Jordan Barnes Dr John Colquhoun Dr Marie Devlin Dr Laura Heels Dr Phillip Lord et al. | Designing a Portfolio-Oriented Curriculum using Problem Based Learning | 2020 |
Dr Khaled Farj Dr Neil Speirs
| A Fault Injection Method for Testing Dependable Web Service Systems | 2012 |
Dr Kirusnapillai Selvarajah Dr Neil Speirs
| Tools for Building Context Aware and Secure Pervasive Computing Applications | 2012 |
Dr Khaled Farj Dr Neil Speirs
| A Fault Injection Method for Testing Dependable Web Service Systems | 2011 |
Dr Kirusnapillai Selvarajah Ran Zhao Dr Neil Speirs
| Building Smart Space Applications with PErvasive Computing in Embedded Systems (PECES) Middleware | 2011 |
Dr Kirusnapillai Selvarajah Dr Neil Speirs
| Building Smart Space Applications with PErvasive Computing in Embedded Systems (PECES) Middleware | 2011 |
Dr Kirusnapillai Selvarajah Dr Neil Speirs
| Development Tools for Pervasive Computing in Embedded Systems (PECES) Middle ware | 2011 |
Dr Kirusnapillai Selvarajah Dr Neil Speirs
| PECES Development Tools | 2011 |
Dr Kirusnapillai Selvarajah Dr Neil Speirs
| Integrating Smart Spaces into the PErvasive Computing in Embedded Systems (PECES) Project | 2010 |
Dr Kirusnapillai Selvarajah Dr Neil Speirs
| Workshop on Pervasive Computing and Cooperative Environments in a Global Context | 2010 |
Dr Khaled Farj Dr Neil Speirs
| A Tool for Assessing Fault Tolerance Mechanisms applied to Web Service | 2009 |
Mohammad Alsaeed Dr Neil Speirs
| General purpose fault injector for CORBA applications | 2008 |
Mohammad Alsaeed Dr Neil Speirs
| A General Purpose Fault Injector for CORBA Applications | 2007 |
Mohammad Alsaeed Dr Neil Speirs
| A wide area network emulator for CORBA applications | 2007 |
Mohammad Alsaeed Qurat-ul-Ain Inayat Dr Neil Speirs Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan
| Examining the Performance Benefits of Fail-Signal Approach using a Network Emulator | 2007 |
Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan Dr Neil Speirs
| A Timeout-Based Message Ordering Protocol for a Lightweight Software Implementation of TMR Systems | 2004 |
Dr Neil Speirs
| A Wan Emulator for CORBA Applications | 2004 |
Dimane Mpoeleng Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan Dr Neil Speirs
| From Crash Tolerance to Authenticated Byzantine Tolerance: a Structured Approach, the Cost and Benefits | 2004 |
Fengyum Lu Dr Neil Speirs
| Emulating a Wide Area Network for Testing Dependable Distributed Systems | 2003 |
Dimane Mpoeleng Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan Dr Neil Speirs
| From crash tolerance to authenticated byzantine tolerance: a structured approach, the cost and benefits | 2003 |
Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan Dr Neil Speirs
| A Two Tier Approach To Building Dependable Middleware Services | 2002 |
Professor Mark Little Emeritus Professor Santosh Shrivastava Dr Neil Speirs
| Using bloom filters to speed-up name lookup in distributed systems | 2002 |
Dr Leonardus Arief Dr Neil Speirs
| A UML Tool for an Automatic Generation of Simulation Programs | 2001 |
Dr Neil Speirs
| Comparing Fail-Silence Provided by Process Duplication versus Internal Error Detection for DHCP Server | 2001 |
Dr Leonardus Arief Dr Neil Speirs
| A UML Tool for an Automatic Generation of Simulation Programs | 2000 |
Dr Neil Speirs
| Fault Injection Based Assessment of Fail-Silence Provided by Process Duplication versus Internal Error Detection | 2000 |
Emeritus Professor Santosh Shrivastava Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan Dr Neil Speirs Professor John Fitzgerald
| Safety Critical Distributed Systems: a State of Art Report | 2000 |
Dr Neil Speirs Dr Leonardus Arief
| Simulation of a Telecommunication System Using SimML | 2000 |
Dr Leonardus Arief Dr Neil Speirs
| Automatic Generation of Distributed System Simulations from UML | 1999 |
Dr Leonardus Arief Dr Neil Speirs
| Automatic generation of distributed system simulations from UML | 1999 |
Dr Leonardus Arief Dr Neil Speirs
| Simulation Generation from UML Like Specifications | 1999 |
Dr Leonardus Arief Professor Mark Little Emeritus Professor Santosh Shrivastava Dr Neil Speirs Dr Stuart Wheater et al. | Specifying distributed system services | 1999 |
Dr Leonardus Arief Dr Neil Speirs
| Using SimML to Bridge the Transformation from UML to Simulation | 1999 |
Professor Mark Little Dr Neil Speirs
| Comparative Evaluation of Object Location Mechanisms | 1998 |
Dr Leonardus Arief Dr Neil Speirs
| Specification of Distributed Intelligent Network Systems using UML and Extensions | 1998 |
Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan Dr Neil Speirs
| A Timeout Based Message Ordering Protocol for a Lightweight Software Implementation of TMR Systems | 1997 |
Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan Emeritus Professor Santosh Shrivastava Dr Neil Speirs
| Implementing Fail-Silent Nodes for Distributed Systems | 1997 |
Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan Emeritus Professor Santosh Shrivastava Dr Neil Speirs
| Implementing fail-silent nodes for distributed systems | 1996 |
Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan Dr Neil Speirs
| Authenticated Agreement Protocols without Explicit Clock Synchronisation | 1995 |
Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan Dr Neil Speirs
| TMR Processing without Explicit Clock Synchronisation | 1995 |
Dr Neil Speirs
| Delta-4: An Open Architecture for Dependable Systems | 1994 |
Emeritus Professor Santosh Shrivastava Dr Neil Speirs
| Building Fault-tolerant Distributed Computing Systems using Standard Components | 1993 |
Emeritus Professor Santosh Shrivastava Dr Neil Speirs
| Building Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computing Systems Using Standard Components | 1993 |
Dr Neil Speirs
| Efficient Protocols for Fail-Silent Nodes in Distributed Systems | 1993 |
Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan Emeritus Professor Santosh Shrivastava Dr Neil Speirs
| Efficient Protocols for Fail-silent Nodes in Distributed Systems | 1993 |
Dr Neil Speirs Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan Emeritus Professor Santosh Shrivastava
| The Design and Implementation of Voltan Fault-tolerant Nodes for Distributed Systems | 1993 |
Emeritus Professor Santosh Shrivastava Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan Dr Neil Speirs
| The Design and Implementation of Voltan Fault-tolerant Nodes for Distributed Systems | 1993 |
Dr Neil Speirs
| Towards an Integrated Approach to Fault Tolerance in Delta-4 | 1993 |
Dr Neil Speirs Emeritus Professor Santosh Shrivastava
| Demonstration of Voltan Fail-Controlled Node | 1992 |
Dr Neil Speirs Emeritus Professor Santosh Shrivastava Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan
| Efficient Schemes for Constructing Reliable Computing Nodes in Distributed Systems | 1992 |
Emeritus Professor Santosh Shrivastava Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan Dr Neil Speirs
| Fail-Controlled Computer Architectures for Distributed Systems | 1992 |
Emeritus Professor Santosh Shrivastava Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan Dr Neil Speirs Dr Alan Tully
| Principle Features of the VOLTAN Family of Reliable Node Architectures for Distributed Systems | 1992 |
Emeritus Professor Santosh Shrivastava Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan Dr Neil Speirs
| Fail-controlled Computer Architectures for Distributed Systems | 1991 |
Emeritus Professor Santosh Shrivastava Dr Neil Speirs
| Fail-Silent Hardware for Distributed Systems | 1991 |
Emeritus Professor Santosh Shrivastava Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan Dr Neil Speirs Dr Alan Tully
| Principal Features of the Voltan Family of Reliable Node Architectures for Distributed Systems | 1991 |
Dr Neil Speirs
| Towards an Integrated Approach to Fault Tolerance in Delta-4 | 1991 |
Emeritus Professor Santosh Shrivastava Dr Paul Ezhilchelvan Dr Neil Speirs
| Fail-controlled processor architectures for distributed systems | 1990 |
Dr Neil Speirs
| The Delta-4 Extra Performance Architecture (XPA) | 1990 |
Dr Neil Speirs
| Using Passive Replicates in Delta-4 to Provide Dependable Distributed Computing | 1989 |
Dr Neil Speirs
| A Reliable Telecontrol Application Built on a Fault Tolerant Distributed System | 1987 |
Dr Neil Speirs
| Composite Weak Bosons and their Decays | 1986 |
Dr Neil Speirs
| Persistent Objects | 1986 |
Dr Neil Speirs
| The Width of the Z Boson in Composite Models | 1985 |
Dr Neil Speirs
| Z to e+e- gamma in a Composite Model | 1985 |
Dr Neil Speirs
| Can the Z boson be Composite? | 1984 |