Professor Jeremy Phillipson Professor Philip Lowe
| Knowledge exchange: a review and research agenda for environmental management | 2013 |
Professor Jeremy Phillipson Dr Amy Proctor Professor Philip Lowe
| Veterinary Field Expertise and Knowledge Exchange | 2013 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Jeremy Phillipson Dr Kathryn Wilkinson
| Why social scientists should engage with natural scientists | 2013 |
Dr Amy Proctor Dr Andrew Donaldson Professor Jeremy Phillipson Professor Philip Lowe
| Field expertise in rural land management | 2012 |
Professor Jeremy Phillipson Professor Philip Lowe Dr Amy Proctor Dr Eric Ruto
| Stakeholder engagement and knowledge exchange in environmental research | 2012 |
Professor Jeremy Phillipson Professor Philip Lowe Anne Liddon
| Adventures in Science: Interdisciplinarity and Knowledge Exchange in the Relu Programme | 2011 |
Dr Amy Proctor Professor Jeremy Phillipson Professor Philip Lowe Dr Andrew Donaldson
| Field Advisers as Agents of Knowledge Exchange | 2011 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Jeremy Phillipson
| Infectious diseases of animals and plants: an interdisciplinary approach Introduction | 2011 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Neoliberal reform and the veterinary profession | 2011 |
Professor Matthew Gorton Professor Philip Lowe Professor Stephen Quarrie
| Public and private agri-environmental regulation in post-socialist economies: evidence from the Serbian Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Sector | 2011 |
Anne Liddon Professor Philip Lowe
| Securing the veterinary role in society | 2011 |
Dr Andrew Donaldson Professor Philip Lowe Dr Amy Proctor
| The changing role of veterinary expertise in the food chain | 2011 |
Dr Amy Proctor Professor Philip Lowe Professor Jeremy Phillipson Dr Andrew Donaldson
| Veterinary field expertise: using knowledge gained on the job | 2011 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Who or what is a veterinary specialist? | 2011 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| A public or private profession? | 2010 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Jeremy Phillipson
| A response to Evans and Marvin | 2010 |
Kathryn Wilkinson Professor Philip Lowe Dr Andrew Donaldson
| Beyond Policy Networks: Policy Framing and the Politics of Expertise in the 2001 Foot and Mouth Disease Crisis | 2010 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Enacting Rural Sociology: Or what are the Creativity Claims of the Engaged Sciences? | 2010 |
Professor Matthew Gorton Professor Philip Lowe Professor Stephen Quarrie
| European rule adoption in Central and Eastern Europe: a comparative analysis of agricultural water management in Serbia | 2010 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Greening the Countryside? Changing Frameworks of EU Agricultural Policy | 2010 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Jeremy Phillipson
| Barriers to research collaboration across disciplines: scientific paradigms and institutional practices | 2009 |
Professor Philip Lowe Dr Geoff Whitman Professor Jeremy Phillipson
| Ecology and the social sciences | 2009 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| England's Rural Futures: A Socio-Geographical Approach to Scenarios Analysis | 2009 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| How do environmental actors make governance systems more sustainable? The role of politics and ideas in policy change | 2009 |
Professor Jeremy Phillipson Professor Philip Lowe
| Navigating the social sciences: interdisciplinarity and ecology | 2009 |
Professor Jeremy Phillipson Professor Philip Lowe
| Special Profile of Journal of Applied Ecology: Integrating ecology and the social sciences | 2009 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Jeremy Phillipson
| Strategic Land Use for Ecosystem Services | 2009 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Unlocking Potential: A Report on Veterinary Expertise in Food Animal Production | 2009 |
Professor Matthew Gorton Professor Philip Lowe Professor Stephen Quarrie
| 'Hollowing out of the State?': The implementation of public and private agri-environment regulation in the Serbian fresh fruit and vegetable sector | 2008 |
Professor Philip Lowe Dr Kayo Murakami Professor Neil Ward
| Localising Rural Development in a Globalising World | 2008 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Jeremy Phillipson Dr Richard Lee
| Socio-technical innovation for sustainable food chains: roles for social science | 2008 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The rural North: landscapes of endeavour and enquiry the 2008 Cameron-Gifford lecture | 2008 |
Professor Jeremy Phillipson Professor Philip Lowe
| Towards sustainable food chains: harnessing the social and natural sciences | 2008 |
Professor Jeremy Phillipson Professor Philip Lowe
| Towards sustainable food chains: harnessing the social and natural sciences. Special Issue of Trends in Food Science and Technology | 2008 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Wild mammals and the human food chain | 2008 |
Professor Neil Ward Professor Philip Lowe
| Blairism and the countryside: the legacy of modernisation in rural policy | 2007 |
Professor Neil Ward Professor Philip Lowe
| Blairite Modernisation and Countryside Policy | 2007 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| British rural geography: a disciplinary enterprise in changing times | 2007 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Des agricultures nationales aux campagnes locales: les bases d'une nouvelle coalition pour une réforme progressive de la PAC | 2007 |
Professor Neil Ward Professor Philip Lowe
| European rural development under the Common Agricultural Policy's 'Second Pillar': Institutional conservatism and innovation | 2007 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| Sustainable rural economies: Some lessons from the english experience | 2007 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Concetti e Metodi nelle Politiche Europee de Sviluppo Rurale | 2006 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| European agricultural and rural development policies for the 21st century | 2006 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Jeremy Phillipson
| Reflexive interdisciplinary research: The making of a research programme on the Rural Economy and Land Use | 2006 |
Professor Jeremy Phillipson Professor Philip Lowe
| Rural Economy and Land Use: The Scoping of an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda | 2006 |
Professor Jeremy Phillipson Professor Philip Lowe
| Special issue guest editorial: The scoping of an interdisciplinary research agenda | 2006 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The Ageing Countryside: the Growing Older Population of Rural England | 2006 |
Professor Matthew Gorton Professor Philip Lowe
| Agri-environmental policy systems in transition and preparation for EU membership | 2005 |
Professor Jeremy Phillipson Dr Joanna Daymond Professor Philip Lowe
| Harnessing the social and natural sciences for sustainable rural development: introducing the rural economy and land use programme. | 2005 |
Professor Matthew Gorton Professor Philip Lowe
| Pre-accession europeanisation: The strategic realignment of the environmental policy systems of Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia towards agricultural pollution in preparation for EU membership | 2005 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Jeremy Phillipson
| Rural Economy and Land Use Futures | 2005 |
Dr Joanna Daymond Professor Philip Lowe Professor Jeremy Phillipson
| Rural Economy and Land Use Futures | 2005 |
Dr Joanna Daymond Professor Philip Lowe Professor Jeremy Phillipson
| Rural Economy and Land Use Programme: The Unfolding Research Agenda | 2005 |
Professor Neil Ward Dr Jane Atterton Tae Kim Professor Philip Lowe Professor Jeremy Phillipson et al. | Universities, the Knowledge Economy and 'Neo-Endogenous Rural Development' | 2005 |
Professor Jeremy Phillipson Dr Katy Bennett Professor Philip Lowe Marian Raley
| Adaptive responses and asset strategies: the experience of rural micro-firms and Foot and Mouth Disease | 2004 |
Professor Neil Ward Professor Philip Lowe
| Europeanizing Rural Development? Implementing the CAP's Second Pillar in England | 2004 |
Professor Neil Ward Dr Andrew Donaldson Professor Philip Lowe
| Policy framing and learning the lessons from the UK's foot and mouth disease crisis | 2004 |
Professor Neil Ward Professor Philip Lowe
| Rural dilemmas remain | 2004 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| The time for rural delivery | 2004 |
Professor Philip Lowe Christiane Ratschow Johanne Allinson Dr Lutz Laschewski
| Government Decision Making Under Crisis: A Comparison of the German and British Responses to BSE and FMD | 2003 |
Professor Philip Lowe Dr Kayo Murakami
| Japan's rural renaissance | 2003 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Maintaining High Nature Value Landscapes in an Enlarged Europe: A Comparative Analysis of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia | 2003 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Mediating the 'national' and the 'local' in the environmental policy process: A case study of the CPRE | 2003 |
Professor Neil Ward Professor Philip Lowe
| Rural and regional development: The role of the regional development agencies in England | 2003 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Synopsis of the Central and Eastern European Sustainable Agriculture project (CEESA) | 2003 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The Challenge of the Nitrate Directive to Acceding Countries: A Comparative Analysis of Poland, Lithuania and Slovakia | 2003 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| The Differentiated Countryside | 2003 |
Dr Jeremy Franks Professor Philip Lowe Professor Jeremy Phillipson Charles Scott
| The impact of foot and mouth disease on farm businesses in Cumbria | 2003 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| The paternalistic countryside | 2003 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The preservationist paradox: Modernism, environmentalism and the politics of spatial division | 2003 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| After foot and mouth: farming and the new rural economy | 2002 |
Professor Jeremy Phillipson Professor Philip Lowe
| Confronting the Rural Shutdown: Foot and Mouth Disease and the North East Rural Economy | 2002 |
Dr Katy Bennett Professor Philip Lowe Professor Jeremy Phillipson
| Coping with Crisis in Cumbria: Consequences of Foot and Mouth Disease | 2002 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Jeremy Phillipson
| Coping with Crisis in Cumbria: the Consequences of Foot and Mouth Disease | 2002 |
Professor Jeremy Phillipson Dr Katy Bennett Professor Philip Lowe
| Coping with crisis in Cumbria: the consequences of Foot and Mouth Disease | 2002 |
Professor Neil Ward Professor Philip Lowe
| Devolution and the governance of rural affairs in the UK | 2002 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Does Farming have a Future? | 2002 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| Europe's Rural Futures: The Nature of Rural Development II, Rural Development in an Enlarging European Union | 2002 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| Setting the next agenda? British and French approaches to the second pillar of the Common Agricultural Policy | 2002 |
Professor Neil Ward Dr Andrew Donaldson Professor Philip Lowe
| The 2001 Foot and Mouth Crisis and the Management of Lesson Learning | 2002 |
Professor Philip Lowe Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards Professor Neil Ward
| The Foot and Mouth Crisis: Issues for Public Policy and Research | 2002 |
Professor Jeremy Phillipson Professor Philip Lowe Marian Raley Dr Andrew Moxey
| The Nature of Needs of Rural Microbusinesses in the North East of England | 2002 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| Towards a sustainable rural economy: lessons from Foot and Mouth | 2002 |
Dr Andrew Donaldson Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| Virus-crisis-institutional change: The foot and mouth actor network and the governance of rural affairs in the UK | 2002 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| A Review of European Experience of Integrating Environmental Objectives into Agricultural Policy and Practice | 2001 |
Professor Philip Lowe Emeritus Professor Stephen Jarvis
| Interim Report and Overview | 2001 |
Andrew Cattermole Dr Andrew Moxey Professor Philip Lowe
| National Trust Branding and Retailing of Lamb and Beef: A Feasibility Study | 2001 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| New labour, new rural vision? Labour's rural white paper | 2001 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| New Labour, New Rural Vision? Labour's Rural White Paper | 2001 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Professionals and Volunteers in the Environmental Process | 2001 |
Dr Katy Bennett Professor Jeremy Phillipson Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward Andrew Cattermole et al. | The Impact of the Foot and Mouth Crisis on Rural Firms: A Survey of Microbusinesses in the North East of England | 2001 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| The Nature of Rural Development: Towards a Sustainable Integrated Rural Policy in Europe | 2001 |
Professor Philip Lowe Emerita Professor Sandra Edwards Professor Neil Ward
| The realities revealed by foot and mouth | 2001 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The Rural White Paper: Sifting through the bran tub | 2001 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Agenda 2000: a wasted opportunity? | 2000 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| CAP and the environment: policy development and the state of research | 2000 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| CAP Regimes and the European countryside | 2000 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| CAP regimes and the European countryside : prospects for integration between agricultural, regional, and environmental policies | 2000 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Integration of environmental objectives into agricultural policy making | 2000 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Labour's rural policy | 2000 |
Professor Philip Lowe Dr Hilary Talbot
| Policy for small business support in rural areas: A critical assessment of the proposals for the small business service | 2000 |
Professor Philip Lowe Dr Hilary Talbot
| Providing Advice and Information in Support of Rural Microbusinesses | 2000 |
Professor Michael Bell Professor Philip Lowe
| Regulated freedoms: The market and the state agriculture and the environment | 2000 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| Attitudinal and institutional indicators for sustainable agriculture | 1999 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Getting over the food mountain: The newly created Countryside Agency must face the realities of today's rural areas, namely that food production is no longer its sole function. Philip Lowe assesses a new agenda and a new vision. | 1999 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| Insecurities in contemporary country life: rural communities and social change | 1999 |
Professor Philip Lowe Katherine Falconer Dr Andrew Moxey Professor Neil Ward Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby et al. | Integrating the Environment into CAP Reform | 1999 |
Professor Philip Lowe Katherine Falconer Dr Andrew Moxey Professor Neil Ward Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby et al. | Integrating the Environment into CAP Reform | 1999 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| Moralising nature? The National Rivers Authority and new moral imperatives for the rural environment | 1999 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| National Perspectives on the Greening of the CAP: A Comparative Analysis | 1999 |
Professor Philip Lowe Dr Chris Ray Professor Neil Ward Professor Rachel Woodward
| Participation in rural development | 1999 |
Professor Philip Lowe Dr Hilary Talbot
| Policy for Small Business Support in Rural Areas: A Response to the DTI Consultation Paper: The Small Business Service | 1999 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The Changing Countryside and New Rural Development Models | 1999 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| A 'Second Pillar' for the CAP? The European Rural Development Regulation and its Implications for the UK | 1998 |
Dr Andrew Moxey Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby Professor Philip Lowe
| Agri-environmental indicators: issues and choices | 1998 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Britain: coming to terms with sustainable development? | 1998 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| British Environmental Policy and Europe: Politics and Policy in Transition | 1998 |
Professor Philip Lowe Dr Lionel Hubbard Professor Neil Ward Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby Dr Andrew Moxey et al. | CAP and the Environment in the United Kingdom | 1998 |
Professor Philip Lowe Dr Lionel Hubbard Professor Neil Ward Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby Dr Andrew Moxey et al. | CAP and the Environment in the United Kingdom | 1998 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| CAP and the Rural Environment in Transition: a Panorama of National Perspectives | 1998 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Conservation - more than appeasement? | 1998 |
Dr Andrew Moxey Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby Professor Philip Lowe
| Environmental Indicators for a Reformed CAP: Monitoring and Evaluating Policies in Agriculture | 1998 |
Professor Neil Ward Professor Philip Lowe
| Insecurities in Contemporary Country Life: Rural Communities and Social Change | 1998 |
Professor Neil Ward Professor Philip Lowe
| Keeping matter in its place: pollution regulation and the reconfiguring of farmers and farming | 1998 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| National environmental groups and Europeanisation: a survey of the British environmental lobby | 1998 |
Professor Philip Lowe Dr Chris Ray Professor Neil Ward Professor Rachel Woodward
| Participation in rural development: a review of European experience | 1998 |
Professor Philip Lowe Dr Chris Ray Professor Neil Ward Professor Rachel Woodward
| Participation in rural development: a review of European Experience | 1998 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| Regional policy, CAP reform and rural development in Britain: the challenge for New Labour | 1998 |
Professor Michael Bell Professor Philip Lowe
| Regulated Freedoms: the Market and the State, Agriculture and the Environment | 1998 |
Professor Neil Ward Professor Philip Lowe
| Economic restructuring, environmental consciousness and farm family succession in Britain | 1997 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| Environmental 'Others' and 'Elites': rural pollution and changing power relations in the countryside | 1997 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| Field-level bureaucrats and the making of new moral discourses in agri-environmental controversies | 1997 |
Professor Neil Ward Professor Philip Lowe
| Implementing European water quality directives : lessons for sustainable development | 1997 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| Moralizing the environment : countryside change, farming and pollution | 1997 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The British Rural White Papers : A Comparisonand Critique | 1997 |
Professor Philip Lowe Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby
| The CAP and the European environment | 1997 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| The moral authority of regulation: the case of agricultural pollution | 1997 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Blueprint for a rural economy | 1996 |
Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby Professor Philip Lowe
| Conservation options for CAP reform | 1996 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| Farm pollution as environmental crime | 1996 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Alan Rutherford
| Implications of the Cork Declaration | 1996 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The British Rural White Papers | 1996 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The development of European agri-environmental policy | 1996 |
Professor Neil Ward Professor Philip Lowe
| The Europeanisation of local environmental politics: Bathing water pollution in south-west England | 1996 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The political power of farmers: an English perspective | 1996 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| A civilised retreat? Anti-urbanism, rurality and the making of an Anglo-centric culture | 1995 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| Countryside Prospects, 1995-2010: Some Future Trends | 1995 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| Countryside Prospects, 1995-2010: Some Future Trends and the role of the Countryside Commission | 1995 |
Dr Hilary Talbot Professor Philip Lowe
| Environmental agencies and Europe: a case of missed opportunities? | 1995 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| European review 1993/4 | 1995 |
Professor Neil Ward Professor Philip Lowe
| Implementing European environmental policy at the local level: the British experience with water quality directives, volume 1: Summary Report | 1995 |
Professor Neil Ward Professor Philip Lowe
| Implementing European environmental policy at the local level: the British experience with water quality directives, Volume II: Research Report | 1995 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| Networks in rural development: beyond exogenous and endogenous models | 1995 |
Professor Neil Ward Professor Philip Lowe
| Rural restructuring and the regulation of farm pollution | 1995 |
Professor Guy Garrod Professor Philip Lowe
| Sustainability and the rural economy: An evolutionary perspective | 1995 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The changing public interest in agriculture: with specific reference to grassland farming in EU agri-environment policy | 1995 |
Emeritus Professor David Harvey Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| The CRE's Comments for the White Paper on Rural Areas | 1995 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The establishment of a cross-sector environment agency | 1995 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Adaptation, Participation and Reaction: British Local Government - EU Environmental Relations | 1994 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Environmental politics and administrative reform | 1994 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| European review 1992/93 | 1994 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Gender and Rurality | 1994 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Regulating Agriculture | 1994 |
Professor Neil Ward Professor Philip Lowe
| Shifting values in agriculture: the farm family and pollution regulation | 1994 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| Sustainable Agriculture and Pollution Regulation in the UK | 1994 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Guy Garrod
| The Rural Economy : An Evolutionary Perspective | 1994 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Constructing the Countryside | 1993 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Countryside change: a synopsis | 1993 |
Professor Philip Lowe Emeritus Professor David Harvey Emeritus Prof Professor Martin Whitby Emeritus Professor Ken Willis
| Countryside Change: A Synopsis. The ESRC Countryside Change Initiative (1989-1993) | 1993 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| European Integration and Environmental Policy | 1993 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| National responses to the Europeanisation of environmental policy: a selective review of comparative research | 1993 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Reasonable creatures: rights and rationalities in valuing the countryside | 1993 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Regulating the new rural spaces: the uneven development of land | 1993 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The environment and the European Community: the analysis of political integration | 1993 |
Professor Neil Ward Professor Philip Lowe
| Water pollution from agricultural pesticides | 1993 |
Professor Neil Ward Professor Philip Lowe
| Water Pollution from Agricultural Pesticides | 1993 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Cleaning up agriculture: environment, technology and social science | 1992 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Industrial agriculture and environmental regulation: a new agenda for rural sociology | 1992 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Labour and Locality: Uneven Development and the Rural Labour Process | 1992 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Nitrates in water: The politics of the 'Polluter Pays Principle' | 1992 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| Pollution control on dairy farms : an evaluation of current policy and practice | 1992 |
Professor Philip Lowe Professor Neil Ward
| Social analysis of land use change: the role of the farmer | 1992 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The environment and the election | 1992 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Environmental management in West European countries: social movements, ecological problems, and institutional responses | 1991 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Rural enterprise : shifting perspectives on small-scale production | 1991 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The origins and early development of the National Farmers' Union | 1991 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Agricultural regulation and the politics of milk production | 1990 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Environmentally sensitive areas: incrementalism or reform? | 1990 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Reforming UK conservation | 1990 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Rural Restructuring: Global Processes and their Responses | 1990 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Technological Change and the Rural Environment | 1990 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Technological change, farm management and pollution regulation : the example of Britain | 1990 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The cultures of conservation: a UK perspective | 1990 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Campagne Francaise, Campagne Britannique: Histoires, Images, Usages Au Crible des Sciences Sociales | 1989 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Environmental planning and the Thatcher Government | 1989 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Environmental politics and policy in the 1980s | 1989 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The coming of the Greens: the Green Party in the European elections | 1989 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The farm crisis in Britain | 1989 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The rural idyll defended: from preservation to conservation | 1989 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Environmental concern and rural conservation politics | 1988 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Environmental politics and agriculture in Western Europe | 1988 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Private rights and public responsibilities: the prospects for agricultural and environmental controls | 1988 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Farmers and the state: a crisis for corporatism | 1987 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Landscape protection and nature conservation | 1987 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The problems of analysing party politics: Labour and Conservative approaches to rural conservation | 1987 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Agriculture and conservation in Britain: a policy community under siege | 1986 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Agriculture: People and Policies | 1986 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Countryside Conflicts: the Politics of Farming, Forestry and Conservation | 1986 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Deprivation and Welfare in Rural Areas | 1986 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| From state direction to self-regulation: the historical development of corporatism in British agriculture | 1986 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Keeping the wraps on rural land | 1986 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Political Ecology and the Social Sciences : The State of the Art | 1986 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The alternative land-use debate: where are the conservationists? | 1986 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The state and the farmer: perspectives on agricultural policy | 1986 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The withered 'greening' of British politics: a study of the Ecology Party | 1986 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Caught in the Act: the agricultural lobby and the conservation debate | 1985 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Changing directions in agricultural policy: corporatist arrangements in production and conservation policies | 1985 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Conserving the wild | 1985 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Land use conflict after the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981: the role of the Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group | 1985 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Private Groups | 1985 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| A matter of trust? | 1984 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Agricultural corporatism and conservation politics | 1984 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Bad news or good news: environmental politics and the mass media | 1984 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Countryside: a voice crying in the wilderness | 1984 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Introduction: Locality, rurality and social theory | 1984 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Locality and Rurality: Economy and Society in Rural Regions | 1984 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Statutory bodies and rural conservation: agency or instrument? | 1984 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| A battle not the war: the politics of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (UK) | 1983 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Are conservationists becoming more political? - the results of an opinion survey | 1983 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Conservation: the Sedgemoor saga | 1983 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Countryside politics: goodbye to goodwill? | 1983 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Environmental Groups in Politics | 1983 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Values and institutions in the history of British nature conservation | 1983 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Yorkshire's naturalists in the history of ecology | 1982 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| "Biogeography", " Community", "Ecology", "Economy of nature" | 1981 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The British Association and the provincial public | 1981 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The environmental impact of modern agriculture | 1981 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Ecology and ideology | 1980 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The Council for the Protection of Rural England | 1980 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The countryside in 1980: issues and interests in rural politics | 1980 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| A political analysis of British rural conservation - issues and policies | 1978 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Ecology and the end of ideology | 1978 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Amenity and equity: a review of local environmental pressure groups in Britain | 1977 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Consultation in National Park planning | 1977 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Environmental values | 1977 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Amateurs and professionals: the institutional emergence of British plant ecology | 1976 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The ecology of ecology | 1976 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Political resources and structure of the environmental lobby | 1975 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| Science and government: the case of pollution | 1975 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution | 1975 |
Professor Philip Lowe
| The teaching of social studies of science and technology in British polytechnics | 1975 |