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Browsing publications by Professor Giorgio Fazio.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Giorgio Fazio
Dr Sara Maioli
Nirat Rujimora
Building back greener, levelling-up or both? An assessment of the economic and environmental efficiency transition of UK regions2024
Dr Jonathan Jones
Dr Daniel Simandjuntak
Dr Sara Maioli
Professor Giorgio Fazio
Foreign Direct Investment in the UK's Creative Industries2024
Professor Giorgio Fazio
Dr Sara Maioli
Nirat Rujimora
The twin innovation transitions of European regions2024
Professor Giorgio Fazio
Dr Jonathan Jones
Dr Sara Maioli
Dr Daniel Simandjuntak
UK Trade in a Global Creative Economy2024
Martin Enilov
Professor Giorgio Fazio
Professor Atanu Ghoshray
Global connectivity between commodity prices and national stock markets: A time-varying MIDAS analysis2023
Dr Salvatore Di Novo
Professor Giorgio Fazio
The "Great Lockdown" and cultural consumption in the UK2023
Professor Giorgio Fazio
Unconventional monetary policies and credit co-movement in the Eurozone2023
Professor Giorgio Fazio
A micro-founded approach to regional innovation in Italy2022
Dr Salvatore Di Novo
Professor Giorgio Fazio
Professor Jonathan Sapsed
Starving the golden goose? Access to finance for innovators in the creative industries2022
Dr Jonathan Jones
Professor Giorgio Fazio
The Nature of Foreign Direct Investment in the Creative Industries2022
Professor Giorgio Fazio
A Review of Creative Trade in the Economics literature2021
Dr Salvatore Di Novo
Professor Giorgio Fazio
Dr Sara Maioli
Creative firms and trade: some stylised facts from the CIC Access to Finance Survey2021
Professor Giorgio Fazio
SMEs' heterogeneity at the extensive margin and within the intensive margin of trade2021
Dr Sara Maioli
Dr Salvatore Di Novo
Professor Giorgio Fazio
Professor Jonathan Sapsed
Dr Wessel Vermeulen
et al.
The UK’s International Creative Trade: A Review of the Official Data Sources2021
Dr Salvatore Di Novo
Professor Giorgio Fazio
Dr Wessel Vermeulen
12 facts about the UK’s international trade in creative goods and services2020
Jacoub Sleibi
Dr Fabrizio Casalin
Professor Giorgio Fazio
Bank-specific shocks and aggregate leverage: Empirical evidence from a panel of developed countries2020
Dr Wessel Vermeulen
Dr Salvatore Di Novo
Professor Giorgio Fazio
International creative students: their significance for UK universities, regions and the creative industries2020
Professor Giorgio Fazio
Convergence analysis for hierarchical longitudinal data2018
Professor Giorgio Fazio
Early Propensity to Migrate: A Descriptive Analysis from A Survey of Schooled Teenagers in a Southern Italian City2018
Professor Giorgio Fazio
Stabilizing effect of volatility in financial markets2018
Professor Giorgio Fazio
The real exchange rate in the long run: Balassa-Samuelson effects reconsidered2017
Professor Giorgio Fazio
National Fiscal Consolidations and Regional Inequality in Europe2016
Professor Giorgio Fazio
Agglomeration externalities and the productivity of Italian firms2015
Professor Giorgio Fazio
Pareto or Log-normal? best fit and truncation in the distribution of all cities2015
Professor Giorgio Fazio
International Financial Integration and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership2014
Professor Giorgio Fazio
The real exchange rate in the long run: Balassa-Samuelson effects reconsidered2014
Professor Giorgio Fazio
The Verdoorn Law at the regional level: Evidence from Europe2014
Professor Giorgio Fazio
Estimating Verdoorn Law for Italian firms and regions2013
Professor Giorgio Fazio
Primary commodity proces: Co-movements, common factors and fundamentals2013
Professor Giorgio Fazio
Social capital formation across space. Proximity and trust in European regions2013
Professor Giorgio Fazio
Interest rate co-movements, global factors and the long end of the term spread2012
Professor Giorgio Fazio
A spatial multilevel analysis of Italian SMEs' productivity2010
Professor Giorgio Fazio
The global side of the investment-saving puzzle2009
Professor Giorgio Fazio
Total factor productivity convergence among Italian regions: Some evidence from panel unit root tests2009