Emeritus Professor John Dobson Dr Panos Periorellis
| Models of Organisational Failure (PCE4) | 2003 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson Dr Panos Periorellis
| Models of Organisational Failure (PCE4) | 2003 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson Emeritus Professor Cliff Jones
| Editorial Message: Special Track on Inter-disciplinary Approaches to the Design of Dependable Computer Systems | 2002 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson Emeritus Professor Cliff Jones Professor Robin Williams
| Editorial message: Special track on inter-disciplinary approaches to the design of dependable computer systems | 2002 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson Emeritus Professor Cliff Jones
| Interdisciplinary approaches to the design of dependable computer systems | 2002 |
Dr Panos Periorellis Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| On Enterprise Modelling Dynamics, Towards E.M. Formalisation | 2002 |
Dr Panos Periorellis Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| Organisational Failures in Dependable Collaborative Enterprise Systems | 2002 |
Professor Bridgette Wessels Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| What happens before requirements engineering? | 2001 |
Dr Panos Periorellis Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| A Framework for Dynamic Supply Chain Modelling | 2000 |
Dr Panos Periorellis Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| D.E.M.: A method for constructing and animating roles and responsibilities of enterprise models | 2000 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson Professor Thomas McCutcheon Professor Brian Randell Dr Robert Stroud Ian Welch et al. | Mailicious- and Accidental- Fault Tolerance for Internet Applications (MAFTIA) : Reference Model and Use Cases | 2000 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson Professor Mike Martin
| Architectural Discourse for Information Systems | 1999 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| Enterprise modelling the telecommunications industry | 1999 |
Dr Panos Periorellis Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| Enterprise Thesaurus: Enterprise Modelling Approach | 1999 |
Dr Panos Periorellis Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| Modeling Dynamic Networks: Advantages and Limitations of the O-O Approach | 1999 |
Dr Panos Periorellis Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| Modelling Enterprises in Context | 1999 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson Dr Panos Periorellis
| Modelling Enterprises in Context | 1999 |
Professor Mike Martin Emeritus Professor John Dobson Dr Margaret Strens
| An Architectural Approach to Brokerage in Network Based Commerce | 1998 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| An Integrated Test Environment for Distributed Applications | 1998 |
Dr Margaret Strens Professor Mike Martin Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| Business and Market Models of Brokerage in Network -Based Commerce | 1998 |
Dr Margaret Strens Professor Mike Martin Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| Business and Market Models of Brokerage in Network-Based Commerce | 1998 |
Dr Margaret Strens Professor Mike Martin Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| Modelling Business Scenarios for Electric Brokerage | 1998 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| The Application of Mobile Agents to Software Testing | 1998 |
Professor Mike Martin Emeritus Professor John Dobson Dr Margaret Strens
| An Architectural Approach to Brokerage in Network-Based Commerce | 1997 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| FAST: A framework for automating statistics-based testing | 1997 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| FAST: A Framework for Automating Statistics-Based Testing | 1997 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| SITE: A Statistics-based Integrated Test Environment | 1997 |
Professor Mike Martin Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| The Ontology of Enterprises and Information Systems | 1997 |
Robert Sugden Dr Margaret Strens Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| Strategies to Meet the Challenge of Changing Requirements | 1996 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson Dr Margaret Strens
| Organisational Requirements Definition for Information Technology Systems | 1994 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson Dr Margaret Strens
| Responsibility Modelling as a Technique for Requirements Definition | 1994 |
Alison Blyth Emeritus Professor John Dobson Dr Margaret Strens
| A Framework for Modelling Evolving Requirements | 1993 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| A Framework for Modelling Evolving Requirements | 1993 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| Enterprise Computing as an Instrument of Hegemony | 1993 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson Dr Margaret Strens
| How Responsibility Modelling Leads to Security Requirements | 1993 |
Alison Blyth Emeritus Professor John Dobson Dr Margaret Strens
| ORDIT: A New Methodology to Assist in the Process of Eliciting and Modelling Organisational Requirements | 1993 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson Dr Margaret Strens
| ORDIT: A New Methodology to Assist in the Process of Eliciting and Modelling Organisational Requirements | 1993 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| Organisational Requirements Definition for Information Technology Systems | 1993 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| Elicitation and Representation of a Security Policy for a Telecommunications Application | 1992 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| New Security Paradigms: What Other Concepts Do We Need as Well? | 1992 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| On the Meaning of Safety and Security | 1992 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson Dr Margaret Strens
| The ORDIT Approach to Requirements Identification | 1992 |
Alison Blyth Emeritus Professor John Dobson Dr Margaret Strens
| The ORDIT Approach to Requirements Identification | 1992 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| An Investigation into Modelling and categorisation of Non-Functional Requirements (for the Specification of Surface Naval Command Systems) | 1991 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson Professor Mike Martin
| Enterprise Modelling and Security Policies | 1991 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| A Methodology for Analysing Human and Computer-Related Issues in Secure Systems | 1990 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| A Methodology for Analysing Human and Computer-related Issues in Secure Systems | 1990 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson Professor Brian Randell
| On the Trustworthiness of Computing Systems | 1990 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson Professor Brian Randell
| Predictably Dependable Computing Systems: An ESPRIT Basic Research Project | 1990 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| Conversation Structures as a Means of Specifying Security Policy | 1989 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| Security Models and Enterprise Models | 1989 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson Professor Brian Randell
| Viewpoint: Program Verification: Public Image and Private Reality | 1989 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| Modelling Real-world Issues for Dependable Software | 1988 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| Representing the Real World | 1988 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| Security and Databases: A Methodological Approach | 1988 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson Professor Brian Randell
| Building Reliable Secure Computing Systems out of Unreliable Insecure Components | 1986 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson Professor Brian Randell
| Building Reliable Secure Computing Systems out of Unreliable Insecure Components | 1986 |
Emeritus Professor John Dobson Professor Mike Martin
| Modelling Real-world Issues in Dependable Communications Systems | 1986 |
Professor Brian Randell Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| Reliability and Security Issues in Distributed Computing Systems | 1986 |
Professor Brian Randell Emeritus Professor John Dobson
| Reliability and Security Issues in Distributed Computing Systems | 1985 |