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Browsing publications by Professor Philip Lowe.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Professor Philip Lowe
Knowledge exchange: a review and research agenda for environmental management2013
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Dr Amy Proctor
Professor Philip Lowe
Veterinary Field Expertise and Knowledge Exchange2013
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Dr Kathryn Wilkinson
Why social scientists should engage with natural scientists2013
Dr Amy Proctor
Dr Andrew Donaldson
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Professor Philip Lowe
Field expertise in rural land management2012
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Professor Philip Lowe
Dr Amy Proctor
Dr Eric Ruto
Stakeholder engagement and knowledge exchange in environmental research2012
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Professor Philip Lowe
Anne Liddon
Adventures in Science: Interdisciplinarity and Knowledge Exchange in the Relu Programme2011
Dr Amy Proctor
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Professor Philip Lowe
Dr Andrew Donaldson
Field Advisers as Agents of Knowledge Exchange2011
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Infectious diseases of animals and plants: an interdisciplinary approach Introduction2011
Professor Philip Lowe
Neoliberal reform and the veterinary profession2011
Professor Matthew Gorton
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Stephen Quarrie
Public and private agri-environmental regulation in post-socialist economies: evidence from the Serbian Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Sector2011
Anne Liddon
Professor Philip Lowe
Securing the veterinary role in society2011
Dr Andrew Donaldson
Professor Philip Lowe
Dr Amy Proctor
The changing role of veterinary expertise in the food chain2011
Dr Amy Proctor
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Dr Andrew Donaldson
Veterinary field expertise: using knowledge gained on the job2011
Professor Philip Lowe
Who or what is a veterinary specialist?2011
Professor Philip Lowe
A public or private profession?2010
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
A response to Evans and Marvin2010
Kathryn Wilkinson
Professor Philip Lowe
Dr Andrew Donaldson
Beyond Policy Networks: Policy Framing and the Politics of Expertise in the 2001 Foot and Mouth Disease Crisis2010
Professor Philip Lowe
Enacting Rural Sociology: Or what are the Creativity Claims of the Engaged Sciences?2010
Professor Matthew Gorton
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Stephen Quarrie
European rule adoption in Central and Eastern Europe: a comparative analysis of agricultural water management in Serbia2010
Professor Philip Lowe
Greening the Countryside? Changing Frameworks of EU Agricultural Policy2010
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Barriers to research collaboration across disciplines: scientific paradigms and institutional practices2009
Professor Philip Lowe
Dr Geoff Whitman
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Ecology and the social sciences2009
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
England's Rural Futures: A Socio-Geographical Approach to Scenarios Analysis2009
Professor Philip Lowe
How do environmental actors make governance systems more sustainable? The role of politics and ideas in policy change2009
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Professor Philip Lowe
Navigating the social sciences: interdisciplinarity and ecology2009
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Professor Philip Lowe
Special Profile of Journal of Applied Ecology: Integrating ecology and the social sciences2009
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Strategic Land Use for Ecosystem Services2009
Professor Philip Lowe
Unlocking Potential: A Report on Veterinary Expertise in Food Animal Production2009
Professor Matthew Gorton
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Stephen Quarrie
'Hollowing out of the State?': The implementation of public and private agri-environment regulation in the Serbian fresh fruit and vegetable sector2008
Professor Philip Lowe
Dr Kayo Murakami
Professor Neil Ward
Localising Rural Development in a Globalising World2008
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Dr Richard Lee
Socio-technical innovation for sustainable food chains: roles for social science2008
Professor Philip Lowe
The rural North: landscapes of endeavour and enquiry the 2008 Cameron-Gifford lecture2008
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Professor Philip Lowe
Towards sustainable food chains: harnessing the social and natural sciences2008
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Professor Philip Lowe
Towards sustainable food chains: harnessing the social and natural sciences. Special Issue of Trends in Food Science and Technology2008
Professor Philip Lowe
Wild mammals and the human food chain2008
Professor Neil Ward
Professor Philip Lowe
Blairism and the countryside: the legacy of modernisation in rural policy2007
Professor Neil Ward
Professor Philip Lowe
Blairite Modernisation and Countryside Policy2007
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
British rural geography: a disciplinary enterprise in changing times2007
Professor Philip Lowe
Des agricultures nationales aux campagnes locales: les bases d'une nouvelle coalition pour une réforme progressive de la PAC2007
Professor Neil Ward
Professor Philip Lowe
European rural development under the Common Agricultural Policy's 'Second Pillar': Institutional conservatism and innovation2007
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
Sustainable rural economies: Some lessons from the english experience2007
Professor Philip Lowe
Concetti e Metodi nelle Politiche Europee de Sviluppo Rurale2006
Professor Philip Lowe
European agricultural and rural development policies for the 21st century2006
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Reflexive interdisciplinary research: The making of a research programme on the Rural Economy and Land Use2006
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Professor Philip Lowe
Rural Economy and Land Use: The Scoping of an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda2006
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Professor Philip Lowe
Special issue guest editorial: The scoping of an interdisciplinary research agenda2006
Professor Philip Lowe
The Ageing Countryside: the Growing Older Population of Rural England2006
Professor Matthew Gorton
Professor Philip Lowe
Agri-environmental policy systems in transition and preparation for EU membership2005
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Dr Joanna Daymond
Professor Philip Lowe
Harnessing the social and natural sciences for sustainable rural development: introducing the rural economy and land use programme.2005
Professor Matthew Gorton
Professor Philip Lowe
Pre-accession europeanisation: The strategic realignment of the environmental policy systems of Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia towards agricultural pollution in preparation for EU membership2005
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Rural Economy and Land Use Futures2005
Dr Joanna Daymond
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Rural Economy and Land Use Futures2005
Dr Joanna Daymond
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Rural Economy and Land Use Programme: The Unfolding Research Agenda2005
Professor Neil Ward
Dr Jane Atterton
Tae Kim
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
et al.
Universities, the Knowledge Economy and 'Neo-Endogenous Rural Development'2005
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Dr Katy Bennett
Professor Philip Lowe
Marian Raley
Adaptive responses and asset strategies: the experience of rural micro-firms and Foot and Mouth Disease2004
Professor Neil Ward
Professor Philip Lowe
Europeanizing Rural Development? Implementing the CAP's Second Pillar in England2004
Professor Neil Ward
Dr Andrew Donaldson
Professor Philip Lowe
Policy framing and learning the lessons from the UK's foot and mouth disease crisis2004
Professor Neil Ward
Professor Philip Lowe
Rural dilemmas remain2004
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
The time for rural delivery2004
Professor Philip Lowe
Christiane Ratschow
Johanne Allinson
Dr Lutz Laschewski
Government Decision Making Under Crisis: A Comparison of the German and British Responses to BSE and FMD2003
Professor Philip Lowe
Dr Kayo Murakami
Japan's rural renaissance2003
Professor Philip Lowe
Maintaining High Nature Value Landscapes in an Enlarged Europe: A Comparative Analysis of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia2003
Professor Philip Lowe
Mediating the 'national' and the 'local' in the environmental policy process: A case study of the CPRE2003
Professor Neil Ward
Professor Philip Lowe
Rural and regional development: The role of the regional development agencies in England2003
Professor Philip Lowe
Synopsis of the Central and Eastern European Sustainable Agriculture project (CEESA)2003
Professor Philip Lowe
The Challenge of the Nitrate Directive to Acceding Countries: A Comparative Analysis of Poland, Lithuania and Slovakia2003
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
The Differentiated Countryside2003
Dr Jeremy Franks
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Charles Scott
The impact of foot and mouth disease on farm businesses in Cumbria2003
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
The paternalistic countryside2003
Professor Philip Lowe
The preservationist paradox: Modernism, environmentalism and the politics of spatial division2003
Professor Philip Lowe
After foot and mouth: farming and the new rural economy2002
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Professor Philip Lowe
Confronting the Rural Shutdown: Foot and Mouth Disease and the North East Rural Economy2002
Dr Katy Bennett
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Coping with Crisis in Cumbria: Consequences of Foot and Mouth Disease2002
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Coping with Crisis in Cumbria: the Consequences of Foot and Mouth Disease2002
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Dr Katy Bennett
Professor Philip Lowe
Coping with crisis in Cumbria: the consequences of Foot and Mouth Disease2002
Professor Neil Ward
Professor Philip Lowe
Devolution and the governance of rural affairs in the UK2002
Professor Philip Lowe
Does Farming have a Future?2002
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
Europe's Rural Futures: The Nature of Rural Development II, Rural Development in an Enlarging European Union2002
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
Setting the next agenda? British and French approaches to the second pillar of the Common Agricultural Policy2002
Professor Neil Ward
Dr Andrew Donaldson
Professor Philip Lowe
The 2001 Foot and Mouth Crisis and the Management of Lesson Learning2002
Professor Philip Lowe
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Professor Neil Ward
The Foot and Mouth Crisis: Issues for Public Policy and Research2002
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Professor Philip Lowe
Marian Raley
Dr Andrew Moxey
The Nature of Needs of Rural Microbusinesses in the North East of England2002
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
Towards a sustainable rural economy: lessons from Foot and Mouth2002
Dr Andrew Donaldson
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
Virus-crisis-institutional change: The foot and mouth actor network and the governance of rural affairs in the UK2002
Professor Philip Lowe
A Review of European Experience of Integrating Environmental Objectives into Agricultural Policy and Practice2001
Professor Philip Lowe
Emeritus Professor Stephen Jarvis
Interim Report and Overview2001
Andrew Cattermole
Dr Andrew Moxey
Professor Philip Lowe
National Trust Branding and Retailing of Lamb and Beef: A Feasibility Study2001
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
New labour, new rural vision? Labour's rural white paper2001
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
New Labour, New Rural Vision? Labour's Rural White Paper2001
Professor Philip Lowe
Professionals and Volunteers in the Environmental Process2001
Dr Katy Bennett
Professor Jeremy Phillipson
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
Andrew Cattermole
et al.
The Impact of the Foot and Mouth Crisis on Rural Firms: A Survey of Microbusinesses in the North East of England2001
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
The Nature of Rural Development: Towards a Sustainable Integrated Rural Policy in Europe2001
Professor Philip Lowe
Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards
Professor Neil Ward
The realities revealed by foot and mouth2001
Professor Philip Lowe
The Rural White Paper: Sifting through the bran tub2001
Professor Philip Lowe
Agenda 2000: a wasted opportunity?2000
Professor Philip Lowe
CAP and the environment: policy development and the state of research2000
Professor Philip Lowe
CAP Regimes and the European countryside2000
Professor Philip Lowe
CAP regimes and the European countryside : prospects for integration between agricultural, regional, and environmental policies2000
Professor Philip Lowe
Integration of environmental objectives into agricultural policy making2000
Professor Philip Lowe
Labour's rural policy2000
Professor Philip Lowe
Dr Hilary Talbot
Policy for small business support in rural areas: A critical assessment of the proposals for the small business service2000
Professor Philip Lowe
Dr Hilary Talbot
Providing Advice and Information in Support of Rural Microbusinesses2000
Professor Michael Bell
Professor Philip Lowe
Regulated freedoms: The market and the state agriculture and the environment2000
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
Attitudinal and institutional indicators for sustainable agriculture1999
Professor Philip Lowe
Getting over the food mountain: The newly created Countryside Agency must face the realities of today's rural areas, namely that food production is no longer its sole function. Philip Lowe assesses a new agenda and a new vision.1999
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
Insecurities in contemporary country life: rural communities and social change1999
Professor Philip Lowe
Katherine Falconer
Dr Andrew Moxey
Professor Neil Ward
Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby
et al.
Integrating the Environment into CAP Reform1999
Professor Philip Lowe
Katherine Falconer
Dr Andrew Moxey
Professor Neil Ward
Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby
et al.
Integrating the Environment into CAP Reform1999
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
Moralising nature? The National Rivers Authority and new moral imperatives for the rural environment1999
Professor Philip Lowe
National Perspectives on the Greening of the CAP: A Comparative Analysis1999
Professor Philip Lowe
Dr Chris Ray
Professor Neil Ward
Professor Rachel Woodward
Participation in rural development1999
Professor Philip Lowe
Dr Hilary Talbot
Policy for Small Business Support in Rural Areas: A Response to the DTI Consultation Paper: The Small Business Service1999
Professor Philip Lowe
The Changing Countryside and New Rural Development Models1999
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
A 'Second Pillar' for the CAP? The European Rural Development Regulation and its Implications for the UK1998
Dr Andrew Moxey
Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby
Professor Philip Lowe
Agri-environmental indicators: issues and choices1998
Professor Philip Lowe
Britain: coming to terms with sustainable development?1998
Professor Philip Lowe
British Environmental Policy and Europe: Politics and Policy in Transition1998
Professor Philip Lowe
Dr Lionel Hubbard
Professor Neil Ward
Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby
Dr Andrew Moxey
et al.
CAP and the Environment in the United Kingdom1998
Professor Philip Lowe
Dr Lionel Hubbard
Professor Neil Ward
Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby
Dr Andrew Moxey
et al.
CAP and the Environment in the United Kingdom1998
Professor Philip Lowe
CAP and the Rural Environment in Transition: a Panorama of National Perspectives1998
Professor Philip Lowe
Conservation - more than appeasement?1998
Dr Andrew Moxey
Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby
Professor Philip Lowe
Environmental Indicators for a Reformed CAP: Monitoring and Evaluating Policies in Agriculture1998
Professor Neil Ward
Professor Philip Lowe
Insecurities in Contemporary Country Life: Rural Communities and Social Change1998
Professor Neil Ward
Professor Philip Lowe
Keeping matter in its place: pollution regulation and the reconfiguring of farmers and farming1998
Professor Philip Lowe
National environmental groups and Europeanisation: a survey of the British environmental lobby1998
Professor Philip Lowe
Dr Chris Ray
Professor Neil Ward
Professor Rachel Woodward
Participation in rural development: a review of European experience1998
Professor Philip Lowe
Dr Chris Ray
Professor Neil Ward
Professor Rachel Woodward
Participation in rural development: a review of European Experience1998
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
Regional policy, CAP reform and rural development in Britain: the challenge for New Labour1998
Professor Michael Bell
Professor Philip Lowe
Regulated Freedoms: the Market and the State, Agriculture and the Environment1998
Professor Neil Ward
Professor Philip Lowe
Economic restructuring, environmental consciousness and farm family succession in Britain1997
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
Environmental 'Others' and 'Elites': rural pollution and changing power relations in the countryside1997
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
Field-level bureaucrats and the making of new moral discourses in agri-environmental controversies1997
Professor Neil Ward
Professor Philip Lowe
Implementing European water quality directives : lessons for sustainable development1997
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
Moralizing the environment : countryside change, farming and pollution1997
Professor Philip Lowe
The British Rural White Papers : A Comparisonand Critique1997
Professor Philip Lowe
Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby
The CAP and the European environment1997
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
The moral authority of regulation: the case of agricultural pollution1997
Professor Philip Lowe
Blueprint for a rural economy1996
Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby
Professor Philip Lowe
Conservation options for CAP reform1996
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
Farm pollution as environmental crime1996
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Alan Rutherford
Implications of the Cork Declaration1996
Professor Philip Lowe
The British Rural White Papers1996
Professor Philip Lowe
The development of European agri-environmental policy1996
Professor Neil Ward
Professor Philip Lowe
The Europeanisation of local environmental politics: Bathing water pollution in south-west England1996
Professor Philip Lowe
The political power of farmers: an English perspective1996
Professor Philip Lowe
A civilised retreat? Anti-urbanism, rurality and the making of an Anglo-centric culture1995
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
Countryside Prospects, 1995-2010: Some Future Trends1995
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
Countryside Prospects, 1995-2010: Some Future Trends and the role of the Countryside Commission1995
Dr Hilary Talbot
Professor Philip Lowe
Environmental agencies and Europe: a case of missed opportunities?1995
Professor Philip Lowe
European review 1993/41995
Professor Neil Ward
Professor Philip Lowe
Implementing European environmental policy at the local level: the British experience with water quality directives, volume 1: Summary Report1995
Professor Neil Ward
Professor Philip Lowe
Implementing European environmental policy at the local level: the British experience with water quality directives, Volume II: Research Report1995
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
Networks in rural development: beyond exogenous and endogenous models1995
Professor Neil Ward
Professor Philip Lowe
Rural restructuring and the regulation of farm pollution1995
Professor Guy Garrod
Professor Philip Lowe
Sustainability and the rural economy: An evolutionary perspective1995
Professor Philip Lowe
The changing public interest in agriculture: with specific reference to grassland farming in EU agri-environment policy1995
Emeritus Professor David Harvey
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
The CRE's Comments for the White Paper on Rural Areas1995
Professor Philip Lowe
The establishment of a cross-sector environment agency1995
Professor Philip Lowe
Adaptation, Participation and Reaction: British Local Government - EU Environmental Relations1994
Professor Philip Lowe
Environmental politics and administrative reform1994
Professor Philip Lowe
European review 1992/931994
Professor Philip Lowe
Gender and Rurality1994
Professor Philip Lowe
Regulating Agriculture1994
Professor Neil Ward
Professor Philip Lowe
Shifting values in agriculture: the farm family and pollution regulation1994
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
Sustainable Agriculture and Pollution Regulation in the UK1994
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Guy Garrod
The Rural Economy : An Evolutionary Perspective1994
Professor Philip Lowe
Constructing the Countryside1993
Professor Philip Lowe
Countryside change: a synopsis1993
Professor Philip Lowe
Emeritus Professor David Harvey
Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby
Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
Countryside Change: A Synopsis. The ESRC Countryside Change Initiative (1989-1993)1993
Professor Philip Lowe
European Integration and Environmental Policy1993
Professor Philip Lowe
National responses to the Europeanisation of environmental policy: a selective review of comparative research1993
Professor Philip Lowe
Reasonable creatures: rights and rationalities in valuing the countryside1993
Professor Philip Lowe
Regulating the new rural spaces: the uneven development of land1993
Professor Philip Lowe
The environment and the European Community: the analysis of political integration1993
Professor Neil Ward
Professor Philip Lowe
Water pollution from agricultural pesticides1993
Professor Neil Ward
Professor Philip Lowe
Water Pollution from Agricultural Pesticides1993
Professor Philip Lowe
Cleaning up agriculture: environment, technology and social science1992
Professor Philip Lowe
Industrial agriculture and environmental regulation: a new agenda for rural sociology1992
Professor Philip Lowe
Labour and Locality: Uneven Development and the Rural Labour Process1992
Professor Philip Lowe
Nitrates in water: The politics of the 'Polluter Pays Principle'1992
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
Pollution control on dairy farms : an evaluation of current policy and practice1992
Professor Philip Lowe
Professor Neil Ward
Social analysis of land use change: the role of the farmer1992
Professor Philip Lowe
The environment and the election1992
Professor Philip Lowe
Environmental management in West European countries: social movements, ecological problems, and institutional responses1991
Professor Philip Lowe
Rural enterprise : shifting perspectives on small-scale production1991
Professor Philip Lowe
The origins and early development of the National Farmers' Union1991
Professor Philip Lowe
Agricultural regulation and the politics of milk production1990
Professor Philip Lowe
Environmentally sensitive areas: incrementalism or reform?1990
Professor Philip Lowe
Reforming UK conservation1990
Professor Philip Lowe
Rural Restructuring: Global Processes and their Responses1990
Professor Philip Lowe
Technological Change and the Rural Environment1990
Professor Philip Lowe
Technological change, farm management and pollution regulation : the example of Britain1990
Professor Philip Lowe
The cultures of conservation: a UK perspective1990
Professor Philip Lowe
Campagne Francaise, Campagne Britannique: Histoires, Images, Usages Au Crible des Sciences Sociales1989
Professor Philip Lowe
Environmental planning and the Thatcher Government1989
Professor Philip Lowe
Environmental politics and policy in the 1980s1989
Professor Philip Lowe
The coming of the Greens: the Green Party in the European elections1989
Professor Philip Lowe
The farm crisis in Britain1989
Professor Philip Lowe
The rural idyll defended: from preservation to conservation1989
Professor Philip Lowe
Environmental concern and rural conservation politics1988
Professor Philip Lowe
Environmental politics and agriculture in Western Europe1988
Professor Philip Lowe
Private rights and public responsibilities: the prospects for agricultural and environmental controls1988
Professor Philip Lowe
Farmers and the state: a crisis for corporatism1987
Professor Philip Lowe
Landscape protection and nature conservation1987
Professor Philip Lowe
The problems of analysing party politics: Labour and Conservative approaches to rural conservation1987
Professor Philip Lowe
Agriculture and conservation in Britain: a policy community under siege1986
Professor Philip Lowe
Agriculture: People and Policies1986
Professor Philip Lowe
Countryside Conflicts: the Politics of Farming, Forestry and Conservation1986
Professor Philip Lowe
Deprivation and Welfare in Rural Areas1986
Professor Philip Lowe
From state direction to self-regulation: the historical development of corporatism in British agriculture1986
Professor Philip Lowe
Keeping the wraps on rural land1986
Professor Philip Lowe
Political Ecology and the Social Sciences : The State of the Art1986
Professor Philip Lowe
The alternative land-use debate: where are the conservationists?1986
Professor Philip Lowe
The state and the farmer: perspectives on agricultural policy1986
Professor Philip Lowe
The withered 'greening' of British politics: a study of the Ecology Party1986
Professor Philip Lowe
Caught in the Act: the agricultural lobby and the conservation debate1985
Professor Philip Lowe
Changing directions in agricultural policy: corporatist arrangements in production and conservation policies1985
Professor Philip Lowe
Conserving the wild1985
Professor Philip Lowe
Land use conflict after the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981: the role of the Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group1985
Professor Philip Lowe
Private Groups1985
Professor Philip Lowe
A matter of trust?1984
Professor Philip Lowe
Agricultural corporatism and conservation politics1984
Professor Philip Lowe
Bad news or good news: environmental politics and the mass media1984
Professor Philip Lowe
Countryside: a voice crying in the wilderness1984
Professor Philip Lowe
Introduction: Locality, rurality and social theory1984
Professor Philip Lowe
Locality and Rurality: Economy and Society in Rural Regions1984
Professor Philip Lowe
Statutory bodies and rural conservation: agency or instrument?1984
Professor Philip Lowe
A battle not the war: the politics of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (UK)1983
Professor Philip Lowe
Are conservationists becoming more political? - the results of an opinion survey1983
Professor Philip Lowe
Conservation: the Sedgemoor saga1983
Professor Philip Lowe
Countryside politics: goodbye to goodwill?1983
Professor Philip Lowe
Environmental Groups in Politics1983
Professor Philip Lowe
Values and institutions in the history of British nature conservation1983
Professor Philip Lowe
Yorkshire's naturalists in the history of ecology1982
Professor Philip Lowe
"Biogeography", " Community", "Ecology", "Economy of nature"1981
Professor Philip Lowe
The British Association and the provincial public1981
Professor Philip Lowe
The environmental impact of modern agriculture1981
Professor Philip Lowe
Ecology and ideology1980
Professor Philip Lowe
The Council for the Protection of Rural England1980
Professor Philip Lowe
The countryside in 1980: issues and interests in rural politics1980
Professor Philip Lowe
A political analysis of British rural conservation - issues and policies1978
Professor Philip Lowe
Ecology and the end of ideology1978
Professor Philip Lowe
Amenity and equity: a review of local environmental pressure groups in Britain1977
Professor Philip Lowe
Consultation in National Park planning1977
Professor Philip Lowe
Environmental values1977
Professor Philip Lowe
Amateurs and professionals: the institutional emergence of British plant ecology1976
Professor Philip Lowe
The ecology of ecology1976
Professor Philip Lowe
Political resources and structure of the environmental lobby1975
Professor Philip Lowe
Science and government: the case of pollution1975
Professor Philip Lowe
The Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution1975
Professor Philip Lowe
The teaching of social studies of science and technology in British polytechnics1975