Dr Briony Carlin Dr Tina Sikka Professor Peter Hopkins Dr Laura Braunholtz Dr Louise Mair et al. | Identifying the barriers to inclusion in field-based environmental sciences research | 2024 |
Dr Zarah Pattison
| Comparative impacts of dam water level regimes on herbaceous plant growth strategies in cascade reservoirs and downstream reaches of a major river | 2023 |
Dr Zarah Pattison
| Economic costs of biological invasions in Asia | 2021 |
Dr Zarah Pattison
| Economic costs of biological invasions in the United Kingdom | 2021 |
Dr Zarah Pattison
| Global economic costs of aquatic invasive alien species | 2021 |
Professor Marion Pfeifer Dr Zarah Pattison
| Drivers of leaf area index variation in Brazilian Subtropical Atlantic Forests | 2020 |
Steph Kuunal Dr Louise Mair Dr Zarah Pattison Professor Philip McGowan
| Identifying opportunities for improving the coherence of global agreements for species conservation | 2020 |
Dr Zarah Pattison
| Projecting the continental accumulation of alien species through to 2050 | 2020 |
Dr Zarah Pattison
| Above- and belowground carbon stocks are decoupled in secondary tropical forests and are positively related to forest age and soil nutrients respectively | 2019 |
Dr Zarah Pattison
| All change at the water’s edge: invasion by non-native riparian plants negatively impacts terrestrial invertebrates | 2019 |
Dr Zarah Pattison
| Riverbanks as Battlegrounds: Why Does the Abundance of Native and Invasive Plants Vary? | 2019 |
Dr Zarah Pattison
| Stream invertebrate diversity reduces with invasion of river banks by non-native plants | 2019 |
Dr Zarah Pattison
| The effectiveness of aquatic plants as surrogates for wider biodiversity in standing fresh waters | 2019 |
Dr Zarah Pattison
| Invasion legacy effects versus sediment deposition as drivers of riparian vegetation | 2018 |
Dr Zarah Pattison Dr Jeroen Minderman
| Twenty years of change in riverside vegetation: what role have invasive alien plants played? | 2017 |
Dr Zarah Pattison
| Positive plant-soil feedbacks of the invasive Impatiens glandulifera and their effects on above-ground microbial communities | 2016 |