Dr Stuart Peacock Dr Danny Ruta Professor Cam Donaldson Dr Angela Bate
| Priority setting in healthcare: Towards guidelines for the program budgeting and marginal analysis framework | 2010 |
Dr Danny Ruta
| Incidence of symptoms in previously symptom-free impacted lower third molars assessed in general dental practice | 2009 |
Dr Danny Ruta
| Summary of: Incidence of symptoms in previously symptom-free impacted lower third molars assessed in general dental practice | 2009 |
Dr Danny Ruta Professor Cam Donaldson
| Sen and the art of quality of life maintenance: Towards a general theory of quality of life and its causation | 2007 |
Dr Danny Ruta
| Assessing oral health-related quality of life in general dental practice in Scotland: Validation of the OHIP-14 | 2006 |
Dr Stuart Peacock Dr Danny Ruta Professor Cam Donaldson Dr Angela Bate Professor Madeleine Murtagh et al. | Using economics for pragmatic and ethical priority setting: two checklists for doctors and managers | 2006 |
Dr Danny Ruta
| Patient generated index: new instrument for measuring quality of life in patients with rectal cancer | 2002 |
Dr Danny Ruta
| Assessing health outcomes after extraction of third molars: the postoperative symptom severity (PoSSe) scale | 2000 |
Jennifer Evans Dr Danny Ruta
| Glaucoma incidence in an unselected cohort of diabetic patients: is diabetes mellitus a risk factor for glaucoma? | 2000 |
Jennifer Evans Dr Danny Ruta
| Impact of type 1 and type 2 diabetes on patterns and costs of drug prescribing: a population-based study | 2000 |
Dr Danny Ruta
| Measuring the outcomes of care in older people: a non-critical review of patient-based measures. I. General Health Status and Quality of Life Instruments | 2000 |
Dr Danny Ruta
| Measuring the outcomes of care in older people: a non-critical review of patient-based measures. II. Mental status, depression, and psychological well-being instruments | 2000 |
Dr Danny Ruta
| Measuring the outcomes of care in older people: a non-critical review of patient-based measures. III. Pain, physical disability & handicap, and social health instruments | 2000 |
Jennifer Evans Dr Danny Ruta
| Socio-economic status, obesity and prevalence of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes mellitus | 2000 |
Dr Danny Ruta
| Frequency of blood glucose monitoring in relation to glycaemic control: observational study with diabetes database | 1999 |
Dr Danny Ruta
| The Patient Generated Index | 1999 |