor Darren McCauley
Balancing the Energy Trilemma through the Energy Justice Metric2018
Professor Darren McCauley
Energy Justice and Policy Change: A longitudinal assessment of German nuclear policy2018
Professor Darren McCauley
Humanizing sociotechnical transitions through energy justice: an ethical framework for global transformative change2018
Professor Darren McCauley
Just Transition: Integrating Climate, Energy and Environmental Justice2018
Professor Darren McCauley
Reframing Decommissioning as Energy Infrastructural Investment: Exploring resistance framing in Scotland and Germany2018
Professor Darren McCauley
'What is the just transition?2018
Professor Darren McCauley
Assessing the energy justice implications of bioenergy development in Nepal2017
Professor Darren McCauley
Attributing responsibility for energy justice: a case study of the Hinkley Point Nuclear Complex2017
Professor Darren McCauley
Energy justice: a policy approach2017
Professor Darren McCauley
Energy Justice: Re-Balancing the Trilemma of Security, Poverty and Climate Change2017
Professor Darren McCauley
Framing injustice in green criminology: activism, social movements and geography2017
Professor Darren McCauley
Framing injustice in green criminology: Activism, social movements and geography2017
Professor Darren McCauley
Global Energy Justice: Tackling Systems of Inequality in Energy Production and Consumption2017
Professor Darren McCauley
Substituting freshwater: can ocean desalination and water recycling capacities substitute for groundwater depletion in California?2017
Professor Darren McCauley
The concept of energy justice across the disciplines2017
Professor Darren McCauley
Energy Justice in the Arctic: Implications for energy infrastructural development2016
Professor Darren McCauley
Energy justice: a conceptual review2016
Professor Darren McCauley
Framing energy justice: perspectives from activism and advocacy2016
Professor Darren McCauley
Interest Groups: Moving Beyond State-Centric Models2016
Professor Darren McCauley
Reframing energy decisions as justice and social concerns2016
Professor Darren McCauley
Security, justice and the energy crossroads: implications of the nuclear phase-out2016
Professor Darren McCauley
The Policy Challenge of Waste-to-Energy: Lessons from France2016
Professor Darren McCauley
Energy Security, Equality, and Justice [Book Review]2015
Professor Darren McCauley
Protest, Politics and Produce2015
Professor Darren McCauley
Resolving society's energy trilemma through the energy justice metric2015
Professor Darren McCauley
Sustainable development in energy policy: a governance assessment of environmental stakeholder inclusion in waste-to-energy2015
Professor Darren McCauley
Achieving Sustainable Supply Chains through Energy Justice2014
Professor Darren McCauley
Energy Justice: A Whole Systems Approach2014
Professor Darren McCauley
Exploring Ideology as a 'Resource' for Environmental Justice: Reflections from the Anti-GMO Movement in France2014
Professor Darren McCauley
Rethinking the scope and necessity of energy subsidies in the United Kingdom2014