Dr Isa Buchstaller Dr Adam Mearns
| Exploring age-related changes in the realisation of (t): Panel research from Tyneside | 2022 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller Dr Adam Mearns
| Towards an Integrated Model of Perception: Linguistic Architecture and the Dynamics of Sociolinguistic Cognition | 2020 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller Dr Adam Mearns
| The Effect of Economic Trajectory and Speaker Profile on Lifespan Change: Evidence from Stative Possessives on Tyneside | 2018 |
Dr Adam Mearns Professor Karen Corrigan Dr Isa Buchstaller
| The Diachronic Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English and The Talk of the Toon: Issues in Preservation and Public Engagement | 2016 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller Professor Karen Corrigan
| Morphosyntactic features of Northern English | 2015 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller Emeritus Professor Anders Holmberg Mohammad Almoaily
| Pidgins and Creoles beyond Africa-Europe Encounters | 2014 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller Professor Karen Corrigan Emeritus Professor Anders Holmberg Warren Maguire
| T-to-R and the Northern Subject Rule: questionnaire-based spatial, social and structural linguistics | 2013 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller Professor Karen Corrigan
| How to make intuitions succeed: testing methods for analysing syntactic microvariation | 2011 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller Professor Karen Corrigan
| Judge not lest ye be judged: Exploring methods for the collection of socio-syntactic data | 2011 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller
| Quotations across the generations: A multivariate analysis of speech and thought introducers across 4 generations of Tyneside speakers | 2011 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller
| Intensifiers on Tyneside: Longitudinal developments and new trends | 2010 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller
| The sociolinguistics of a short-lived innovation: Tracing the development of quotative all across spoken and internet newsgroup data | 2010 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller
| Localized globalization: A multi-local, multivariate investigation of quotative be like | 2009 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller Professor Karen Corrigan
| The Newcastle Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English 2 | 2009 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller
| The quantitative analysis of morphosyntactic variation: Constructing and quantifying the denominator | 2009 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller
| The localization of global linguistic variants | 2008 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller
| Intensive and quotative all : something old, something new | 2007 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller
| Diagnostics of age-graded linguistic behaviour: The case of the quotative system | 2006 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller
| Globalization and Local Reappropriation: The case of the Quotative System | 2006 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller
| Putting perception to the reality test: The case of go and like | 2006 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller
| Social stereotypes, personality traits and regional perception displaced: Attitudes towards the 'new' quotatives in the U.K. | 2006 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller
| The lady was al demonyak: historical aspects of Adverb all | 2006 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller
| Comparing Perceptions and Reality: Newcomers to the Quotative System | 2004 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller
| Newcomers to the Pool of Quotatives: like and go | 2004 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller
| The Co-occurrence of Quotatives with Mimetic performances | 2003 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller
| He goes and I’m like: the New Quotatives re-visited | 2002 |
Dr Isa Buchstaller
| An alternative view of like: Its Grammaticalization in Conversational American English and Beyond | 2001 |