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Browsing publications by Professor Marion Pfeifer.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Allometric models for liana aboveground biomass in old-growth and secondary tropical forests of Tanzania2024
Natasha Mannion
Dr Laura Braunholtz
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Bekah Puttick
Biodiversity, function and change of tropical rainforests of Borneo2024
Sheena Davis
Dr Sergio Guerreiro Milheiras
Lauren Barnes
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Cropland can support high bird diversity in heterogenous rural tropical landscapes2024
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Dynamics of tree stems and biomass in old-growth and secondary forests along gradients in liana dominance, elevation and soil2024
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Edge effect and species richness modulate biomass stocks and change in fragmented subtropical Atlantic Forest2024
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Global dominance of lianas over trees is driven by forest disturbance, climate and topography2024
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Incomplete recovery of tree community composition and rare species after 120 years of tropical forest succession in Panama2024
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Lianas associated with continued forest biomass losses following large‐scale disturbances2024
Dr Laura Braunholtz
Becky Sanderson
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Selective impacts of subsistence hunting on mammal communities in Manu National Park, Peru2024
Professor Yit Arn Teh
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Thresholds for adding degraded tropical forest to the conservation estate2024
Natasha Mannion
Dr Rachel Gaulton
Professor Marion Pfeifer
A novel white mouse deer observation in Brunei Darussalam2023
Professor Marion Pfeifer
A practice-led assessment of landscape restoration potential in a biodiversity hotspot2023
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Professor Stephen Rushton
Eleanor Durrant
Lauren Barnes
Laura Braunholtz
et al.
A systems approach framework for evaluating tree restoration interventions for social and ecological outcomes in rural tropical landscapes2023
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Climate-driven variation in dispersal ability predicts responses to forest fragmentation in birds2023
Eleanor Durrant
Bekah Puttick
Dr Novieta Sari
Nicholas Allen
Dr Matthew Grainger
et al.
Existing evidence on the use of participatory scenarios in ecological restoration: a systematic map2023
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Fifteen essential science advances needed for effective restoration of the world's forest landscapes2023
Dr Matthew Grainger
Dr Mark Shirley
Professor Marion Pfeifer
How effective are perches in promoting bird-mediated seed dispersal for natural forest regeneration? A systematic review protocol2023
Professor Marion Pfeifer
How Social Considerations Improve the Equity and Effectiveness of Ecosystem Restoration2023
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Professor Stephen Rushton
Pathways to win-wins or trade-offs? How certified community forests impact forest restoration and human wellbeing2023
Margherita Lala
Eleanor Durrant
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Revealing diversity among narratives of agricultural transformation: insights from smallholder farmers in the Northern Kilombero Valley, Tanzania2023
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Social considerations are crucial to success in implementing the 30×30 global conservation target2023
Professor Marion Pfeifer
StrucNet: a global network for automated vegetation structure monitoring2023
Becca Sargent
Professor Stephen Rushton
Professor Marion Pfeifer
An experimental game to examine pastoralists' preferences for human–lion coexistence strategies2022
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Conspecific density plays a pivotal role in shaping sapling community in highly fragmented subtropical forests2022
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Restoration prioritization must be informed by marginalized people2022
Becca Sargent
Professor Philip McGowan
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Room to roam for African lions Panthera leo: a review of the key drivers of lion habitat use and implications for conservation2022
Professor Marion Pfeifer
African forest maps reveal areas vulnerable to the effects of climate change2021
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Certified community forests positively impact human wellbeing and conservation effectiveness and improve the performance of nearby national protected areas2021
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Localised climate change defines ant communities in human-modified tropical landscapes2021
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Optimising sampling designs for habitat fragmentation studies2021
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Conceptualising the global forest response to liana proliferation2020
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Dr Zarah Pattison
Drivers of leaf area index variation in Brazilian Subtropical Atlantic Forests2020
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Support for the habitat amount hypothesis from a global synthesis of species density studies2020
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Climate change and pastoralists: perceptions and adaptation in montane Kenya2019
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Extinction filters mediate the global effects of fragmentation on animals2019
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Professor Stuart Dunning
Forest floor temperature and greenness link significantly to canopy attributes in South Africa’s fragmented coastal forests2019
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Estimating aboveground carbon density and its uncertainty in Borneo's structurally complex tropical forests using airborne laser scanning2018
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Functional diversity mediates contrasting direct and indirect effects of fragmentation on below- and above-ground carbon stocks of coastal dune forests2018
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Harvesting fodder trees in montane forests in Kenya: species, techniques used and impacts2018
Professor Marion Pfeifer
High carbon stock forests provide co-benefits for tropical biodiversity2018
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Land-use change alters the mechanisms assembling rainforest mammal communities in Borneo2018
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Tropical forest canopies and their relationships with climate and disturbance: results from a global dataset of consistent field-based measurements2018
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Creation of forest edges has a global impact on forest vertebrates2017
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Forest canopy structure and reflectance in humid tropical Borneo: a physically-based interpretation using spectral invariants2017
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Mammalian species abundance across a gradient of tropical land-use intensity: A hierarchical multi-species modelling approach2017
Professor Marion Pfeifer
New insights on above ground biomass and forest attributes in tropical montane forests2017
Professor Marion Pfeifer
The effects of catchment and riparian forest quality on stream environmental conditions across a tropical rainforest and oil palm landscape in Malaysian Borneo2017
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Abundance signals of amphibians and reptiles indicate strong edge effects in Neotropical fragmented forest landscapes2016
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Ethnic and locational differences in ecosystem service values: Insights from the communities in forest islands in the desert2016
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Mapping the structure of Borneo's tropical forests across a degradation gradient2016
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Deadwood biomass: an underestimated carbon stock in degraded tropical forests?2015
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Forest resilience and tipping points at different spatio-temporal scales: approaches and challenges2015
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Identifying potential areas of understory coffee in Ethiopia’s highlands using predictive modelling.2015
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Impacts of tropical selective logging on carbon storage and tree species richness: A meta-analysis.2015
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Interactions between canopy structure and herbaceous biomass along environmental gradients in moist forest and dry miombo woodland of Tanzania.2015
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Land cover change impacts on biodiversity in Mt Kilimanjaro Savanna Zone.2015
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Logging cuts the functional importance of invertebrates in tropical rainforest2015
Professor Marion Pfeifer
The relationship between leaf area index and forest microclimate in tropical forest and oil palm plantation: Forest disturbance drives changes in mircoclimate2015
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Dr Johan Oldekop
BIOFRAG – a new database for analyzing BIOdiversity responses to forest FRAGmentation2014
Professor Marion Pfeifer
In defense of fences2014
Professor Marion Pfeifer
Validating and linking the GIMMS leaf area index (LAI3g) with environmental controls in Tropical Africa.2014
Professor Marion Pfeifer
The case for fencing remains intact2013