Nami Okubo Dr Ahmed Qureshi Professor Kenneth Dalgarno Dr Kheng-Lim Goh
| Cost-effective microvalve-assisted bioprinter for tissue engineering | 2019 |
Shahrain Mahmood Dr Ahmed Qureshi Dr Didier Talamona Dr Kheng-Lim Goh
| Tensile strength of partially filled FFF printed parts: experimental results | 2017 |
Shahrain Mahmood Dr Ahmed Qureshi Dr Kheng-Lim Goh Dr Didier Talamona
| Tensile strength of partially filled FFF printed parts: meta modelling | 2017 |
Dr Ahmed Qureshi Shahrain Mahmood Dr Didier Talamona
| Design for Scalabiity and Strength Optimisation for Components created through FDM Process | 2015 |
Dr Ahmed Qureshi Shahrain Mahmood Dr Didier Talamona
| Design for scalability and strength optimisation for components created through fdm process | 2015 |
Dr Ahmed Qureshi Professor Geoff Gibson Dr Kheng-Lim Goh
| Stress transfer and fracture in nanostructured particulate-reinforced chitosan biopolymer composites: influence of interfacial shear stress and particle slenderness | 2014 |
Dr Ahmed Qureshi
| A Support for Integrating Different Functional Modelling Perspectives | 2013 |
Dr Ahmed Qureshi
| Analyzing transdisciplinary design processes in industry | 2013 |
Dr Ahmed Qureshi
| Design automation with the characteristics properties model and the property driven design for redesign | 2013 |
Dr Ahmed Qureshi
| Design process commonalities in trans-disciplinary design | 2013 |
Dr Ahmed Qureshi
| Management of product characteristics uncertainty based on formal logic and characteristics properties model | 2013 |
Dr Ahmed Qureshi
| Opening up Design Methodology | 2013 |
Dr Ahmed Qureshi
| Recherche des solutions robustes en préconception par QCSP avec prise en compte des incertitudes de modèles | 2013 |
Dr Ahmed Qureshi
| A statistical tolerance analysis approach for over-constrained mechanism based on optimization and Monte Carlo simulation | 2012 |
Dr Ahmed Qureshi
| Mathematical issues in mechanical tolerance analysis | 2012 |
Dr Ahmed Qureshi
| Tolerance analysis approach based on the classification of uncertainty (aleatory/epistemic) | 2012 |
Dr Ahmed Qureshi
| Set based robust design of mechanical systems using the quantifier constraint satisfaction algorithm | 2010 |
Dr Ahmed Qureshi
| Set Based Robust Design of Systems – Application to Flange Coupling | 2010 |
Dr Ahmed Qureshi
| Parametric and robust design using the quantifier notion | 2009 |
Dr Ahmed Qureshi
| Worst-case and statistical tolerance analysis based on quantified constraint satisfaction problems and Monte Carlo simulation | 2009 |
Dr Ahmed Qureshi
| Variation management by functional tolerance allocation and manufacturing process selection | 2008 |