Professor Ted Schrecker
| Economic globalization | 2025 |
Professor Ted Schrecker Professor Clare Bambra
| How Politics Makes Us Sick : Neoliberal Epidemics (2nd Edition) | 2025 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Metropolitan health in a neoliberalizing world | 2025 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Health promotion must be(come) equality promotion | 2024 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Building Back Worse? The Prognosis for Health Equity in the Post-Pandemic World | 2023 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Canada Kills, Inc.: a critical political economy of health analysis of Canadian mining in Latin America and the Caribbean | 2023 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Downing the Master's Tools? New Research Strategies to Address Social Determinants of Health Inequalities | 2023 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| The COVID-19 Pandemic as a Tipping Point: What Future for the Right to Health? | 2023 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Health inequalities and development in a global context | 2022 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| What is critical about critical public health? Focus on health inequalities | 2022 |
Professor Ted Schrecker Dr Rosario Aguilar
| Challenging the global extractive order: A global health justice imperative | 2021 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Development and Health | 2021 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Neoliberal epidemics: etiology, a bit of history, and a view from Ground Zero | 2021 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| The State of Global Health in a Radically Unequal World: Patterns and Prospects | 2021 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Globalization and Health | 2020 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Globalization and health: Political grand challenges | 2020 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| The State and Global Health | 2020 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Towards a Critical Political Economy of Global Health | 2020 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Global Development and Population Health | 2019 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| The Commission on Social Determinants of Health: Ten years on, a tale of a sinking stone, or of promise yet unrealised? | 2019 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| The Political Economy of Public Health: Challenges for Ethics | 2019 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Canadian mining and ill health in Latin America: a call to action | 2018 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Global Health Watch: Challenging entrenched ideas in global health [Editorial] | 2018 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| How extractive industries affect health: Political economy underpinnings and pathways | 2018 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Priority Setting: Right Answer to a Far Too Narrow Question? | 2018 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| “Stop, You’re Killing us!” An Alternative Take on Populism and Public Health; Comment on “The Rise of Post-truth Populism in Pluralist Liberal Democracies: Challenges for Health Policy” | 2017 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| A social movement, based on evidence? | 2017 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Development and Health | 2017 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Global Health | 2017 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Healthy, equitable and sustainable transportation: A new frontier for action on health equity? | 2017 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| How to think about social determinants of health: Revitalizing the agenda in Canada | 2017 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Our big fat complicated population health problem: Even tougher than you thought? | 2017 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Political origins of health inequities: Trade and investment agreements | 2017 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Reflections on a change of scene, and the politics of health research | 2017 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Social determinants of health: Bad news and good on the inequality front | 2017 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Trade and investment agreements: Implications for health protection | 2017 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Was Mackenbach right? Towards a practical political science of redistribution and health inequalities | 2017 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| ‘Neoliberal epidemics’ and public health: sometimes the world is less complicated than it appears | 2016 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Globalization, austerity and health equity politics: taming the inequality machine, and why it matters | 2016 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Neoliberalism and Health: The Linkages and the Dangers | 2016 |
Dr Duika Burges Watson Professor Ted Schrecker
| Politics for food security and climate changes | 2016 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Bringing (domestic) politics back in: Global and local influences on health equity | 2015 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Global reach, local depth, and new geographies of metropolitan health | 2015 |
Emeritus Prof David Hunter Professor Ted Schrecker
| Governance for health in a changing world: Special issue | 2015 |
Professor Ted Schrecker Professor Clare Bambra
| How Politics Makes Us Sick: Neoliberal Epidemics | 2015 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| The double burden of neoliberalism? Noncommunicable disease policies and the global political economy of risk | 2015 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Bringing politics back in: Governance, development and health | 2014 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Changing cartographies of health in a globalizing world | 2014 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Globalization and Health | 2014 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Health equity in a globalising world: The importance of human rights | 2014 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| The extraterritorial reach of money: How global finance constrains actions on social determinants of health | 2014 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Beyond 'Run, Knit and Relax': Can Health Promotion in Canada Advance the Social Determinants of Health Agenda? | 2013 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Can health equity survive epidemiology? Standards of proof and social determinants of health | 2013 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Interrogating scarcity: How to think about ‘resource-scarce settings’ | 2013 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Global health and national borders: The ethics of foreign aid in a time of financial crisis | 2012 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Multiple crises and global health: New and necessary frontiers of health politics | 2012 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Priorities for research on equity and health: towards an equity-focused health research agenda | 2011 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| The state of global health in a radically unequal world: patterns and prospects | 2011 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Globalization, health, and the future Canadian metropolis | 2010 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| The growing economic gap: What it means for Canadian families and the Canadian future | 2010 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Globalization and social determinants of health: Introduction and methodological background (part 1 of 3) | 2007 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Globalization and social determinants of health: Promoting health equity in global governance (part 3 of 3) | 2007 |
Professor Ted Schrecker
| Globalization and social determinants of health: The role of the global marketplace (part 2 of 3) | 2007 |