Professor Violetta Hionidou
| ‘“The Italians wanted beautiful girls”: Remembering the Italian Occupation and the Famine’ | 2025 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| ‘Ο κατοχικός λιμός και οι ανθρώπινες απώλειές του’ (The occupation famine and its human losses) | 2025 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| "We went through a lot that ... cannot be discussed, cannot be written": Remembering the Greek Famine of the early 1940s | 2024 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| ‘Remembering’ the early 1940s Greek famine: fiction and collective memory, 1950–2019 | 2024 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| ‘If we hadn’t left … we would have all died’: Escaping Famine on the Greek Island of Chios, 1941–44 | 2021 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| “‘Αν δε φεύγαμε εμείς, θα πεθαίναμε όλοι μαζί”: Διαφυγή από τον λιμό, Χίος 1941-44’ (“‘If we hadn’t left … we would have all died”: Escaping famine from the Greek island of Chios, 1941-44’) | 2021 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| Greek Sources | 2021 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| «Υπηρέτριες στην Ελλάδα, 19ος-20ός αιώνας: μορφές και σχέσεις εργασίας» ('Female servants in Greece: 19th-20th centuries') | 2020 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| Abortion and Contraception in Modern Greece, 1830-1967: Medicine, Sexuality and Popular Culture | 2020 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| H Κατοχική Πείνα μέσα από Προφορικές Μαρτυρίες. Η περίπτωση της Χίου, της Σύρου και της Μυκόνου (The Greek Famine of the 1940s through Oral Histories. The cases of Hios, Syros and Mykonos) | 2020 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| « ‘Ποιός έφταιγε; Ποιός; Άραγε, μόνο οι Γερμανοί;’: Η επισιτιστικη κατασταση της Ελλαδας, Οκτωβριος 1940-Απριλιος 1941» ("‘Who was to blame? Who? Was it only the Germans?’ The food situation in Greece, October 1940-April 1941") | 2019 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| 'Choosing' Between Children and the Elderly in the Greek Famine (1941-1944) | 2018 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| Review of the films: Marios Polyzogopoulos and Dimitris Pliagkos, directors, Shadow on the Soul, 2016; Vassilis Loules, director, Kisses to the Children, 2012; Kostas Kalantzis, director, Dowsing the Past: Materialities of Civil War Memories, 2014; Stavroula Toska, director, Beneath the Lemon Tree, 2013 | 2018 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| From modernity to tradition: Households on Kythera in the early nineteenth century | 2016 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| Historical demography of Greek populations | 2016 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| Popular medicine and empirics in Greece, 1900-1950: An oral history approach | 2016 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| Food and War in Twentieth Century Europe by Zweiniger-Bargielowska, I., Duffett, R., Drouard, A. [Book review] | 2014 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| ‘Καλά που ήρθες Μάριε, να τα επιβεβαιώνεις, γιατί δεν θα τα πίστευε’: Μνήμη, Λήθη και τραύματα του κατοχικού Λιμού | 2013 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| Relief and Politics in Occupied Greece, 1941–4 | 2013 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| ‘‘Abroad I was Greek and in Greece I am a Foreigner”: Pontic Greeks from former Soviet Union in Greece | 2012 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| Marriage, inheritance and household formation on a Greek island, Mykonos (mid-nineteenth to mid-twentieth century) | 2012 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| Independence and inter-dependence: Household formation patterns in eighteenth century Kythera, Greece | 2011 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| What do starving people eat? The case of Greece through Oral History | 2011 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| Blood and Oranges: Immigrant Labor and European Markets in Rural Greece. | 2010 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou Professor David Saunders
| Exiles and pioneers: Oral Histories of Greeks deported from the Caucasus to Kazakhstan in 1949 | 2010 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| 'It was a bridge from life to death': Hospitals during the Food Crisis, Greece 1941-1944 | 2009 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| Famine in occupied Greece: Causes and Consequences | 2007 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| Population exchange in Greek Macedonia: The rural settlement of refugees 1922-1930. Kontogiorgi, E | 2007 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| Famine and Death in Occupied Greece, 1941-1944 | 2006 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| Domestic service on three Greek islands in the later 19th and early 20th centuries | 2005 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| Black market, hyperinflation and hunger, Greece 1941-1944 | 2004 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| The position of the elderly in Greece prior to World War Two. Evidence from three island populations | 2004 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| "They used to go and come." A century of circular migration from a Greek Island, Mykonos 1850 to 1950 | 2002 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| ‘Send us either food or coffins’: The 1941-43 famine on the Aegean island of Syros | 2002 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| Why do people die in famines? Evidence from three island populations | 2002 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| Nineteenth-century urban Greek households: the case of Hermoupolis, 1861-1879 | 1999 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| The adoption of fertility control on Mykonos 1879-1959: Stopping, spacing or both? | 1998 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| Historical Critical Review of Fertility in Greece. The case of Mykonos 1859-1959 (in Greek) | 1997 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| Infant mortality in Greece, 1859-1959: Problems and research perspectives | 1997 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| The Greek famine of 1941-42: An overview | 1996 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| Nuptiality patterns and household structure on the Greek island of Mykonos, 1849-1959 | 1995 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| The demographic system of a Mediterranean island: Mykonos, Greece 1859-1959 | 1995 |
Professor Violetta Hionidou
| The demography of a Greek famine: Mykonos 1941-1942 | 1995 |