Dr Rob Westaway Dr Andrew Howard
| The role of glacio-isostasy in the formation of post-glacial river terraces in relation to the MIS 2 ice limit: evidence from northern England | 2010 |
Dr Andrew Howard Dr Mark Kincey Dr David Passmore
| The impact of climate change on archaeological resources in Britain: a catchment scale assessment | 2008 |
Dr Andrew Howard
| Identifying changing fluvial conditions in low gradient alluvial archaeological landscapes: Can coleoptera provide insights into changing discharge rates and floodplain evolution? | 2004 |
Dr Andrew Howard
| Late-glacial and Holocene river development in the Teleorman Valley on the southern Romanian Plain | 2004 |
Dr Andrew Howard Dr David Passmore
| Alluvial Archaeology in Europe | 2003 |
Dr Andrew Howard
| Preservation and prospection of alluvial archaeological resources in the southern Balkans: a case-study from the Teleorman river valley, southern Romania | 2003 |
Dr Andrew Howard Dr David Passmore
| The condition of Holocene alluvial archaeology in the UK: constraints and opportunities. | 2003 |
Dr Andrew Howard
| The impact of tailings dam spills and clean-up operations on sediment and water quality in river systems: The Ríos Agrio-Guadiamar, Aznalcóllar, Spain | 2003 |
Dr Andrew Howard
| The long term fate and environmental significance of contaminant metals released by the January and March 2000 mining tailings dam failures in Maramures County, upper Tisa Basin, Romania | 2003 |
Dr Andrew Howard
| Alluvial landscapes in the temperate Balkan Neolithic: transitions to tells | 2002 |
Dr Andrew Howard
| Archaeological resources, preservation and prospection in the Trent Valley: The application of Geographical Information Systems to Holocene Fluvial Environments. | 2001 |