Dr Amanda Parker
| Evolving Explanations of Behaviour | 2006 |
Dr Amanda Parker
| Neural circuitry underlying rule use in humans and nonhuman primates | 2005 |
Dr Amanda Parker
| Structure and stimulus familiarity: A study of memory in chess-players with functional magnetic resonance imaging | 2005 |
Dr Amanda Parker
| Crossmodal memory in primates: the neural basis of learning about multisensory properties of objects and events | 2004 |
Dr Amanda Parker
| A cholinergic explanation of dense amnesia | 2003 |
Dr Christopher Tinsley Dr Amanda Parker Professor Andrew Derrington
| The Nature of V1 Neural Responses to 2D Moving Patterns Depends on Receptive-Field Structure in the Marmoset Monkey | 2003 |
Dr Christopher Tinsley Dr Amanda Parker Professor Andrew Derrington
| Feedback from V1 and inhibition from beyond the classical receptive field modulate the responses of neurons in the primate lateral geniculate nucleus | 2002 |
Dr Amanda Parker
| Interaction of inferior temporal cortex with frontal cortex and basal forebrain: Double dissociation in strategy implementation and associative learning | 2002 |
Dr Amanda Parker
| Memory encoding and retrieval: The nature of the interactions between the primate frontal lobe and posterior cortex | 2002 |
Dr Amanda Parker
| Memory encoding in the primate brain: the role of the basal forebrain | 2002 |
Dr Amanda Parker
| Crossed unilateral lesions of medial forebrain bundle and either inferior temporal or frontal cortex impair object recognition memory in Rhesus monkeys | 2001 |
Dr Amanda Parker
| Dense amnesia in the monkey after transection of fornix, amygdala and anterior temporal stem | 2001 |
Dr Amanda Parker
| Odour and Proustian memory: Reduction of context-dependent forgetting and multiple forms of memory | 2001 |
Dr Amanda Parker
| The effect of environmental context manipulation on memory: Dissociation between perceptual and conceptual implicit tests | 1999 |