Emeritus Professor Peter Bradley
| Review of: History of a vindicated Spain | 2006 |
Emeritus Professor Peter Bradley Professor Ian MacKenzie
| Spanish: an Essential Grammar | 2004 |
Emeritus Professor Peter Bradley
| The fire of tongues: Antonio Vieira and the missionary church in Brazil and Portugal | 2003 |
Emeritus Professor Peter Bradley
| Peru and the outside world. Foreigners, enemies, and heretics (16th-17th centuries) | 2001 |
Emeritus Professor Peter Bradley
| Habsburg Peru: Images, imagination, and memory | 2000 |
Emeritus Professor Peter Bradley
| Sir Francis Drake: The Queen's pirate (Book review) | 2000 |
Emeritus Professor Peter Bradley
| British Maritime Enterprise in the New World: from the late fifteenth to the mid eighteenth century | 1999 |
Emeritus Professor Peter Bradley
| English views of the Indians of Peru (17th-century, settlement, New World, travel accounts, Spanish colonialism) | 1999 |
Emeritus Professor Peter Bradley
| Spain's men of the sea: Daily life on the Indies fleets in the sixteenth century | 1999 |
Emeritus Professor Peter Bradley
| The economic aspects of Spanish imperialism in America 1492-1810 | 1999 |