Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| European Defense Spending: Trade-Offs and Consequences of Non-Alignment | 2024 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Security and Defence | 2022 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Sociotechnical Imaginaries of EU Defence: The Past and the Future in the European Defence Fund | 2021 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| The Impact of Brexit on European Defence Industry | 2020 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Contemporary European Security | 2019 |
Professor Kyle Grayson Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Scopic regimes and the visual turn in International Relations: Seeing world politics through the drone | 2019 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Armaments Decision-Making: Are European States Really Different? | 2018 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley Dr Katharine A. M. Wright
| NATO, the UK and post-Brexit security cooperation | 2018 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| The Emergence of the European Defence Research Programme | 2018 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| External Facets of Justice, Freedom and Security | 2017 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Comparing Militaries: The Challenges of Datasets and Process-Tracing | 2016 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| European Security at Twenty Five | 2016 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Strategy in European Security and Defence policy: does it matter? | 2016 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| THe EU, Strategy and Security Policy: Regional and Strategic Challenges | 2016 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| The National Priorities of Germany, France and the UK: Enabling or Constraining a Joined-Up EU Strategy | 2016 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Uncovering EU Strategy in its Security Policy: an (In)coherent Actor? | 2016 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| France, the UK and the European Defence Agency | 2015 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Liegenschaftskonversion in Europa im Vergleich: Historische Erinnerung als Herausforderung | 2015 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Supporting European security and defence with existing EU measures and procedures | 2015 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Students' Skills, Employability and the Teaching of European Studies: Challenges and Opportunities | 2014 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| A European Agenda for Security Technology: From Innovation Policy to Export Controls | 2013 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Interpreting Missile Defence: A Comparative Study of European Reactions | 2013 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| The A400M Project: From Flagship Project to Warning for European Defence Cooperation | 2013 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| The Common Security and Defence Policy as an Act of American Hegemony | 2013 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| The UK, the EU and European Security: A German Perspective | 2013 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Entente Cordiale. Eine erste Bilanz französisch-britischer Zusammenarbeit in der Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik | 2012 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Towards an EU Defence and/or Security Market? Are two becoming one? | 2011 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Turning Away from CSDP: Franco-British Bilateralism in Security and Defence Policy | 2010 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| European Union Armaments Policy: Options For Small States? | 2008 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| L'industria europea degli armamenti nel contesto dell'integrazione europea: alcune contraddizioni | 2008 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| EU Research and Innovation Policy and the Future of the Common Foreign and Security Policy | 2006 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| France: Missile Defence à la française | 2005 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| France’s Silent Revolution on Missile Defence | 2005 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Update: Arms and Resources | 2005 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Arms, Agencies and Accountability: The Case of OCCAR | 2004 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Dealing with the Offset Question: Comparing British and German Offset Strategies | 2004 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Europe and the Global Armament Agenda: Security, Trade and Accountability | 2004 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Introduction | 2004 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Parliamentary Involvement in Armament and Disarmament Policy: The Challenge of Europeanisation | 2004 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Restructuring and Conversion of Defense Industry | 2004 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| The Arming of the European Union: Explaining the Armaments Dimension of European Security and Defence Policy | 2004 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| The Commission Moves into Defence Research | 2004 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| The Policy Choices Ahead for the EU on Armaments | 2004 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Communiqué on Defence Equipment: Creating a European Armaments Policy? | 2003 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Die Europäische Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik in einer kooperativen Weltordnung | 2003 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Equipping the Rapid Reaction Force - options for and constraints on a European Defence Equipment Strategy | 2003 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| On the Way to a Common European Armaments Policy? | 2003 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Surplus Weapons | 2003 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| The European Union and Defence Industrial Policy | 2003 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| Une Vision Européenne pour l’Industrie des Armes Légères Militaires | 2003 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| European Defence Procurement and Industrial Policy: The Case of Britain | 2002 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| European Defence Procurement and Industrial Policy: The Case of Germany | 2002 |
Professor Jocelyn Mawdsley
| The Gap between Rhetoric and Reality: Weapons Acquisition and ESDP | 2002 |