Professor Galip Akay Dr Mark Birch Dr Maria Bokhari Dr Elif Erhan Dr Bulent Keskinler et al. | Bioprocess intensification: Monolithic rnicro-bioreaetors with immobilized bacteria or enzymes using polyhipe polymers as support | 2005 |
Professor Galip Akay Dr Maria Bokhari Dr Murat Dogru
| Development of nano-structured micro-porous materials and their application in bioprocess-chemical process intensification and tissue engineering. | 2005 |
Dr Maria Bokhari Professor Galip Akay Dr Mark Birch
| The enhancement of osteoblast growth and differentiation in vitro on a peptide hydrogel - PolyHIPE polymer hybrid material | 2005 |
Professor Galip Akay Dr Mark Birch Dr Maria Bokhari
| Microcellular polyHIPE polymer supports osteoblast growth and bone formation in vitro | 2004 |
Dr Maria Bokhari Dr Mark Birch Professor Galip Akay
| Polyhipe polymer: a novel scaffold for in vitro bone tissue engineering | 2003 |
Dr Maria Bokhari Dr Mark Birch Professor Galip Akay
| Polyhipe polymer: A novel scaffold for in vitro bone tissue engineering | 2003 |