Dr Sarah Leahy
| Putting the spotlight on screenwriters | 2024 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| The construction of 'Jacques Becker': realism, popular film and the auteur in 1950s film criticism | 2024 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| Céline Sciamma's screenwriting: 'building an architecture of multiple desires' | 2023 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| Screenwriters in French Cinema | 2021 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| Le Rouge et le noir, ou la France et l’Italie: stars et co-productions | 2020 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| Star dialogue: Henri Jeanson, Louis Jouvet and the mise en scène and mise en corps of film dialogue | 2019 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| La Genèse du Diable au corps (1947). Une recette pour un scénario de «qualité»? | 2018 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| Les Vacances de Mlle Huguette: Henri Jeanson, collaborateur de Cinémonde | 2015 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| Screenwriters in post-war French Cinema: an overview | 2015 |
Professor Guy Austin Dr Sarah Leahy
| Editorial | 2014 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| Mazdon, Lucy and Wheatley, Catherine. French Film in Britain Sex, Art and Cinephilia. [Book review] | 2014 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| Stars in the wilderness: La Mort en ce jardin | 2013 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| 'A la place de l'autre …': Otherness, gender and nation in two films by Agnès Jaoui | 2012 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| La Règle du jeu [The Rules of the game] | 2012 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| Studies in French Cinema: UK Perspectives, 1985-2010 | 2011 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| '"Une vraie famille Benetton": Maternal metaphors of nation in Il y a longtemps que je t'aime - a response to Susan Hayward' | 2010 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| Hats, Hotels, Mayhem and Marx: Film, Theatre and the Cinematic Collaborations of the Groupe Octobre, 1932–1936 | 2010 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| A (middle) class act? Taste and otherness in Le Goût des autres (Agnès Jaoui, 2000) | 2007 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| Casque d'Or (Jacques Becker, 1952) | 2007 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| Gender Panic: The 'garce' and the 'Good Girl' in Postwar French Cinema | 2007 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| Jean Cocteau. Williams, JS | 2007 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| Visual and Embodied Pleasures: Cinema-going in Newcastle upon Tyne | 2007 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| Simone Signoret: Aging and agency | 2006 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| 'Neither charm nor sex appeal...' Just what is the appeal of Simone Signoret? | 2004 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| The Matter of Myth: Bardot, Stardom and Sex | 2003 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| Bardot and Dance: Representing the Real? | 2002 |
Dr Sarah Leahy
| The Tainted Woman: Simone Signoret, Site of Pathology or Agent of Retribution? | 2000 |