Dr Vikki Snaith Professor Steve Robson
| Antenatal telephone support intervention and uterine artery Doppler screening: A qualitative exploration of women's views | 2015 |
Dr Vikki Snaith Dr Nick Steen Professor Steve Robson
| Antenatal telephone support intervention with and without uterine artery Doppler screening for low risk nulliparous women: a randomised controlled trial | 2014 |
Catherine McParlin Dr Vikki Snaith Professor Pauline Pearson
| Are women happy with their antenatal care? | 2006 |
Dr Vikki Snaith Professor Steve Robson Dr Mark Deverill
| Support and reassurance in antenatal care | 2006 |
Dr Vikki Snaith Denise Howel Dr Thomas Chadwick Dr Mark Deverill Dr Stephen Sturgiss et al. | [abstract] First trimester ultrasound screening - The psychological consequences of termination of pregnancy for foetal abnormality | 2004 |
Dr Mark Deverill Dr Vikki Snaith Denise Howel Dr Stephen Sturgiss Professor Steve Robson et al. | The Newcastle randomised controlled trial of early screening for fetal abnormality - women's preferences for early information on fetal status and cost-effectiveness analysis | 2004 |
Dr Vikki Snaith Denise Howel Dr Mark Deverill Dr Stephen Sturgiss
| The Newcastle randomised controlled trial of early ultrasound screening for fetal abnormality (FA) - termination of pregnancy for FA and psychological consequences | 2004 |
Dr Vikki Snaith Dr Stephen Sturgiss Denise Howel Professor Steve Robson
| [abstract] Maternal-foetal attachment and maternal anxiety in women having early pregnancy screening for foetal abnormality | 2003 |