Professor Ian MacKenzie
| The Genesis of Spanish /θ/: A Revised Model | 2022 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Language Structure, Variation and Change: The Case of Old Spanish Syntax | 2019 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Speaker variables in Romance: when demography and ideology collide | 2018 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| The Case of special qui | 2018 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| The rise and fall of proclisis in Old Spanish postprepositional infinitival clauses: a quantitative approach | 2017 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Reviews of Books | 2016 |
Dr Nigel Armstrong Professor Ian MacKenzie
| On prescriptivism and ideology | 2015 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Se azotaron a los delincuentes: A Case Study in Arbitrary Exclusion | 2013 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Participle-object agreement in French and the theory of grammatical viruses | 2013 |
Dr Nigel Armstrong Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Standardization, Ideology and Linguistics | 2013 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie Dr William van der Wurff
| Relic syntax in Middle English and Medieval Spanish: Parameter interaction in language change | 2012 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Refining the V2 Hypothesis for Old Spanish | 2010 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Unaccusative Verbs in Romance Languages | 2006 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Achievement Verbs in Medieval and Modern Spanish | 2005 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Edward Sapir in current linguistics. Lines of continuity in the history of linguistics | 2005 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Palenque, Cartagena and the Afro-Caribbean: history and language | 2005 |
Emeritus Professor Peter Bradley Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Spanish: an Essential Grammar | 2004 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Speech and its constituents: Studies in generative syntax [Book review] | 2004 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Bare Nouns in Spanish | 2003 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| The impact of English on Puerto Rican Spanish: A comparative analysis | 2003 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| The Spanish subjunctive: The philosophical dimension | 2002 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| A Linguistic Introduction to Spanish | 2001 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Basic functional syntax of Spanish: Strata, properties and operations | 2000 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| English grammar for students of Spanish | 2000 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Marginal codification in Spanish | 2000 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Semantics of Spanish Verbal Categories | 1999 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Introduction to linguistic philosophy | 1997 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Dialectal variation in the verbal categories of Peruvian Spanish | 1996 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Diccionario Oxford Avanzado para Estudiantes de Inglés | 1996 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| The supposed imperfectivity of the Latin American perfect | 1995 |
Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Evidence from Spanish against Russell's theory of descriptions | 1994 |