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Browsing publications by Dr Tom Smulders.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Tom Smulders
A bird's eye view of the hippocampus beyond space: Behavioral, neuroanatomical, and neuroendocrine perspectives2024
Dr Tom Smulders
Professor Jenny Read
Different memory systems in food-hoarding birds: A response to Pravosudov2024
Kyriaki Foka
Professor Hamish McAllister-Williams
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Tom Smulders
Identifying the nature of episodic memory deficits in Major Depressive Disorder using a Real-World What-Where-When task2024
Lucille Dumontier
Dr Tom Smulders
Effects of the rearing environment complexity on laying hens’ spatial cognition: a holeboard test approach2023
Dr Tom Smulders
Laura Douglas
Lucinda Male
Amelie Alix
Professor Jenny Read
et al.
Hoarding titmice predominantly use Familiarity, and not Recollection, when remembering cache locations2023
Lucille Dumontier
Dr Tom Smulders
Early life environment and adult enrichment: Effects on fearfulness in laying hens2022
Elena Armstrong
Dr Jonathan Guy
Dr Timothy Boswell
Dr Tom Smulders
Poor body condition is associated with lower hippocampal plasticity and higher gut methanogen abundance in adult laying hens from two housing systems2022
Dr Tom Smulders
How to obtain satisfying explanations of brain evolution.2021
Dr Henrik Lange
Dr Lauren Walker
Dr Tom Smulders
Seasonal changes in the hippocampal formation of hoarding and non-hoarding tits2021
Dr Tom Smulders
Telencephalic regulation of the HPA axis in birds2021
Dr Lindsay Henderson
Dr Tom Smulders
Dr Johnny Roughan
Benefits of tunnel handling persist after repeated restraint, injection and anaesthesia2020
Elena Armstrong
Dr Jonathan Guy
Dr Timothy Boswell
Dr Tom Smulders
Cell proliferation in the adult chicken hippocampus correlates with individual differences in time spent in outdoor areas and tonic immobility2020
Dr Lindsay Henderson
Dr Tom Smulders
Dr Johnny Roughan
Identifying obstacles preventing the uptake of tunnel handling methods for laboratory mice: An international thematic survey2020
Elena Armstrong
Jane Eastham
Dr Jonathan Guy
Dr Timothy Boswell
Dr Tom Smulders
et al.
Keel bone fractures induce a depressive-like state in laying hens2020
Dr Tom Smulders
Dr Timothy Boswell
Dr Lindsay Henderson
“How Foraging Works”: Let's not forget the physiological mechanisms of energy balance2019
Dr Tom Smulders
Smarter through group living?2019
Dr Fabio Gualtieri
Elena Armstrong
Georgia Longmoor
Dr Timothy Boswell
Dr Tom Smulders
et al.
Unpredictable Chronic Mild Stress Suppresses the Incorporation of New Neurons at the Caudal Pole of the Chicken Hippocampal Formation2019
Dr Colline Poirier
Professor Melissa Bateson
Dr Fabio Gualtieri
Elena Armstrong
Grace Laws
et al.
Validation of hippocampal biomarkers of cumulative affective experience2019
Dr Tom Smulders
Evolution Driven by Organismal Behaviour – A Unifying View of Life, Function, Form, Mismatches, and Trends, by Rui Diogo [Book review]2018
Dr Lindsay Henderson
Rowan Cockcroft
Dr Timothy Boswell
Dr Tom Smulders
Peripherally injected ghrelin and leptin reduce food hoarding and mass gain in the coal tit (Periparus ater).2018
Dr Pradeep Dheerendra
Joseph Crutwell
Professor Mark Cunningham
Dr Tom Smulders
In vitro characterization of gamma oscillations in the hippocampal formation of the domestic chick2017
Dr Tom Smulders
Tahsina Choudhury
Kyriaki Foka
Kevin Dick
Stephen Bradwel
et al.
A Real-world What-Where-When memory test2017
Beth Atkinson
Dr Tom Smulders
Dr Joel Wallenberg
An Endocrine Basis for Tomboy Identity: the second-to-fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) in "tomboys"2017
Dr Fabio Gualtieri
Grace Laws
Elena Armstrong
Nick Wylie
Dr Timothy Boswell
et al.
Effects of Environmental Enrichment on Doublecortin and BDNF Expression along the Dorso-Ventral Axis of the Dentate Gyrus2017
Dr Barbara-Anne Robertson
Giselda Cirillo
Professor Melissa Bateson
Dr Timothy Boswell
Dr Tom Smulders
et al.
Food restriction reduces neurogenesis in the avian hippocampal formation2017
Dr Tom Smulders
The avian hippocampal formation and the stress response2017
Georgia Longmoor
Dr Lauren Walker
Dr Tom Smulders
Different seasonal patterns in song system volume in willow tits and great tits2016
Jonna Nilsson
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Tom Smulders
How Does Intentionality of Encoding Affect Memory for Episodic Information?2016
Rowan Cockcroft
Dr Timothy Boswell
Dr Tom Smulders
Peripherally injected ghrelin and leptin reduce food hoarding and mass gain in the coal tit (Periparus ater)2016
Professor Jenny Read
Dr Alan Godfrey
Dr Brook Galna
Dr Tom Smulders
Viewing 3D TV over two months produces no discernible effects on balance, coordination or eyesight2016
Professor Jenny Read
Dr Jennifer Simonotto
Dr Iwo Bohr
Dr Alan Godfrey
Dr Brook Galna
et al.
Balance and coordination after viewing stereoscopic 3D television2015
Dr Gema Martin-Ordas
Dr Tom Smulders
Commentary: Merging of long-term memories in an insect2015
Professor Jenny Read
Dr Peter Gallagher
Dr Tom Smulders
Effects of age on a real-world What-Where-When memory task.2015
Dr Tom Smulders
Interpreting measurements of heritability: comment on Croston et al.2015
Paul Hands
Dr Tom Smulders
Professor Jenny Read
Stereoscopic 3-D content appears relatively veridical when viewed from an oblique angle2015
Dr Tom Smulders
Uncorrelated sleep-related activity in the avian hippocampus and nidopallium2014
Dr Tom Smulders
Different mechanisms are responsible for dishabituation of electrophysiological auditory responses to a change in acoustic identity than to a change in stimulus location2013
Dr Tom Smulders
Dr Timothy Boswell
Hypothalamic Agouti-Related Protein Expression Is Affected by Both Acute and Chronic Experience of Food Restriction and Re-Feeding in Chickens2013
Ric Kareklas
Professor Daniel Nettle
Dr Tom Smulders
Water-induced finger wrinkles improve handling of wet objects2013
Stephen Holland
Dr Tom Smulders
Do humans use episodic memory to solve a What-Where-When memory task?2011
Dr Gesa Feenders
Dr Tom Smulders
Magpies can use local cues to retrieve their food caches2011
Dr Tom Smulders
Causal pattern recovery from neural spike train data using the Snap Shot Score2010
Dr Tom Smulders
Darwin Celebrations Highlight Brain Evolution2010
Dr Tom Smulders
Integrating ecology, psychology and neurobiology within a food-hoarding paradigm2010
Dr Tom Smulders
Is bigger always better? A critical appraisal of the use of volumetric analysis in the study of the hippocampus2010
Dr Tom Smulders
Using ecology to guide the study of cognitive and neural mechanisms of different aspects of spatial memory in food-hoarding animals2010
Ann Zinkivskay
Dr Tom Smulders
What-Where-When memory in magpies (Pica pica)2009
Dr Tom Smulders
Darwin 200: Special Feature on Brain Evolution Introduction2009
Dr Tom Smulders
The relevance of brain evolution for the biomedical sciences2009
Dr Gesa Feenders
Dr Tom Smulders
Episodic-like memory in food-hoarding birds2008
Dr Tom Smulders
Hyper-dispersed cache distributions reduce pilferage: a laboratory study2008
Lucinda Male
Dr Tom Smulders
Hyperdispersed cache distributions reduce pilferage: a field study2007
Lucinda Male
Dr Tom Smulders
Memory decay and cache site preferences in hoarding coal tits - A laboratory study2007
Lucinda Male
Dr Tom Smulders
Memory for food caches: Not just for retrieval2007
Professor Leslie Smith
Stephen Baker
Terri Jackson
Professor Marcus Kaiser
Professor Evelyne Sernagor
et al.
The CARMEN e-Science pilot project: Neuroinformatics work packages2007
Dr Tom Smulders
A multi-disciplinary approach to understanding hippocampal function in food-hoarding birds2006
Dr Tom Smulders
Computational inference of neural information flow networks2006
Dr Tom Smulders
Failure to detect seasonal changes in the song system nuclei of the black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus)2006
Dr Tom Smulders
Vocalizations and associated behaviors of the sombre hummingbird (Aphantochroa cirrhochloris) and the rufous-breasted hermit (Glaucis hirsutus)2006
Dr Tom Smulders
Avian brains and a new understanding of vertebrate brain evolution2005
Dr Tom Smulders
[Book review] Neurobiology of Spatial Behaviour; Jeffery, KJ (ed.)2004
Dr Tom Smulders
Revised nomenclature for avian telencephalon and some related brainstem nuclei2004
Dr Tom Smulders
Revised Nomenclature for Avian Telencephalon and Some Related Brainstem Nuclei2004
Dr Tom Smulders
Reversible inactivation of the hippocampal formation in food-storing black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus)2003
Dr Mary McElroy
Dr Tom Smulders
A framework for integrating the songbird brain2002
Dr Tom Smulders
Natural Breeding Conditions and Artificial Increases in Testosterone Have Opposite Effects on the Brains of Adult Male Songbirds: A Meta-analysis2002
Dr Tom Smulders
Septum volume and food-storing behavior are related in parids2002
Dr Tom Smulders
Problems with residual analysis2001
Dr Tom Smulders
Beyond the cognitive map: from place cells to episodic memory; Redish, AD [book review]2000
Dr Tom Smulders
Effects of captivity and testosterone on the volumes of four brain regions in the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis)2000
Dr Tom Smulders
Expression of immediate early genes in the hippocampal formation of the black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) during a food-hoarding task2000
Dr Tom Smulders
Seasonal changes in neuron numbers in the hippocampal formation of a food-hoarding bird: The black-capped chickadee2000
Dr Tom Smulders
The avian hippocampal formation and the memory for hoarded food: Spatial learning out in the real world.2000
Dr Tom Smulders
A game theoretical model of the evolution of food hoarding: Applications to the Paridae1998
Dr Tom Smulders
Non invasive in vivo anatomical studies of the oscine brain by high resolution mri microscopy1998
Dr Tom Smulders
How much memory do tits need?1997
Dr Tom Smulders
Seasonal variation in hippocampal volume in a food-storing bird, the black-capped chickadee1995