Katherine Falconer
| Pesticide environmental indicators and environmental policy | 2002 |
Katherine Falconer Dr Pierre Dupraz Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby
| An investigation of policy administrative costs using panel data for the English Environmentally Sensitive Areas | 2001 |
Katherine Falconer
| Pesticide taxation and multi-objective policy-making: farm modelling to evaluate profit/environment trade-offs | 2001 |
Katherine Falconer
| Farm-level constraints on agri-environmental scheme participation: A transactional perspective | 2000 |
Katherine Falconer Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby
| Untangling red tape: Scheme administration and the invisible costs of European agri-environmental policy | 2000 |
Katherine Falconer
| Using economic incentives for pesticide usage reductions: Responsiveness to input taxation and agricultural systems | 2000 |
Katherine Falconer Professor Neil Ward
| Using modulation to green the cap: The UK case | 2000 |
Katherine Falconer
| A right to roam: Should we open up Britain's countryside? | 1999 |
Katherine Falconer Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby
| Administrative Costs in Agricultural Policies: the Case of the English Environmentally Sensitive Areas | 1999 |
Professor Philip Lowe Katherine Falconer Dr Andrew Moxey Professor Neil Ward Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby et al. | Integrating the Environment into CAP Reform | 1999 |
Professor Philip Lowe Katherine Falconer Dr Andrew Moxey Professor Neil Ward Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby et al. | Integrating the Environment into CAP Reform | 1999 |
Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby Katherine Falconer
| The invisible costs of scheme implementation and administration | 1999 |
Katherine Falconer Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby
| Transactions and Administrative Costs in Countryside Stewardship Policies: An Investigation for Eight European Member States | 1999 |