Nicholas Graham Professor Simon Jennings Michael MacNeil Dr Tim McClanahan Professor Nick Polunin et al. | Extinction vulnerability of coral reef fishes | 2011 |
Dr Nicholas Dulvy Professor Simon Jennings Professor Nick Polunin
| The birds and the seas: body size reconciles differences in the abundance-occupancy relationship across marine and terrestrial vertebrates | 2011 |
Michael MacNeil Nicholas Graham Dr Nicholas Dulvy Professor Simon Jennings Professor Nick Polunin et al. | Transitional states in marine fisheries: adapting to predicted global change | 2010 |
Professor Simon Jennings Dr Christopher Sweeting Professor Nick Polunin
| Application of nitrogen stable isotope analysis in size-based marine food web and macroecological research | 2008 |
Professor Simon Jennings Professor Nick Polunin
| The importance of quantifying inherent variability when interpreting stable isotope field data | 2008 |
Carolyn Barnes Dr Christopher Sweeting Professor Simon Jennings Professor Nick Polunin
| Effect of temperature and ration size on carbon and nitrogen stable isotope trophic fractionation | 2007 |
Carolyn Barnes Professor Simon Jennings
| Effect of temperature, ration, body size and age on sulphur isotope fractionation in fish | 2007 |
Dr Christopher Sweeting Professor Nick Polunin Professor Simon Jennings
| Effects of body size and environment on diet-tissue δ13C fractionation in fishes | 2007 |
Dr Christopher Sweeting Carolyn Barnes Professor Nick Polunin Professor Simon Jennings
| Effects of body size and environment on diet-tissue δ15N fractionation in fishes | 2007 |
Nicholas Graham Dr Shaun Wilson Professor Simon Jennings Professor Nick Polunin Jenna Robinson et al. | Lag effects in the impacts of mass coral bleaching on coral reef fish, fisheries, and ecosystems | 2007 |
Nicholas Graham Dr Shaun Wilson Professor Simon Jennings Professor Nick Polunin Jenna Robinson et al. | Dynamic fragility of oceanic coral reef ecosystems | 2006 |
Dr Christopher Sweeting Professor Nick Polunin Professor Simon Jennings
| Effects of chemical lipid extraction and arithmetic lipid correction on stable isotope ratios of fish tissues | 2006 |
Professor Simon Jennings Professor Nick Polunin
| Marine Ecology: Processes, Systems and Impacts | 2005 |
Nicholas Graham Dr Nicholas Dulvy Professor Simon Jennings Professor Nick Polunin
| Size-spectra as indicators of the effects of fishing on coral reef fish assemblages | 2005 |
Dr Christopher Sweeting Professor Simon Jennings Professor Nick Polunin
| Variance in isotopic signatures as a descriptor of tissue turnover and degree of omnivory | 2005 |
Dr Christopher Sweeting Professor Nick Polunin Professor Simon Jennings
| Tissue and fixative dependent shifts of δ13C and δ15N in preserved ecological material | 2004 |
Professor Simon Jennings John Pinnegar Professor Nick Polunin
| Linking size-based and trophic analyses of benthic community structure | 2002 |
John Pinnegar Professor Simon Jennings Professor Nick Polunin
| Long-term changes in the trophic level of the Celtic Sea fish community and fish market price distribution | 2002 |
John Pinnegar Professor Simon Jennings Professor Nick Polunin
| Long-term changes in the trophic level of the Celtic Sea fish community and fish market price distribution | 2002 |
Professor Simon Jennings John Pinnegar Professor Nick Polunin
| Impacts of trawling disturbance on the trophic structure of benthic invertebrate communities | 2001 |
Professor Simon Jennings John Pinnegar Professor Nick Polunin
| Weak cross-species relationships between body size and trophic level belie powerful size-based trophic structuring in fish communities | 2001 |
Dr Nicholas Dulvy Professor Simon Jennings
| Recruitment variation related to fecundity in marine fishes | 2000 |
Professor Simon Jennings Professor Nick Polunin
| Predicting the vulnerability of tropical reef fishes to exploitation with phylogenies and life histories | 1999 |
Professor Simon Jennings Professor Nick Polunin
| Impacts of predator depletion by fishing on the biomass and diversity of non-target reef fish communities | 1997 |
Professor Simon Jennings Professor Nick Polunin
| Spatial variation in the 15N and 13C stable isotope composition of plants, invertebrates and fishes on Mediterranean reefs: Implications for the study of trophic pathways | 1997 |
Professor Simon Jennings Professor Nick Polunin
| Effects of fishing effort and catch rate upon the structure and biomass of Fijian reef fish communities | 1996 |
Professor Simon Jennings Professor Nick Polunin
| Fishing strategies, fishery development and socioeconomics in traditionally managed Fijian fishing grounds | 1996 |
Professor Simon Jennings Professor Nick Polunin
| Habitat correlates of the distribution and biomass of Seychelles' reef fishes | 1996 |
Professor Simon Jennings Professor Nick Polunin
| Seychelles' marine protected areas: Comparative structure and status of reef fish communities | 1996 |