Professor Robin Williams Dr Matthias Wienroth
| Social and Ethical Aspects of Forensic Genetics: A Critical Review | 2017 |
Dr Matthias Wienroth Professor Robin Williams
| Applying advances in forensic genetics: When global science meets local legality | 2014 |
Professor Jackie Leach Scully Professor Robin Williams
| Approaching disaster victim identification | 2014 |
Professor Robin Williams Dr Matthias Wienroth
| DNA technology and police investigations | 2014 |
Professor Robin Williams Dr Matthias Wienroth
| Identity, mass fatality and forensic genetics | 2014 |
Professor Robin Williams Dr Matthias Wienroth
| Suspects, victims and others: Producing and sharing forensic genetic knowledge | 2014 |
Dr Fionagh Thomson Professor Robin Williams
| 'Too much, too late': mixed methods multi-channel video recording study of computerized decision support systems and GP prescribing | 2013 |
Emerita Professor Erica Haimes Professor Jackie Leach Scully Professor Robin Williams
| A comment on the Hill–Turney exchange: from normative antagonism to interdisciplinary collaboration | 2012 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson Emeritus Professor Cliff Jones Professor Robin Williams
| Editorial message: Special track on inter-disciplinary approaches to the design of dependable computer systems | 2002 |
Emerita Professor Erica Haimes Professor Robin Williams
| Social constructionism and the new technologies of reproduction | 1998 |