Patrick Allen Emeritus Professor Jimmy Steele CBE
| What has oral health related quality of life ever done for us? | 2013 |
Patrick Allen Emeritus Professor Jimmy Steele CBE
| Interpreting oral health-related quality of life data | 2012 |
Professor Justin Durham Emeritus Professor Jimmy Steele CBE Dr Robert Wassell Professor Catherine Exley Dr John Meechan et al. | Creating a patient based condition-specific outcome measure for Temporomandibular Disorders (TMDs): Oral Health Impact Profile for TMDs (OHIP-TMDs) | 2011 |
Dr Adel Moufti Dr Robert Wassell Dr John Meechan Patrick Allen Emeritus Professor Jimmy Steele CBE et al. | The Oral Health Impact Profile: ranking of items for temporomandibular disorders | 2011 |
Emeritus Professor Jimmy Steele CBE Patrick Allen
| A cross-national comparison of income gradients in oral health quality of life in four welfare states: application of the Korpi and Palme typology | 2009 |
Dr Nick Jepson Patrick Allen
| A qualitative study of trends in patient preferences for the management of the partially dentate state | 2009 |
Jane Bradbury Professor Mark Thomason Dr Nick Jepson Professor Angus Walls Patrick Allen et al. | Perceived chewing ability and intake of fruit and vegetables | 2008 |
Patrick Allen Dr Nick Jepson Julie Doughty Emeritus Professor Senga Bond
| Attitudes and practice in the provision of removable partial dentures | 2007 |
Emeritus Professor Jimmy Steele CBE Patrick Allen
| Effect of a 1-month vs. a 12-month reference period on responses to the 14-item Oral Health Impact Profile | 2007 |
Patrick Allen Professor Mark Thomason Dr Nick Jepson Francis Nohl Professor Janice Ellis et al. | A randomized controlled trial of implant-retained mandibular overdentures | 2006 |
Emeritus Professor Jimmy Steele CBE Patrick Allen
| An empirically derived population-response model of the short form of the Oral Health Impact Profile | 2006 |
Dr Ruth Graham Dr Svetozar Mihaylov Dr Nick Jepson Patrick Allen Emeritus Professor Senga Bond et al. | Determining 'need' for a Removable Partial Denture: a qualitative study of factors that influence dentist provision and patient use | 2006 |
Jane Bradbury Professor Mark Thomason Dr Nick Jepson Professor Angus Walls Patrick Allen et al. | Nutrition counseling increases fruit and vegetable intake in the edentulous | 2006 |
Patrick Allen Professor John Whitworth
| Endodontic considerations in the elderly | 2005 |
Emeritus Professor Jimmy Steele CBE Patrick Allen
| Impacts of oral disorders in the United Kingdom and Australia | 2005 |
Emeritus Professor Jimmy Steele CBE Patrick Allen
| How do age and tooth loss affect oral health impacts and quality of life? a study comparing two national samples | 2004 |
Emeritus Professor Jimmy Steele CBE Patrick Allen
| [abstract] Effects of age and edentulism on subjective oral health in three populations | 2003 |
Dr Ruth Graham Dr Nick Jepson Emeritus Professor Senga Bond Patrick Allen
| Attitudes of United Kingdom dentists to removable partial dentures | 2003 |
Dr Svetozar Mihaylov Dr Nick Jepson Emeritus Professor Senga Bond Patrick Allen
| Exploring attitudes and barriers to removable partial denture use. | 2003 |
Patrick Allen Emeritus Professor Jimmy Steele CBE
| Influence of occupational prestige, income, and education on subjective oral health | 2003 |
Patrick Allen Emeritus Professor Jimmy Steele CBE
| Influence of social class on the impact of tooth loss on subjective oral health | 2003 |
Professor John Whitworth Patrick Allen
| Endodontics in the elderly | 2002 |
Emeritus Professor Jimmy Steele CBE Patrick Allen
| Frequency of oral health impacts in three industrialized countries | 2002 |
Patrick Allen Emeritus Professor Jimmy Steele CBE
| The validity of Locker's conceptual model of oral health | 2002 |
Patrick Allen Dr David Walshaw
| A patient-based assessment of implant-stabilized and conventional complete dentures | 2001 |
Patrick Allen
| An assessment of sensitivity to change of the Oral Health Impact Profile in a clinical trial | 2001 |
Dr Nick Jepson Patrick Allen
| Evaluation of a tooth counting questionnaire for primary dental care research | 2001 |
Patrick Allen
| An analysis of the responsiveness of the oral health impact profile in a clinical trial | 2000 |
Patrick Allen
| An assessment of the accuracy of ridge-mapping in planning implant therapy for the anterior maxilla | 2000 |
Patrick Allen
| Impact of oral disease among the elderly in Hong Kong | 2000 |
Patrick Allen
| Peri-implant soft tissue maintenance in patients with craniofacial implant retained prostheses | 2000 |
Patrick Allen Emeritus Professor Jimmy Steele CBE
| Measuring oral health: does your treatment really make a difference | 1999 |
Patrick Allen Dr David Walshaw
| Patient expectations of oral implant-retained prostheses in a UK dental hospital | 1999 |
Dr Nick Jepson Patrick Allen
| Short and sticky options in the treatment of the partially dentate patient | 1999 |
Patrick Allen
| The impact of tooth loss in a denture wearing population: an assessment using the Oral Health Impact Profile | 1999 |
Patrick Allen
| A retrospective multicenter evaluation of single tooth implant experience at three centers in the United Kingdom | 1998 |