Dr Sasha Gartside Mel Leitch Angela Young Professor Colin Ingram Denise Johnson et al. | Glucocorticoid modulation of SSRI action | 2008 |
Dr Peter Gallagher Mel Leitch Professor Hamish McAllister-Williams Professor Allan Young
| Assessing cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in saliva: Effects of collection method | 2006 |
Mel Leitch Dr Sasha Gartside
| Distribution of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors in 5-HT and non-5-HT neurones of the dorsal and median raphe nuclei | 2005 |
Dr Sasha Gartside Mel Leitch Professor Allan Young
| 5-HT1A autoreceptor activation and fluoxetine-induced changes in extracellular 5-HT in the hippocampus | 2004 |
Professor Richard McQuade Mel Leitch Dr Sasha Gartside Professor Allan Young
| Effect of chronic lithium treatment on glucocorticoid and 5-HT1A receptor messenger RNA in hippocampal and dorsal raphe nucleus regions of the rat brain | 2004 |
Graeme Fairchild Mel Leitch Professor Colin Ingram
| Acute and chronic effects of corticosterone on 5-HT1A receptor-mediated autoinhibition in the rat dorsal raphe nucleus | 2003 |
Dr Sasha Gartside Mel Leitch Professor Allan Young
| Altered glucocorticoid rhythm attenuates the ability of a chronic SSRI to elevate forebrain 5-HT: Implications for the treatment of depression | 2003 |
Professor Colin Ingram Dr Sasha Gartside Mel Leitch Graeme Fairchild
| Chronic corticosterone attenuates 5-HT1A-mediated but not GABA-mediated inhibition of rat dorsal raphe neurones | 2003 |
Graeme Fairchild Mel Leitch Dr Sasha Gartside Professor Colin Ingram
| Corticosterone administration selectively alters 5-HT1A receptor function in the rat dorsal raphe nucleus | 2003 |
Dr Sasha Gartside Dr Daniel Johnson Mel Leitch Dr Claire Troakes Professor Colin Ingram et al. | Early life adversity programs changes in central 5-HT neuronal function in adulthood | 2003 |
Mel Leitch Professor Colin Ingram Professor Allan Young Professor Richard McQuade Dr Sasha Gartside et al. | Flattening the corticosterone rhythm attenuates 5-HT1A autoreceptor function in the rat: relevance for depression | 2003 |
Dr Sasha Gartside Mel Leitch Professor Richard McQuade
| Flattening the glucocorticoid rhythm causes changes in hippocampal expression of messenger RNAs coding structural and functional proteins: implications for aging and depression | 2003 |
Dr Sasha Gartside Mel Leitch Professor Allan Young
| Interactions between SSRI and flattened glucocorticoid rhythm with respect to 5-HT function: Implications for antidepressant efficacy | 2003 |
Dr Claire Troakes Dr Sasha Gartside Mel Leitch Professor Colin Ingram
| The effects of early life adversity on 5-HT1A receptor binding in the rat brain | 2003 |
Mel Leitch Professor Richard McQuade Dr Sasha Gartside Professor Allan Young
| Corticosterone rhythm regulates 5-HT1A autoreceptor function and glucocorticoid receptor mRNA in the rat dorsal raphe nucleus | 2002 |
Mel Leitch Professor Richard McQuade Dr Sasha Gartside Professor Allan Young
| Corticosterone, rhythm regulates 5-HT1A autoreceptor function and glucocorticoid receptor mRNA in the rat dorsal raphe nucleus | 2002 |
Dr Sasha Gartside Mel Leitch Dr Daniel Johnson Professor Colin Ingram
| Early life adversity and 5-HT neuronal function in adulthood | 2002 |
Graeme Fairchild Mel Leitch Professor Colin Ingram
| G protein-linked inwardly rectifying K+ channel (GIRK) mRNA expression in the rat dorsal raphe nucleus: Distribution and effect of chronic corticosterone | 2002 |