Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill Dr Chris Haywood Zoe Bright
| Making Connections: Speed Dating, Masculinity and Interviewing | 2013 |
Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill Dr Chris Haywood
| Understanding boys': Thinking through boys, masculinity and suicide | 2012 |
Dr Chris Haywood Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill
| 'What’s next for masculinity?' Reflexive directions for theory and research on masculinity and education | 2012 |
Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill Dr Chris Haywood
| ‘Nothing to write home about’: Troubling concepts of home, racialization and self in theories of Irish male (e)migration | 2011 |
Dr Chris Haywood Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill
| ‘The Queer in Masculinity’: Schooling, boys and identity formation. | 2011 |
Dr Chris Haywood Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill
| Postmodern Sexualities | 2011 |
Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill Dr Chris Haywood
| Schooling, masculinity and class analysis: towards an aesthetic of subjectivities | 2011 |
Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill Dr Chris Haywood
| Gender, Culture and Society: Contemporary Femininities and Masculinities | 2007 |
Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill Dr Chris Haywood Dr Liviu Popoviciu
| Masculinity, teaching and homophobia | 2007 |
Dr Chris Haywood Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill
| Knowing Sexualities: Epistemologies of Research | 2006 |
Dr Liviu Popoviciu Dr Chris Haywood Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill
| Migrating Masculinities: The Irish Diaspora in Britain | 2006 |
Dr Liviu Popoviciu Dr Chris Haywood Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill
| The promise of post-structuralist methodology: ethnographic representation of education and masculinity | 2006 |
Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill Dr Chris Haywood Dr Liviu Popoviciu
| Feminisation and schooling; re-masculinisation, gendered reflexivity and boyness | 2005 |
Dr Chris Haywood Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill
| Young Bangladeshi People's Experience of Transition to Adulthood | 2005 |
Dr Chris Haywood Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill
| Blair's Men: Dissident Masculinities In Labour's New Moral Economy | 2004 |
Dr Liviu Popoviciu Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill
| Racisms, ethnicities and British nation making | 2004 |
Dr Chris Haywood Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill
| Men and Masculinities: Theory, Research and Social Practice | 2003 |
Dr Liviu Popoviciu Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill
| The wearing of the green: A history of St Patrick's Day | 2003 |
Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill Dr Chris Haywood
| Young (male) Irelanders: Postcolonial ethnicities - expanding the nation and Irishness | 2003 |
Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill
| Beyond a black-white dualism: racialization and racism in the Republic of Ireland and the Irish diaspora experience | 2002 |
Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill
| Boys bonding: Same-sex friendship, the unconscious and hetrosexual discourse | 2002 |
Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill
| Private girls and public worlds: producing femininities in primary school | 2002 |
Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill
| Boys and girls come out to play: Making masculinities and femininities in primary playgrounds | 2001 |
Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill
| British critical theorists: The production of the conceptual invisibility of the Irish diaspora | 2001 |
Dr Chris Haywood Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill
| The Significance of Teaching English Boys: Exploring Social Change, Modern Schooling and the Making of Masculinities | 2001 |
Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill
| Contemporary racisms and ethnicities : social and cultural transformations | 1999 |
Dr Chris Haywood Professor Mairtin Mac an Ghaill
| Materialism and deconstructivism: education and the epistemology of identity | 1997 |