Dr Katrin Jaedicke Dr Susan Bissett Dr Tracy Finch Dr Jared Thornton Professor Philip Preshaw et al. | Exploring changes in oral hygiene behaviour in patients with diabetes and periodontal disease: A feasibility study | 2019 |
Professor Vijay Kunadian Dr Danny Chan Dr Hani Ali Dr Nina Wilson Nicola Howe et al. | Antiplatelet therapy in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in patients with chronicobstructive pulmonary disease: protocol of a randomised controlled proof-of-concept trial (APPLE COPD-ICON 2) | 2018 |
Professor Ruth Plummer Dr Nicola Cresti Dr Yvette Drew Dr Peter Stephens Dr Jared Thornton et al. | Phase 1 study of the PARP inhibitor E7449 as a single agent in patients with advanced solid tumors or B-cell lymphoma | 2014 |
Dr Helen Bosomworth Dr Jared Thornton Lisa Coneyworth Professor Dianne Ford Professor Ruth Valentine et al. | Efflux function, tissue-specific expression and intracellular trafficking of the Zn transporter ZnT10 indicate roles in adult Zn homeostasis | 2012 |
Dr Jared Thornton Professor Dianne Ford Professor Ruth Valentine
| Differential Subcellular Localization of the Splice Variants of the Zinc Transporter ZnT5 Is Dictated by the Different C-Terminal Regions | 2011 |
Dr Jared Thornton Caroline Dalgliesh Dr Julian Venables Dr Ingrid Ehrmann Professor David Elliott et al. | The tumour-suppressor protein ASPP1 is nuclear in human germ cells and can modulate ratios of CD44 exon V5 spliced isoforms in vivo | 2006 |
Dr Julian Venables Caroline Dalgliesh Lindi Skitt Dr Jared Thornton Professor Keith Jones et al. | SIAH1 targets the alternative splicing factor T-STAR for degradation by the proteasome | 2004 |