Professor Teresa Waring Dr Rebecca Casey
| Benefits realisation from IT-enabled innovation: A capability challenge for NHS English acute hospital trusts? | 2018 |
Professor Teresa Waring Dr Rebecca Casey
| Benefits Realisation in Acute Hospitals in England – A Strategic Management Perspective | 2015 |
Dr Rebecca Casey Professor Teresa Waring
| Benefits Realisation of Information Technology in the National Health Service: A Paradigmatic Review | 2015 |
Professor Teresa Waring
| Information management and technology strategy development in the UK's acute hospital sector: a maturity model perspective | 2015 |
Professor Teresa Waring
| Innovations in inpatient flow and bed management An action research project in a UK acute care hospital | 2015 |
Professor Teresa Waring
| Open Source Software implementation in the UK public sector: Evidence from the field and implications for the future | 2005 |
Professor Teresa Waring
| Three domains for implementing integrated information systems: Redressing the balance between technology, strategic and organisational analysis | 2004 |
Professor Teresa Waring
| Communicating the complexity of computer-integrated operations: An innovative use of process modelling in a North East hospital trust | 2002 |
Professor Teresa Waring
| Enhancing Clinical and management Discourse in ICT Implementation | 2002 |
Anna Buehring Professor Teresa Waring
| From theory into practice: A feminist perspective on Information Systems Integration and Cultural Change | 2001 |
Professor Teresa Waring
| The Information Management and Technology Strategy of the UK National Health Service: determining progress in the NHS acute hospital sector | 2000 |