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Browsing publications by Professor Janice McLaughlin.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Bringing disability studies and youth studies together to enhance understandings of youth transitions2024
Professor Janice McLaughlin
The everydayness of falling: consequences and management for adults with cerebral palsy across the life course2024
Dr Katherine Jackson
Professor Eileen Kaner
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Exploring the significance of relationality, care and governmentality in families, for understanding women’s classed alcohol drinking practices2023
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Introduction to special issue: New dialogues between medical sociology and disability studies2023
Professor Janice McLaughlin
New dialogues between medical sociology and disability studies (Special Issue)2023
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Dr Lydia Wysocki
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Risk in Healthcare Collaboration: Applied Interdisciplinary Social Science in Clinical Settings2022
Professor Peter Hopkins
Professor Rachel Pain
Dr Robert Shaw
Quan Gao
Professor Alastair Bonnett
et al.
Social Geographies: An Introduction2021
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Relational Autonomy as a Way to Recognise and Enhance Children’s Capacity and Agency to be Participatory Research Actors2020
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Valuing Care and Support in an Era of Celebrating Independence: Disabled Young People’s Reflections on Their Meaning and Role in Their Lives2020
Dr Tessa Holland
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Working with Investing in Children: What difference does it make?2020
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Dr Lydia Wysocki
Drawing the MRI: Qualitatively evaluating a comic form information guide to having an MRI and reflecting on the collaborative process2019
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Professor Marian Verkerk
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Recognizing Family2019
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Professor Marian Verkerk
What About the Family? Practices of Responsibility in Care2019
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Editorial review: Touring the archive 1999-2017 and mapping the future of Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research2018
Professor Janice McLaughlin
The Child in the Paediatric Genetics Clinic2018
Dr Katherine Jackson
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Eileen Kaner
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Understanding alcohol as an element of 'care practices' in adult White British women's everyday personal relationships: A qualitative study2018
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Dr Edmund Coleman-Fountain
Visual Methods and Voice in Disabled Childhoods Research: Troubling Narrative Authenticity2018
Janis Meissner
Professor John Vines
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Tom Nappey
Jekaterina Maksimova
et al.
Do-It-Yourself Empowerment as Experienced by Novice Makers with Disabilities2017
Professor Janice McLaughlin
The medical reshaping of disabled bodies as a response to stigma and a route to normality2017
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Change and continuity in journal priorities2016
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Dr Edmund Coleman-Fountain
Dr Emma Clavering
Disabled childhoods: Monitoring differences and emerging identities2016
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Dr Edmund Coleman-Fountain
Dr Emma Clavering
Disabled Childhoods: Monitoring Differences and Emerging Identities2016
Sunil Rodger
Dr John Vines
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Technology and the Politics of Mobility: Evidence Generation in Accessible Transport Activism2016
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Family ties in genes and stories: The importance of value and recognition in the narratives people tell of family2015
Professor Janice McLaughlin
The Gene, the Clinic and the Family: Diagnosing Dysmorphology, Reviving Medical Dominance [Book Review]2015
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Where families and healthcare meet2015
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Digital Imagery and Child Embodiment in Paediatric Genetics: Sources and Relationships of Meaning2014
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Dr Edmund Coleman-Fountain
The Unfinished Body: The Medical and Social Reshaping of Disabled Young Bodies2014
Dr Edmund Coleman-Fountain
Professor Janice McLaughlin
The Interactions of Disability and Impairment2013
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Understanding disabled families: Replacing tales of burden with ties of interdependency2012
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Dr Emma Clavering
Visualising difference, similarity and belonging in paediatric genetics2012
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Professor Peter Phillimore
Emerita Professor Diane Richardson
Contesting Recognition: Culture, Identity and Citizenship2011
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Professor Peter Phillimore
Emerita Professor Diane Richardson
Introduction: Why Contesting Recognition?2011
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Modes of care and mothering: How does citizenship and care intersect in the lives of mothers of disabled children?2011
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Dr Emma Clavering
Questions of kinship and inheritance in pediatric genetics: substance and responsibility2011
Dr Emma Clavering
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Children's participation in health research: from objects to agents?2010
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Where's the Harm? Challenging Bioethical Support of Prenatal Selection for Sexual Orientation2010
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Dr Emma Clavering
Families Raising Disabled Children: Enabling Care and Social Justice2008
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Seeking and rejecting certainty: Exposing the sophisticated lifeworlds of parents of disabled babies2008
Dr Emma Clavering
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Crossing multidisciplinary divides: Exploring professional hierarchies and boundaries in focus groups2007
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Conceptualising Intensive Caring Activities: the Changing Lives of Families with Young Disabled Children2006
Emerita Professor Diane Richardson
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Dr Mark Casey
Intersections between feminist and queer theory2006
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Dr Mark Casey
Introduction: At the intersections of feminist and queer debates2006
Professor Janice McLaughlin
The return of the material: Cycles of theoretical fashion in lesbian, gay and queer studies2006
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Exploring diagnostic processes: Social science perspectives2005
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Gendering Technological Change in Organisations2005
Dr Mark Casey
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Locating sexualities: politics, identities and space2004
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Professional Translations of Evidence Based Medicine2004
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Feminist Social and Political Theory : Contemporary Debates and Dialogues 2003
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Risky Professional Boundaries: Articulations of the Personal Self by Antenatal Screening Professionals’2003
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Screening networks: Shared agendas in feminist and disability movement challenges to antenatal screening and abortion2003
Professor Janice McLaughlin
EBM and risk : Rhetorical resources in the articulation of professional identity2001
Professor Janice McLaughlin
Valuing Technology: Organisations, Culture and Change1999