Emeritus Professor John Spencer Dr Ellen Tullo
| A systematic review of faculty development initiatives designed to enhance teaching effectiveness: A 10-year update: BEME Guide No. 40 | 2016 |
Dr Bryan Burford Dr Gillian Morrow Emeritus Professor John Spencer Neil Johnson Dr Charlotte Rothwell et al. | Newly qualified doctors' perceptions of informal learning from nurses: implications for interprofessional education and practice | 2013 |
Dr Bryan Burford Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Perceptions of UK medical graduates' preparedness for practice: A multi-centre qualitative study reflecting the importance of learning on the job | 2013 |
Dr Bryan Burford Dr Gillian Morrow Emeritus Professor John Spencer Neil Johnson
| Junior doctors prescribing: enhancing their learning in practice | 2012 |
Dr Gillian Morrow Neil Johnson Dr Bryan Burford Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Preparedness for practice: The perceptions of medical graduates and clinical teams | 2012 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Breaking bad news and handling emotion | 2011 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Can patients be teachers? Involving patients and service users in healthcare professional's education | 2011 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Learning and teaching in different clinical environments | 2011 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Relationship building with patients and carers | 2011 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer John Pearson
| Cost-effective face-to-face learning | 2010 |
Professor Dame Louise Robinson Claire Bamford Emeritus Professor John Spencer Dr Paula Whitty
| Improving patient-centred care for people with dementia in medical encounters: an educational intervention for old age psychiatrists. | 2010 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Learning and teaching in the clinical environment | 2010 |
Dr Kay Mann Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Medical Education: Theory and Practice | 2010 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Patient involvement in medical education | 2010 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Patients in health professional education: So much known, so much yet to understand | 2010 |
Dr Ellen Tullo Emeritus Professor John Spencer Dr Louise Allan
| Systematic review: Helping the young to understand the old. Teaching interventions in geriatrics to improve the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of undergraduate medical students | 2010 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Teaching and learning in small groups | 2010 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| What has changed in the evidence for early experience update of a BEME systematic review | 2010 |
Dr Bryan Burford Dr Charlotte Rothwell Dr Gillian Morrow Emeritus Professor John Spencer Professor Tim Van Zwanenberg OBE et al. | Asking the right questions and getting meaningful responses: 12 tips on developing and administering a questionnaire survey for healthcare professionals | 2009 |
Simon Cotterill Emeritus Professor John Spencer Professor Roger Barton
| Assessment of Clinical Teaching: Developing an instrument to improve feedback to clinical teachers (Abstract). | 2009 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| In defence of the existing strengths of medical education research | 2009 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Let them learn | 2009 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Communication skills teaching comes of age | 2008 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Does the presence of medical students affect quality in general practice consultations? | 2008 |
Dr John Brain Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| History and examination | 2008 |
Dr Gillian Morrow Dr Charlotte Rothwell Dr Bryan Burford Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| How prepared are medical graduates to being practice? A comparions of three diverse medical schools. Final report to the GMC Education Committee | 2008 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| In brief | 2008 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Patients as teachers | 2008 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Professionalism in medicine | 2008 |
Dr Caroline Sprake Julie Metcalf Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Teaching in an ambulatory care setting | 2008 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Blowing away the PHOG | 2007 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Generalism is dead. Long live generalism! | 2007 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Identification of best evidence in medical education. Case study | 2007 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| In brief | 2007 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| A systematic review of faculty development initiatives designed to improve teaching effectiveness in medical education: BEME Guide No. 8 | 2006 |
Praminthra Chitsabesan Dr Sally Corbett Emeritus Professor John Spencer Professor Roger Barton
| Describing clinical teachers' characteristics and behaviours using critical incidents and repertory grids | 2006 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Exchanging ideas | 2006 |
Sine Littlewood Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| How can experience in clinical and community settings contribute to early medical education? A BEME systematic review | 2006 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer Jill Dales
| Meeting the needs of simulated patients and caring for the person behind them | 2006 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Mixed metaphors | 2006 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Of pendulums and sheriffs | 2006 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer Dr Bryan Burford Dr Gillian Morrow
| Research on the implementation of The New Doctor. Are we doing the right things? | 2006 |
Dr Kay Mann Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| What are the features of faculty development that make it effective? | 2006 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Early practical experience and the social responsiveness of clinical education: Systematic review | 2005 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| In brief | 2005 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Physician heal thyself, but not on your own please | 2005 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Reviewers' perceptions of the peer review process for a medical education journal | 2005 |
Professor Jan Illing Emeritus Professor John Spencer Professor Tim Van Zwanenberg OBE
| Scoping exercise to design a study to evaluate the effectiveness of The New Doctor | 2005 |
Dr Gabrielle Greveson Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Self-directed learning - the importance of concepts and contexts | 2005 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Teaching of cultural diversity in medical schools in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland: Cross sectional questionnaire survey | 2005 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer Professor Thomas Lennard
| Time for gun control? | 2005 |
Professor Megan Quentin-Baxter Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Working in parallel, learning in parallel? | 2005 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Communication education and assessment: taking account of diversity | 2004 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Decline in empathy in medical education: how can we stop the rot? | 2004 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Educating the coming generation | 2004 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| History and examination | 2004 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Patient in medical education | 2004 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| The exceptional potential of learning in general practice | 2004 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| ABC of learning and teaching in medicine: Learning and teaching in the clinical environment | 2003 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| 'Respect': Hitting the bullseye | 2003 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Teaching about professionalism | 2003 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Teaching tomorrow’s doctors | 2003 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| The clinical teaching context: A cause for concern | 2003 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| The humanistic approach to learning [4] (multiple letters) | 2003 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| A survey of medical students' views about the purposes and fairness of assessment | 2002 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| The principles of educational support in primary care | 2002 |
Dr Ruth Bridgewater Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| "Just think of TB and Asians", that's all I ever hear": Medical learners' views about training to work in an ethnically diverse society | 2001 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Education for communication: Much already known, so much more to understand | 2001 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Educational outcomes and leadership to meet the needs of modern health care | 2001 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Introduction to the Christmas stocking | 2001 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Using real patients in problem-based learning: Students' comments on the value of using real, as opposed to paper cases, in a problem-based learning module in general practice | 2001 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Why not teach where the patients are? | 2001 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Wrestling with ethnic diversity: Toward empowering health educators | 2001 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Assessing the evidence in qualitative medical education research | 2000 |
Dr Jane Stewart Catherine O'Halloran Professor Roger Barton Professor Stephen Singleton Dr Patrick Harrigan et al. | Clarifying the concepts of confidence and competence to produce appropriate self-evaluation measurement scales | 2000 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Heartlift | 2000 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| On theory in medical education | 2000 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Patient-oriented learning: A review of the role of the patient in the education of medical students | 2000 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Does teaching during a general practice consultation affect patient care? | 1999 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Educational needs after completion of vocational training in general practice | 1999 |
Dr Jane Stewart Catherine O'Halloran Dr Patrick Harrigan Emeritus Professor John Spencer Professor Roger Barton et al. | Identifying appropriate tasks for the preregistration year: modified Delphi technique | 1999 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer Emeritus Professor Reg Jordan
| Learner centred approaches in medical education | 1999 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer Dr Peter Gill
| Learning to value ethnic diversity - what, why and how? | 1999 |
Dr Rosie Stacy Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| Patients as teachers: A qualitative study of patients' views on their role in a community-based undergraduate project | 1999 |
Emeritus Professor John Spencer
| History and examination | 1998 |