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Browsing publications by Professor Rose Gilroy.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Rose Gilroy
A systematic review of older adults' travel behaviour and mobility during Covid 19 pandemic: Lessons learned for sustainable transport provision and healthy ageing2024
Professor Rose Gilroy
Professor Tim Townshend
Avoiding 'bungalow legs': active ageing and the built environment2024
Dr Dominic Aitken
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Professor Rose Gilroy
Do older homebuyers prefer dwellings with accessibility and adaptability features? Findings from an exploratory study.2024
Di Yang
Professor Neveen Hamza
Professor Rose Gilroy
Exploring ventilation behaviours and indoor air quality in diverse rural older households in cold climate regions of China: A comparative study2024
Di Yang
Professor Neveen Hamza
Professor Rose Gilroy
Summer Energy Use and Comfort Analysis in Rural Chinese Dwellings: A Case Study of Low-Income Older Populations in Shandong2024
Di Yang
Professor Neveen Hamza
Professor Rose Gilroy
Summer Energy Use and Comfort Analysis in Rural Chinese Dwellings: A Case Study of Low-income Older Populations in Shandong2024
Professor Rose Gilroy
Understanding older adults' travel behaviour and mobility needs during the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of the hierarchy of travel needs: a systematic review2024
Professor Rose Gilroy
Understanding the intersectional stigma of ageing, disability and place: an evidence review2024
Professor Rose Gilroy
Dr Andrew Law
Shifting elder care practices in Chinese middle-class families2023
Professor Rose Gilroy
Framework for inclusive residential projects for all: Further research lines2022
Professor Rose Gilroy
Dr Dominic Aitken
Future Homes: developing new responses through new organisations2021
Dr Ellen Tullo
Dr Luisa Wakeling
Professor Rose Gilroy
Involving older people in inclusive educational research2021
Professor Rose Gilroy
Planning for an Ageing Society2021
Professor Rose Gilroy
The mobilities of care in later life: exploring the relationship between caring and mobility in the lives of older people2021
Lu Wang
Professor Rose Gilroy
The Role of Housing in Facilitating Middle-Class Family Practices in China: A Case Study of Tianjin2021
Dr Dominic Aitken
Professor Rose Gilroy
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
A home for life or a home for now? Understanding indifference towards accessibility and adaptability features among some older homebuyers2020
Dr Jayne Jeffries
Professor Rose Gilroy
Professor Tim Townshend
Challenging the visual: Learning from the mobility narratives of visually impaired persons2020
Professor Rose Gilroy
Establishing long-term research relationships with older people: exploring care practices in longitudinal studies2020
Dr Dominic Aitken
Professor Rose Gilroy
Park Homes in Scotland: Planning for Retirement Living2019
Professor Rose Gilroy
Ageing in place: creativity and resilience in neighbourhoods2018
Professor Rose Gilroy
An investigation of non-local-governed urban villages in China from the perspective of the administrative system2018
Dr Mark Bevan
Professor Rose Gilroy
Co-designing Urban Living Solutions to Improve Older People’s Mobility and Well-Being2018
Professor Rose Gilroy
Fair shares for all: The challenge of demographic change2016
Professor Rose Gilroy
Dr Mark Bevan
Moving between generations? The role of intergenerational relations in older people’s mobility2016
Professor Rose Gilroy
Professor Mark Tewdwr-Jones
Joining the dots- making healthcare work better for the economy2015
Professor Rose Gilroy
Using Co-Inquiry to Study Co-Inquiry: Community-University Perspectives on Research2014
Professor Rose Gilroy
Changing landscapes of support in the lives of Chinese urban elders: voices from Wuhan neighbourhoods2013
Professor Rose Gilroy
Physical threats to older people's social worlds: findings from a pilot study in Wuhan, China2012
Professor Rose Gilroy
Well being and the neighbourhood: Promoting choice and independence for all ages2012
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Riccardo Scarpa
Professor Rose Gilroy
Professor Neveen Hamza
Renewable energy adoption in an ageing population: Heterogeneity in preferences for micro-generation technology adoption2011
Professor Neveen Hamza
Professor Rose Gilroy
The challenge to UK energy policy: An ageing population perspective on energy saving measures and consumption2011
Professor Neveen Hamza
Professor Rose Gilroy
Keep me warm: An aging perspective on energy saving measures2010
Dr Kayo Murakami
Professor Rose Gilroy
Dr Jane Atterton
The regenerative power of older migrants? A case study of Hokkaido, Japan2010
Professor Neveen Hamza
Professor Rose Gilroy
Warmth or Environmental Concern: What the old and in Fuel Poverty Say2010
Dr Kayo Murakami
Professor Rose Gilroy
Dr Jane Atterton
Planning for the Ageing Countryside in Japan: The Potential Impact of Multi-habitation2009
Professor John Pendlebury
Professor Tim Townshend
Professor Rose Gilroy
Social Housing as Heritage: The Case of Byker, Newcastle upon Tyne2009
Dr Kayo Murakami
Professor Rose Gilroy
Dr Jane Atterton
The benefits of an ageing population: case studies from rural Hokkaido, Japan2009
Professor Rose Gilroy
Professor John Pendlebury
Professor Tim Townshend
Making Better Places Through Heritage Designation? The Byker Estate, Newcastle-upon-Tyne2008
Professor Rose Gilroy
Places that support human flourishing: lessons from later life2008
Dr Kayo Murakami
Dr Jane Atterton
Professor Rose Gilroy
Planning for the Ageing Countryside in Britain and Japan: City-Regions and the Mobility of Older People2008
Professor Rose Gilroy
Dr Peter Kellett
At home with my memories: exploring the domestic interiors of older people2007
Dr Kayo Murakami
Professor Rose Gilroy
Dr Jane Atterton
Community based social care network: the case studies in rural Hokkaido, Japan2007
Professor Rose Gilroy
Dr Elizabeth Brooks
Tim Shaw
Ready or not: The ageing of the market towns' population2007
Professor Rose Gilroy
The significance of demographic change in the Swiss approach to private rented housing: A potential for ageing in place?2007
Professor Rose Gilroy
Taking a capabilities approach to evaluating supportive environments for older people2006
Professor Rose Gilroy
Meeting the information needs of older people: A challenge for local governance2005
Dr Peter Kellett
Professor Rose Gilroy
Susan Jackson
Space, identity and choice: Exploring the housing arrangements of older people2005
Professor Rose Gilroy
The role of housing space in determining freedom and flourishing in older people2005
Professor Rose Gilroy
Changing the mould: a case study of the Frauenwerkstadt2004
Professor Rose Gilroy
Dr Peter Kellett
Susan Jackson
Contrasting Living Arrangements for Older People2004
Professor Rose Gilroy
Making cities friendly to older people2004
Susan Jackson
Dr Peter Kellett
Professor Rose Gilroy
Old Folks at Home: A pilot study of the domestic space of older people2004
Dr Peter Kellett
Professor Rose Gilroy
Susan Jackson
Space, identity and Control: Contrasting living arrangements for older people2004
Professor Tim Townshend
Professor Rose Gilroy
Professor John Pendlebury
The conservation of English cultural built heritage: a force for social inclusion?2004
Professor Rose Gilroy
The Older Person Friendly City2004
Professor Rose Gilroy
Why can't more people have a say? Learning to work with older people2003
Professor Rose Gilroy
Tim Shaw
Market towns, older people and regeneration2002
Stuart Cameron
Professor Rose Gilroy
Dr Suzanne Speak
A Scoping Study of social inclusion in the north east of England: A regional baseline and benchmark, Summary Report2001
Professor Rose Gilroy
Social housing as crime control: An examination of the role of housing management in policing sex offenders2001
Professor Rose Gilroy
The role of a Toolkit in mobilising women in local and regional development2000
Professor Rose Gilroy
Building an Infrastructure for Everyday Lives1999
Professor Rose Gilroy
Risking housing need1999
Professor Rose Gilroy
Risking Housing Need1999