Dr Laura Wilson Dr Emma Cockburn
| Effect of hot water immersion on acute physiological responses following resistance exercise | 2023 |
Dr Emma Cockburn Dr Laura Wilson
| A combination of cherry juice and cold water immersion does not enhance marathon recovery compared to either treatment in isolation: A randomized placebo-controlled trial | 2022 |
Paula Rankin Professor Emma Stevenson Dr Emma Cockburn
| Can Milk Affect Recovery from Simulated Team-Sport Match Play? | 2020 |
Dr Emma Cockburn
| Assessing the usefulness of acute physiological responses following resistance exercise: Sensitivity, magnitude of change and time course of measures | 2019 |
Dr Emma Cockburn Dr Tom Clifford
| Presleep Casein Protein Ingestion: Acceleration of Functional Recovery in Professional Soccer Players | 2019 |
Paula Rankin Professor Emma Stevenson Dr Emma Cockburn
| Milk: An effective recovery drink for female athletes | 2018 |
Dr Emma Cockburn
| Recovery following a marathon: a comparison of cold water immersion, whole body cryotherapy and a placebo control | 2018 |
Professor Emma Stevenson Dr Emma Cockburn
| The effect of milk on recovery from repeat-sprint cycling in female team-sport athletes | 2018 |
Dr Emma Cockburn
| Whole body cryotherapy, cold water immersion, or a placebo following resistance exercise: a case of mind over matter? | 2018 |
Dr Emma Cockburn
| Strategies to enhance athlete recovery | 2017 |
Dr Emma Cockburn
| The effects of a single whole body cryotherapy exposure on physiological, performance and perceptual responses of professional academy soccer players following repeated sprint exercise | 2017 |
Dr Emma Cockburn Professor Emma Stevenson
| The effects of an increased calorie breakfast consumed prior to simulated match-play in Academy soccer players. | 2017 |
Dr Emma Cockburn Professor Emma Stevenson
| Agreement between two methods of dietary data collection in male adolescent academy-level soccer players | 2015 |
Dr Emma Cockburn Professor Emma Stevenson
| Assessment of energy intake and energy expenditure of male adolescent academy-level soccer players during a competitive week | 2015 |
Professor Emma Stevenson Dr Emma Cockburn
| The effect of milk on the attenuation of exercise-induced muscle damage in males and females | 2015 |