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Browsing publications by Professor Ted Schrecker.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Ted Schrecker
Economic globalization2025
Professor Ted Schrecker
Professor Clare Bambra
How Politics Makes Us Sick : Neoliberal Epidemics (2nd Edition)2025
Professor Ted Schrecker
Metropolitan health in a neoliberalizing world2025
Professor Ted Schrecker
Health promotion must be(come) equality promotion2024
Professor Ted Schrecker
Building Back Worse? The Prognosis for Health Equity in the Post-Pandemic World2023
Professor Ted Schrecker
Canada Kills, Inc.: a critical political economy of health analysis of Canadian mining in Latin America and the Caribbean2023
Professor Ted Schrecker
Downing the Master's Tools? New Research Strategies to Address Social Determinants of Health Inequalities2023
Professor Ted Schrecker
The COVID-19 Pandemic as a Tipping Point: What Future for the Right to Health?2023
Professor Ted Schrecker
Health inequalities and development in a global context2022
Professor Ted Schrecker
What is critical about critical public health? Focus on health inequalities2022
Professor Ted Schrecker
Dr Rosario Aguilar
Challenging the global extractive order: A global health justice imperative2021
Professor Ted Schrecker
Development and Health2021
Professor Ted Schrecker
Neoliberal epidemics: etiology, a bit of history, and a view from Ground Zero2021
Professor Ted Schrecker
The State of Global Health in a Radically Unequal World: Patterns and Prospects2021
Professor Ted Schrecker
Globalization and Health2020
Professor Ted Schrecker
Globalization and health: Political grand challenges2020
Professor Ted Schrecker
The State and Global Health2020
Professor Ted Schrecker
Towards a Critical Political Economy of Global Health2020
Professor Ted Schrecker
Global Development and Population Health2019
Professor Ted Schrecker
The Commission on Social Determinants of Health: Ten years on, a tale of a sinking stone, or of promise yet unrealised?2019
Professor Ted Schrecker
The Political Economy of Public Health: Challenges for Ethics2019
Professor Ted Schrecker
Canadian mining and ill health in Latin America: a call to action2018
Professor Ted Schrecker
Global Health Watch: Challenging entrenched ideas in global health [Editorial]2018
Professor Ted Schrecker
How extractive industries affect health: Political economy underpinnings and pathways2018
Professor Ted Schrecker
Priority Setting: Right Answer to a Far Too Narrow Question?2018
Professor Ted Schrecker
“Stop, You’re Killing us!” An Alternative Take on Populism and Public Health; Comment on “The Rise of Post-truth Populism in Pluralist Liberal Democracies: Challenges for Health Policy”2017
Professor Ted Schrecker
A social movement, based on evidence?2017
Professor Ted Schrecker
Development and Health2017
Professor Ted Schrecker
Global Health2017
Professor Ted Schrecker
Healthy, equitable and sustainable transportation: A new frontier for action on health equity?2017
Professor Ted Schrecker
How to think about social determinants of health: Revitalizing the agenda in Canada2017
Professor Ted Schrecker
Our big fat complicated population health problem: Even tougher than you thought?2017
Professor Ted Schrecker
Political origins of health inequities: Trade and investment agreements2017
Professor Ted Schrecker
Reflections on a change of scene, and the politics of health research2017
Professor Ted Schrecker
Social determinants of health: Bad news and good on the inequality front2017
Professor Ted Schrecker
Trade and investment agreements: Implications for health protection2017
Professor Ted Schrecker
Was Mackenbach right? Towards a practical political science of redistribution and health inequalities2017
Professor Ted Schrecker
‘Neoliberal epidemics’ and public health: sometimes the world is less complicated than it appears2016
Professor Ted Schrecker
Globalization, austerity and health equity politics: taming the inequality machine, and why it matters2016
Professor Ted Schrecker
Neoliberalism and Health: The Linkages and the Dangers2016
Dr Duika Burges Watson
Professor Ted Schrecker
Politics for food security and climate changes2016
Professor Ted Schrecker
Bringing (domestic) politics back in: Global and local influences on health equity2015
Professor Ted Schrecker
Global reach, local depth, and new geographies of metropolitan health2015
Emeritus Prof David Hunter
Professor Ted Schrecker
Governance for health in a changing world: Special issue2015
Professor Ted Schrecker
Professor Clare Bambra
How Politics Makes Us Sick: Neoliberal Epidemics2015
Professor Ted Schrecker
The double burden of neoliberalism? Noncommunicable disease policies and the global political economy of risk2015
Professor Ted Schrecker
Bringing politics back in: Governance, development and health2014
Professor Ted Schrecker
Changing cartographies of health in a globalizing world2014
Professor Ted Schrecker
Globalization and Health2014
Professor Ted Schrecker
Health equity in a globalising world: The importance of human rights2014
Professor Ted Schrecker
The extraterritorial reach of money: How global finance constrains actions on social determinants of health2014
Professor Ted Schrecker
Beyond 'Run, Knit and Relax': Can Health Promotion in Canada Advance the Social Determinants of Health Agenda?2013
Professor Ted Schrecker
Can health equity survive epidemiology? Standards of proof and social determinants of health2013
Professor Ted Schrecker
Interrogating scarcity: How to think about ‘resource-scarce settings’2013
Professor Ted Schrecker
Global health and national borders: The ethics of foreign aid in a time of financial crisis2012
Professor Ted Schrecker
Multiple crises and global health: New and necessary frontiers of health politics2012
Professor Ted Schrecker
Priorities for research on equity and health: towards an equity-focused health research agenda2011
Professor Ted Schrecker
The state of global health in a radically unequal world: patterns and prospects2011
Professor Ted Schrecker
Globalization, health, and the future Canadian metropolis2010
Professor Ted Schrecker
The growing economic gap: What it means for Canadian families and the Canadian future2010
Professor Ted Schrecker
Globalization and social determinants of health: Introduction and methodological background (part 1 of 3)2007
Professor Ted Schrecker
Globalization and social determinants of health: Promoting health equity in global governance (part 3 of 3)2007
Professor Ted Schrecker
Globalization and social determinants of health: The role of the global marketplace (part 2 of 3)2007