Abdel Shirif Dr Abdul Chaudhry Dr Alan Younger
| Effect of Soaked and urea treated wheat straw based diets on live weight of wether sheep | 2012 |
Dr Alan Younger
| A flood-free period combined with early planting is required to sustain yield of pre-rice sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) | 2011 |
Dr Alan Younger
| Growth, yield and aerenchyma formation of sweet and multipurpose sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) as affected by flooding at different growth stages | 2011 |
Dr Alan Younger
| Morphological and physiological responses of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) to waterlogging | 2010 |
Abdel Shirif Dr Abdul Chaudhry Dr Alan Younger
| The effect of soaking and urea treatments on the voluntary intake of wheat straw by sheep | 2010 |
Abdel Shirif Dr Abdul Chaudhry Dr Alan Younger
| Upgrading the in vitro degradability of wheat straw by using soaking treatments. | 2008 |
Andrew Edwards Dr Alan Younger
| The dispersal of traditionally managed hay meadow plants via farmyard manure application | 2006 |
Dr Robert Shiel Dr Alan Younger
| Seizing the potential for better management and improved control of N supply for forage crops in the spring and summer | 2003 |
Dr Alan Younger Dr Robert Shiel
| The impact of thermal time on leaf appearance rates and phyllochrons: a comparison between perennial ryegrass and Italian ryegrass | 2003 |
Mary Kinston Dr Alan Younger
| The influence of photoperiod/seasonality on the intake of autumn and spring herbage by sheep; the importance of herbage quality | 2003 |
Andrew Edwards Dr Alan Younger Dr Abdul Chaudhry
| The role of farmyard manure in the maintenance of botanical diversity in traditionally managed hay meadows: the effects of rumen digestion on seed viability | 2002 |
Dr Robert Shiel Dr Alan Younger
| The influence of fertilizer nitrogen, white clover content and environmental factors on the nitrate content of perennial ryegrass and ryegrass/white clover swards | 1999 |
Dr Roger Smith Dr Robert Shiel Dr Alan Younger
| The conservation management of mesotrophic (meadow) grassland in northern England. 1. Effects of grazing, cutting date and fertilizer on the vegetation of a traditionally managed sward | 1996 |