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Browsing publications by Dr Emily Jones.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Emily Jones
Challenging International Environmental Law’s Heteronormativity and Anthropocentrism: Towards Queer Kinship2025
Dr Emily Jones
Dr Emily Jones
No Future for Future Generations: Who is International Environmental Law for?2025
Dr Emily Jones
Can the Rights of Nature Transform the way Rights are Conceptualized in International Law?2024
Dr Emily Jones
International Law and Posthuman Theory2024
Dr Emily Jones
Introduction to International Law and Posthuman Theory2024
Dr Emily Jones
Professor Gina Heathcote
The Common Heritage of Kin-Kind2024
Dr Emily Jones
The 'imbroglio' of ecocide: A political economic analysis2024
Dr Emily Jones
Dr Emily Jones
Feminist Theory and International Law: Posthuman Perspectives2023
Dr Emily Jones
Posthuman feminism and global constitutionalism: Environmental reflections2023
Dr Emily Jones
Posthuman International Law and Outer Space2023
Dr Emily Jones
Queer approaches to International Law2023
Dr Emily Jones
The Current Status of Deep-Sea Mining Governance at the International Seabed Authority2023
Dr Emily Jones
The Rights of Nature as a Legal Response to the Global Environmental Crisis? A Critical Review of International Law’s ‘Greening’ Agenda2023
Dr Emily Jones
Critical Perspectives on Global Law and the Environment2022
Dr Emily Jones
More Posthuman Glossary2022
Dr Emily Jones
On Capitalism as Civilisation: Intersectional Feminist Reflections on International Law’s Indeterminacy2022
Dr Emily Jones
Rights of Nature2022
Dr Emily Jones
Symposium Introduction: Critical Perspectives on Global Law and the Environment 2022
Dr Emily Jones
Posthuman International Law and the Rights of Nature2021
Professor Gina Heathcote
Dr Emily Jones
The Law of War and Peace: A Gender Analysis2021
Dr Emily Jones
The Corporation, Law and Capitalism: Reflections on Capitalist Law and Queer Moments of Resistance2020
Dr Emily Jones
Gender and Reparations: Seeking Transformative Justice2020
Dr Emily Jones
Human Rights in a Wrong World: Review of Ratna Kapur, Gender, Alterity and Human Rights2020
Dr Emily Jones
Thinking through Anthropocentrism in International Law: Queer Theory, Posthuman Feminism and the Postcolonial2020
Professor Gina Heathcote
Dr Emily Jones
Bozkurt Case, aka the Lotus Case (France v Turkey): Ships that Go Bump in the Night2019
Dr Emily Jones
Feminist Scholarship on International Law in the 1990s and today2019
Dr Emily Jones
Feminist Technologies and Post-Capitalism: Defining and Reflecting upon Xenofeminism2019
Dr Emily Jones
Review of Dianne Otto (ed.), Queering International Law: Possibilities, Alliances, Complicities, Risks2019
Dr Emily Jones
A Posthuman Feminist Approach to Mars2018
Dr Emily Jones
A Posthuman-Xenofeminist Analysis of the Discourse on Autonomous Weapons Systems and Other Killing Machines2018
Dr Emily Jones
Gender, War and Technology: Peace and Armed Conflict in the 21st Century2018
Dr Emily Jones
Gender, War, and Technology: Peace and Armed Conflict in the Twenty-First Century2018
Dr Emily Jones
Review of Judith Butler and Athena Athanasiou, Dispossession: The Performative in the Political2015