Dr Vassilis Kitidis Dr Guenther Uher Professor Nick Owens Professor Robert Upstill-Goddard
| Photochemical production and consumption of ammonium in a temperate river-sea system | 2008 |
Professor Robert Upstill-Goddard Gordon Henry Professor Nick Owens
| Bacterioneuston control of air-water methane exchange determined with a laboratory gas exchange tank | 2003 |
Dr Vassilis Kitidis Dr Guenther Uher Professor Nick Owens Gordon Henry Professor Robert Upstill-Goddard et al. | Photo-production of Ammonium from Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in Coastal Waters | 2002 |
Sarah Hornby Dr Gavin Hardy Professor Nick Owens
| Phenotypic variation in Fucus spiralis (Phaeophyceae): morphology, chemical phenotype and their relationship to the environment | 2001 |
Dr Vassilis Kitidis Dr Guenther Uher Professor Nick Owens Professor Robert Upstill-Goddard
| Photo-production of ammonium from chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in coastal waters | 2001 |
Professor Nick Owens
| Size-fractionated primary production and nitrogen uptake during a North Atlantic phytoplankton bloom: Implications for carbon export estimates | 2001 |
Professor Robert Upstill-Goddard Dr Jonathan Barnes Thomas Frost Professor Nick Owens
| Methane in the southern North Sea: Low-salinity inputs, estuarine removal, and atmospheric flux | 2000 |
Dr Jonathan Barnes Professor Nick Owens
| Denitrification and nitrous oxide concentrations in the Humber estuary, UK, and adjacent coastal zones | 1999 |
Louisa Watts Professor Nick Owens
| Modelling new production in the northwest Indian Ocean region | 1999 |
Louisa Watts Professor Nick Owens
| Nitrogen assimilation and the f-ratio in the northwestern Indian Ocean during an intermonsoon period | 1999 |
Professor Robert Upstill-Goddard Dr Jonathan Barnes Professor Nick Owens
| Nitrous oxide and methane during the 1994 SW monsoon in the Arabian Sea/northwestern Indian Ocean | 1999 |
Dr Vassilis Kitidis Dr Aron Stubbins Professor Nick Owens Dr Guenther Uher Professor Robert Upstill-Goddard et al. | Non-Conservative Behaviour of Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter in a Humic Rich Estuary | 1999 |