Professor Stephen Procter Dr Deborah Harrison Professor Pauline Pearson Dr Claire Dickinson
| Theorising worker–client relations in front-line service work: Understanding the experience of non-professionally affiliated workers in UK mental health services | 2022 |
Professor Pauline Pearson Dr Christopher Price
| Influences on self-evaluation during a clinical skills programme for nurses | 2010 |
Professor Pauline Pearson Dr Alison Steven
| Learning about patient safety: organizational context and culture in the education of health care professionals | 2010 |
Professor Pauline Pearson
| Emotions at work: what is the link to patient and staff safety? Implications for nurse managers in the NHS | 2009 |
Dr Claire Dickinson Dr Chiara Lombardo Professor Pauline Pearson
| Mapping new roles in mental health services: the development of four new mental health roles from 2004 to 2006 | 2008 |
Professor Pauline Pearson
| "It's a funny old game". Football as an educational metaphor within induction to practice-based interprofessional learning | 2007 |
Allison Farnworth Professor Pauline Pearson
| Choosing mode of delivery after previous caesarean birth | 2007 |
Allison Farnworth Professor Pauline Pearson
| Mode of delivery after caesarian: a qualitative investigation | 2007 |
Dr Alison Steven Dr Claire Dickinson Professor Pauline Pearson
| Practice-based interprofessional education: Looking into the black box | 2007 |
Catherine McParlin Dr Vikki Snaith Professor Pauline Pearson
| Are women happy with their antenatal care? | 2006 |
Professor Michael Harrison Dr Alison Steven Professor Pauline Pearson Dr Sue Vernon
| Demonstration of safety in healthcare organisations | 2006 |
Professor Pauline Pearson
| Developing a deeper understanding – Common Learning in the North East | 2006 |
Dr Katie Haighton Professor Eileen Kaner Julie Doughty Andrea Crawshaw Paul McNamee et al. | Effectiveness of nurse-led brief alcohol intervention: A cluster randomized controlled trial | 2006 |
Professor Pauline Pearson Professor Eileen Kaner
| Implementing screening and brief alcohol interventions in primary care: views from both sides of the desk | 2006 |
Dr Claire Dickinson Professor Pauline Pearson
| Interprofessional Education: Looking into the black box. | 2006 |
Professor Pauline Pearson Dr Alison Steven Dr Claire Dickinson
| Learning Together in Practice: A Final Report on Interprofessional Education for Modernised Health and Social Care | 2006 |
Professor Pauline Pearson Dr Alison Steven Dr Claire Dickinson
| The Common Learning Programme North East: Learning Together in Practice | 2006 |
Dr Mark Welfare Professor Pauline Pearson Professor Roger Barton
| The identification of topics for research that are important to people with ulcerative colitis | 2006 |
Dr Claire Dickinson Dr Jane Metcalf Professor Pauline Pearson Michael Grieves
| Interprofessional Education at Work: Learning Together Whilst Working Together | 2005 |
Dr Alison Steven Professor Pauline Pearson
| Interprofessional education in the critical care setting: a report from a pilot placement | 2005 |
Dr Claire Dickinson Professor Pauline Pearson Dr Alison Steven
| The Student Experience of Interprofessional Education | 2005 |
Dr Claire Dickinson Professor Pauline Pearson Dr Alison Steven
| Interprofessional Education in North East England : The Development and Initial Findings of the Common Learning | 2004 |
Professor Pauline Pearson Dr Jane Wilcockson
| The process of hospital discharge for medical patients: A model | 2004 |
Professor Pauline Pearson
| Going home from hospital - an appreciative inquiry study | 2002 |
Professor Stephen Procter Professor Pauline Pearson Catherine Lock Anne Spendiff
| Readmissions – can they be predicted on admission? | 2002 |
Dr Jane Wilcockson Professor Pauline Pearson
| Going home from hospital: The carer/patient dyad | 2001 |
Professor Pauline Pearson Dr Christopher Drinkwater CBE
| Managing patient demand: a qualitative study of appointment making in general practice | 2001 |
Barry Bell Professor Pauline Pearson
| To be sure or not to be sure: concepts of uncertainty and risk in the construction of community nursing practice | 2001 |
Professor Philip Barker Professor Pauline Pearson
| The required role of the psychiatric-mental health nurse in primary health-care: an augmented Delphi study | 2000 |
Professor Philip Barker Professor Pauline Pearson
| The role of the psychiatric nurse in primary care | 2000 |