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Browsing publications by Professor Violetta Hionidou.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Violetta Hionidou
‘“The Italians wanted beautiful girls”: Remembering the Italian Occupation and the Famine’2025
Professor Violetta Hionidou
‘Ο κατοχικός λιμός και οι ανθρώπινες απώλειές του’ (The occupation famine and its human losses)2025
Professor Violetta Hionidou
"We went through a lot that ... cannot be discussed, cannot be written": Remembering the Greek Famine of the early 1940s2024
Professor Violetta Hionidou
‘Remembering’ the early 1940s Greek famine: fiction and collective memory, 1950–20192024
Professor Violetta Hionidou
‘If we hadn’t left … we would have all died’: Escaping Famine on the Greek Island of Chios, 1941–442021
Professor Violetta Hionidou
“‘Αν δε φεύγαμε εμείς, θα πεθαίναμε όλοι μαζί”: Διαφυγή από τον λιμό, Χίος 1941-44’ (“‘If we hadn’t left … we would have all died”: Escaping famine from the Greek island of Chios, 1941-44’)2021
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Greek Sources2021
Professor Violetta Hionidou
«Υπηρέτριες στην Ελλάδα, 19ος-20ός αιώνας: μορφές και σχέσεις εργασίας» ('Female servants in Greece: 19th-20th centuries')2020
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Abortion and Contraception in Modern Greece, 1830-1967: Medicine, Sexuality and Popular Culture2020
Professor Violetta Hionidou
H Κατοχική Πείνα μέσα από Προφορικές Μαρτυρίες. Η περίπτωση της Χίου, της Σύρου και της Μυκόνου (The Greek Famine of the 1940s through Oral Histories. The cases of Hios, Syros and Mykonos)2020
Professor Violetta Hionidou
« ‘Ποιός έφταιγε; Ποιός; Άραγε, μόνο οι Γερμανοί;’: Η επισιτιστικη κατασταση της Ελλαδας, Οκτωβριος 1940-Απριλιος 1941» ("‘Who was to blame? Who? Was it only the Germans?’ The food situation in Greece, October 1940-April 1941")2019
Professor Violetta Hionidou
'Choosing' Between Children and the Elderly in the Greek Famine (1941-1944)2018
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Review of the films: Marios Polyzogopoulos and Dimitris Pliagkos, directors, Shadow on the Soul, 2016; Vassilis Loules, director, Kisses to the Children, 2012; Kostas Kalantzis, director, Dowsing the Past: Materialities of Civil War Memories, 2014; Stavroula Toska, director, Beneath the Lemon Tree, 20132018
Professor Violetta Hionidou
From modernity to tradition: Households on Kythera in the early nineteenth century2016
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Historical demography of Greek populations2016
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Popular medicine and empirics in Greece, 1900-1950: An oral history approach2016
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Food and War in Twentieth Century Europe by Zweiniger-Bargielowska, I., Duffett, R., Drouard, A. [Book review]2014
Professor Violetta Hionidou
‘Καλά που ήρθες Μάριε, να τα επιβεβαιώνεις, γιατί δεν θα τα πίστευε’: Μνήμη, Λήθη και τραύματα του κατοχικού Λιμού2013
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Relief and Politics in Occupied Greece, 1941–42013
Professor Violetta Hionidou
‘‘Abroad I was Greek and in Greece I am a Foreigner”: Pontic Greeks from former Soviet Union in Greece2012
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Marriage, inheritance and household formation on a Greek island, Mykonos (mid-nineteenth to mid-twentieth century)2012
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Independence and inter-dependence: Household formation patterns in eighteenth century Kythera, Greece2011
Professor Violetta Hionidou
What do starving people eat? The case of Greece through Oral History2011
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Blood and Oranges: Immigrant Labor and European Markets in Rural Greece.2010
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Professor David Saunders
Exiles and pioneers: Oral Histories of Greeks deported from the Caucasus to Kazakhstan in 19492010
Professor Violetta Hionidou
'It was a bridge from life to death': Hospitals during the Food Crisis, Greece 1941-19442009
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Famine in occupied Greece: Causes and Consequences2007
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Population exchange in Greek Macedonia: The rural settlement of refugees 1922-1930. Kontogiorgi, E2007
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Famine and Death in Occupied Greece, 1941-19442006
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Domestic service on three Greek islands in the later 19th and early 20th centuries2005
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Black market, hyperinflation and hunger, Greece 1941-19442004
Professor Violetta Hionidou
The position of the elderly in Greece prior to World War Two. Evidence from three island populations2004
Professor Violetta Hionidou
"They used to go and come." A century of circular migration from a Greek Island, Mykonos 1850 to 19502002
Professor Violetta Hionidou
‘Send us either food or coffins’: The 1941-43 famine on the Aegean island of Syros2002
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Why do people die in famines? Evidence from three island populations2002
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Nineteenth-century urban Greek households: the case of Hermoupolis, 1861-18791999
Professor Violetta Hionidou
The adoption of fertility control on Mykonos 1879-1959: Stopping, spacing or both?1998
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Historical Critical Review of Fertility in Greece. The case of Mykonos 1859-1959 (in Greek)1997
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Infant mortality in Greece, 1859-1959: Problems and research perspectives1997
Professor Violetta Hionidou
The Greek famine of 1941-42: An overview1996
Professor Violetta Hionidou
Nuptiality patterns and household structure on the Greek island of Mykonos, 1849-19591995
Professor Violetta Hionidou
The demographic system of a Mediterranean island: Mykonos, Greece 1859-19591995
Professor Violetta Hionidou
The demography of a Greek famine: Mykonos 1941-19421995