Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Democracy and Global Water Politics in Historical Perspective: Against water privatization | 2024 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Of lakes and knowledges: between disciplinary enclosures and the pursuit of "full transdisciplinarity" | 2024 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Substantive democracy in the politics, management, and access to basic sanitation services. Interview. | 2024 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| El Derecho al Agua como Política Pública: una Exploración Teórica y Empírica [The Right to Water as Public Policy: a Theoretical and Empirical Exploration] | 2023 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Socio-ecological violence, resistance, and democratization processes | 2023 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Art, Communication, Culture, and Education as tools for democratizing water Politics and management in Latin America (in Portuguese, and Spanish). | 2022 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Conflicting hydrosocial territories [in Spanish] | 2022 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Producing knowledge about Water. Theoretical and methodological controversies, flows, meanders, rigidities, and the pursuit of “full transdiciplinarity” (in English, Portuguese, and Spanish) | 2022 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Public-private transgressions in water-related public policies and their impact on hydrosocial spaces, territories, and basins. Lessons from Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico (in Portuguese, and Spanish) | 2022 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Substantive democracy in the politics, management, and access to basic sanitation services. The centrality of scientific knowledge and democratic politics in the construction of a more humane, inclusionary, and sustainable society. A position Paper (in Portuguese) | 2022 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Water and sanitation services, and substantive democracy | 2022 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Disasters, inequalities, violence and democratization processes [in Portuguese] | 2021 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Functionalism | 2020 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals for Water and Sanitation | 2020 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Review of "The human right to water. Theory, practice and prospects". Cambridge University Press, 2017, edited by M. Langford and A.F.S. Russell, Water Alternatives | 2020 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Solidaridades en confrontación, resistencias y órdenes sociales en tiempos de pandemia [Clashing solidarities, resistances, and social orders in times of pandemic] | 2020 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Artisanal fishing and cultural heritage: territorial conflicts, resistances, and social transformation in Colombia, Mexico and Spain (in Spanish) | 2019 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Confronting the Politics of Inequality in the Social Construction of Disasters: the case of mining waste dams (in English, Portuguese, and Spanish) | 2019 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Interview with Sergio Mauricio Zamora Betancur, Workers Union of Cali's Municipal Utilities (SINTRAEMCALI), Cali, Colombia (in Spanish) | 2019 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Structural inequality and social determination (in Portuguese) | 2019 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Territorialidades del Agua: Conocimiento y Acción para Construir el Futuro que Queremos (Water Territories: Knowledge and action to build the future that we want) | 2019 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| The challenge of universalizing essential water services in Latin America and the Caribbean | 2019 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| X-disciplinariedades y bifurcaciones en los estudios sobre el agua (X-disciplinarities and bifurcations in water studies) | 2019 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| An examination of the politics of privatization of water and sanitation services in Africa, Europe, and Latin America (1990-2004) – Cases from Kenya and Tanzania | 2018 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Challenges and opportunities facing water-service co-operatives: cases from Argentina and Finland | 2018 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Finnish Water Services. Experiences in Global Perspective, Tapio S. Katko. Finnish Water Utilities Association, Helsinki (2016) [Book review] | 2018 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Politics of inequality in the urban water cycle: experiences from Argentina and Brazil | 2018 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Socio-ecological inequality and the democratization process | 2018 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| The struggle for democracy in Spain: grassroots initiatives to defend essential water services as a common good (articles in Spanish). | 2018 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| The tension between social and environmental injustice. An interview with Juan Carlos Marin (in Spanish) | 2018 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| The tension between social and environmental injustice. Interview with Ricardo Vieira Coutinho, Governor of Paraiba (2011-2018), Brazil (Portuguese) | 2018 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| The tension between social and environmental injustice. Interview with Wilson Arias Castillo, Polo Democrático Alternativo, Cali, Colombia (Spanish) | 2018 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Time, Science and the Critique of Technological Reason: Essays in Honour of Hermínio Martins | 2018 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro Dr Luis Cunha
| Os desafios do Paradigma da "cidadania" hídrica na América Latina: conflitos, estado e democracia (The challenges of the paradigm of water "citizenship" in Latin America: conflicts, state and democracy) | 2017 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| An examination of the politics of privatization of water and sanitation services in Africa, Europe, and Latin America (1990-2004) - Cases from Finland and Greece | 2017 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Antonio Loris 2015: Water, State and the City. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan | 2017 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Conflictos y luchas por el agua en el medio urbano: una contribución desde la sociología [Conflicts and struggles over water in the urban space: a sociological contribution] | 2017 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Democratizing the politics, management, and access to essential water and sanitation services | 2017 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Monopoly process and State formation: water control in the Valley of Mexico in historical perspective (XV to XIX centuries) (in Spanish). | 2017 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Poverty and citizenship: sociological perspectives on private participation in the provision of water services (in Spanish) | 2017 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro Dr Luis Cunha
| Tensão entre Justiça Ambiental e Justiça Social na América Latina: o Caso da Gestão da Agua (The Tension between Environmental and Social Justice in Latin America: the Case of Water Management) | 2017 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro Ross Beveridge Dr Emmanuel Akpabio
| Water politics and management: findings from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America (articles in English, Portuguese, and Spanish) | 2017 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| A dimensão teórica da participação e do controle social (The theoretical dimension of social participation and democratic control) | 2016 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Água e Democracia na América Latina (Water and Democracy in Latin America) | 2016 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Águas públicas: Lições de Buenos Aires (Public waters: Lessons from Buenos Aires) | 2016 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| An examination of the politics of privatization of water and sanitation services in Africa, Europe, and Latin America (1990-2004). Comparative analyses | 2016 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| An examination of the politics of privatization of water and sanitation services in Africa, Europe, and Latin America (1990-2004). Final Report. WATERLAT-GOBACIT Working Papers - PRINWASS Project | 2016 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Cross Comparative Analysis of Country Practices within the Latin American context | 2016 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Intercâmbio ecológico desigual e integração na América Latina e no Caribe (Unequal ecological exchange and integration in Latin America and the Caribbean) | 2016 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| O acesso universal à água é uma questão de democracia [Universal access to water is a matter of democracy] | 2016 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| A Historical Perspective of Early Water Policy and Water and Sanitation Policy in Brazil = Uma perspectiva histórica das primeiras políticas públicas de saneamento e de recursos hídricos no Brasil | 2015 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| A inclusão social garantida pela gestão pública do saneamento [Social inclusion guaranteed by public delivery of water and sanitation (in Portuguese)] | 2015 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Cross-comparative Analysis of Country Practices within the Latin American Context | 2015 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Democratisation of Water and Sanitation Governance by Means of Socio-Technical Innovation, Final Project Reports | 2015 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| DESAFIO’s Theoretical and Methodological Framework | 2015 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Governance and Active Citizenship: Linkages Between Economic and Social Development, and Access to Essential Water and Sanitation Services, Work Package 1 Report, Deliverable D1.1", DESAFIO Project | 2015 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Inequality, injustice, and social change: the fate of artisanal fishing communities in Latin America (In Spanish and Portuguese). Dossier containing 7 articles produced by authors from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico. | 2015 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Introduction | 2015 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| National, regional and EU policy guidelines for the provision of innovative WSS | 2015 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| O Direito à Água como Política Pública: uma Exploração Teórica e Empírica [The Right to Water as Public Policy: a Theoretical and Empirical Exploration] | 2015 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Production and reproduction of inequality and structural social injustice: an inquiry from the field of essential public services (in Spanish) | 2015 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Socio-Ecology: Contradictions and Opportunities in the Struggles for Better Futures | 2015 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Socio-Technical Dimensions of the "Integrated Sanitation" System in Low-Income Neighbourhoods in Recife, Brazil. | 2015 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| The Condominial Sanitation System in Zones of Special Social Interest (ZSSI) in Recife, Brazil | 2015 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Uma perspectiva histórica das primeiras políticas públicas de saneamento e de recursos hídricos no Brasil = A historical perspective of early water and water and sanitation public policy in Brazil | 2015 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| "Águas disputadas: regimes conflitantes de governabilidade no setor dos serviços de saneamento" (Disputed waters: conflicting governance regimes in the water and sanitation sector) | 2014 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| "Gobernabilidad y luchas por el agua. Un aporte al entendimiento de la lucha en las sierras chicas, Córdoba" (Governance and struggles over water. A contribution to the understanding of the struggles in the sierras chicas, Córdoba). An interview with J E Castro by Sergio Chiavassa, Joaquín Deón, Beatriz Ensabella, and Carlos Saavedra (National University of Cordoba, Department of Geography) | 2014 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| An examination of the politics of privatization of water and sanitation services in Latin America. The experience of Argentina. (In Spanish, with an Introduction in English) | 2014 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Apuntes para una ecología política de la integración en América Latina y El Caribe [Notes for a Political Ecology of Integration in Latin America and the Caribbean] | 2014 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Common goods and citizenship: contradictions of an ongoing relationship (in Spanish) | 2014 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Contradictions, obstacles, and opportunities for the implementation of the human right to water (in Portuguese and Spanish; with an Introduction in English). | 2014 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Injusticias y desigualdades socioambientales en el marco del proceso de integración latinoamericano | 2014 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Integración y democratización en América Latina y El Caribe: Cuestiones de la Ecología Política (Integration and democratization in Latin America and the Caribbean: Issues of Political Ecology) | 2014 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| "Presentación" (Presentation), Special Dossier on "La Lucha por el Derecho al Agua y las Políticas Públicas en América Latina" (The struggle over the right to water and public policy in Latin America) | 2013 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| A água (ainda) não e uma mercadoria: Aportes para o debate sobre a mercantilização da água | 2013 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| A Participação do Setor Privado nos Serviços Públicos de Abastecimento de Água e Esgotamento Sanitário: Resposta aos Fracassos do Setor Público? (Private participation in water and sanitation services: an answer to public sector failures?) | 2013 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| A participação privada em saneamento e seus sofismas (Private participation in water and sanitation services and its sophistry) | 2013 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Aguas públicas: lecciones desde Buenos Aires | 2013 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Apuntes para una ecología política de la integración en América Latina y El Caribe [Notes for a Political Ecology of Integration in Latin America and the Caribbean] | 2013 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Desafíos del gobierno y la gestión del agua en América Latina (Challenges for water government and management in Latin America) | 2013 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Incertezas manufacturadas, tecnociência e as políticas da desigualdade: o caso da gestão dos recursos hidráulicos (Manufactured uncertainties, technoscience and the politics of inequality: the case of water resources) | 2013 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Inovações e desafios para a democratização dos serviços de saneamento. Síntese da Primeira Conferência [in Portuguese] [Innovations and challenges for the democratization of water and sanitation services. Synthesis of the First Conference] | 2013 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Introdução [Introduction] | 2013 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Política Pública e Gestão de Serviços de Saneamento | 2013 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Políticas públicas de saneamento e condicionantes sistêmicos [Water and sanitation policies and systemic constraints] | 2013 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Special Dossier on "La Lucha por el Derecho al Agua y las Políticas Públicas en América Latina" (The struggle over the right to water and public policy in Latin America). [Special issue of Agua y Territorio, vol. 1, no. 2] | 2013 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Un análisis sociológico de la políticas de privatización del agua [A sociological analysis of water privatization policies] | 2013 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Water is not (yet) a commodity: Commodification and rationalization revisited | 2013 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| A gestão da água na América Latina (Water management in Latin America) | 2012 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Aguas Públicas: Buenos Aires in Muddled Waters | 2012 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Consumer Protest: Water | 2012 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Gobernabilidad del agua y participación social [Water governance and social participation] | 2012 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| In search of meaningful interdisciplinarity: understanding urban water conflicts in Mexico | 2012 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Issues of Governance and Citizenship in Water Services: a reflection on Latin American experiences | 2012 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Luchas sociales por el agua y el proceso de democratización en América Latina (Social struggles over water and the democratization process in Latin America). | 2012 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Participación y control social en el saneamiento básico (Participation and democratic social control in basic sanitation) | 2012 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Proposiciones para el examen téorico y empírico de la privatización. El caso de los servicios de agua y saneamiento en América Latina (Propositions for the theoretical and empirical examination of privatization. The case of water and sanitation services in Latin America). | 2012 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Southern Cone | 2012 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Water fountains in Buenos Aires, Argentina | 2012 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| "El proceso de democratización de la gestión de servicios públicos esenciales de agua y saneamiento" (The process of democratization in the management of essential public services of water and sanitation) | 2011 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| "Tensão entre justiça ambiental e justiça social na América Latina: o caso da gestão da água" (The Tension between environmental and social justice in Latin America: the case of water management). International Conference of the WATERLAT Network, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 25-27 October 2010. | 2011 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Bakker, Karen (2010), Privatizing Water. Governance Failure and the World's Urban Water Crisis. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press [book review] | 2011 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Confronting water injustice | 2011 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Gadaffi and Latin America | 2011 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Gestão Democrática nos Serviços de Saneamento (Democratic Management of Water and Sanitation Services) | 2011 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Jacinta Palerm Viqueira and Tomás Martínez Saldaña (eds.), Aventuras con el agua: la administración del agua de riego, historia y teoría (Water Adventures: The Administration of Irrigation Water, History and Theory) (Texcoco, Mexico: CONACYT, 2009), pp. xxii + 435, pb. (book review) | 2011 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Review of “Global Capitalism in Crisis: Karl Marx and the Decay of the Profit System” by Murray E. G. Smith (Halifax and Winnipeg, Fernwood Publishing, 2010) | 2011 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Water and Sanitation Services: Public Policy and Management | 2011 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Who owns the water (in Spanish)? | 2011 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Agua y gobernanza en el siglo XXI | 2010 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Hacia una comprensión integral de los problemas del agua (Towards an integrated understanding of water problems) | 2010 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| O estudo interdisciplinar dos conflitos pela água no meio urbano: uma contribuição da Sociologia (The interdisciplinary study of water conflicts in urban environments: a sociological contribution) | 2010 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Private-Sector Participation in Water and Sanitation Services: The Answer to Public Sector Failures? | 2010 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| The interdisciplinary challenge in water policy: the case of "water governance" | 2010 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| The Tension between Environmental and Social Justice in Latin America: the Case of Water Management (Conference proceedings featuring an Introduction plus 105 papers in Portuguese, Spanish, and English) | 2010 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Values, Costs, and Environmental Stewardship: the Case of Water - 46-page position paper for the conference (under review for submission to a relevant journal) | 2010 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Water, policy, and governance | 2010 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| "Presentación" (Introduction) | 2009 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| A Participação Privada nos Serviços de Saneamento: lecciones da experiencia internacional (Private participation in water and sanitation services: lessons from the international experience) | 2009 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Apuntes sobre el Proceso de Mercantilización del Agua: un Examen de la Privatización en Perspectiva Histórica (Notes on the process of water commodification: an examination of privatization in historical perspective). | 2009 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Commons and citizenship: the contradictions of an unfolding relationship (also published in Spanish and German) | 2009 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro Emeritus Professor Mike Sir Michael Rawlins
| Dossier: Agua y Desigualdad en América Latina (Special Issue on Water and Inequality in Latin America) | 2009 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Functionalism (including Structural Functionalism) | 2009 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Gemeinschaftsgüter und Bürgerschaft: Widersprüche einer sich entfaltenden Beziehung (Commons and citizenship: the contradictions of an unfolding relationship) | 2009 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Gestão Democrática nos Serviços de Saneamento (Democratic management of water and sanitation services) | 2009 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Introduction | 2009 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| La experiencia de Inglaterra y Gales en la organización de la regulación de los servicios de agua y saneamiento (Regulation of water and sanitation services: the experience of England and Wales) | 2009 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Lutas pela água na América Latina (Struggles over water in Latin America) | 2009 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Review of: Prasad, Naren (ed.) (2008), Social Policies and Private Sector Participation in Water Supply: Beyond Regulation. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan | 2009 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Systemic conditions and public policy in the water and sanitation sector | 2009 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| “Proposiciones para el examen teórico y empírico de la privatización: el caso de los servicios de agua y saneamiento en América Latina” (Propositions for the theoretical and empirical examination of privatization: the case of water and sanitation services) | 2008 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| A normatização da prestação dos serviços de água e esgoto, a experiência de Inglaterra e Gales (Regulation of water and sanitation services: the experience of England and Wales) | 2008 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Apuntes sobre el Proceso de Mercantilización del Agua: un Examen de la Privatización en Perspectiva Histórica (Notes on the process of water commodification: an examination of privatization in historical perspective) | 2008 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Apuntes sobre el proceso de mercantilización del agua: un examen de la privatización en perspectiva histórica (Notes on the process of water commodification: an examination of privatization in historical perspective) | 2008 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Challenges and opportunities for developing a universalistic water ethic | 2008 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Las políticas de privatización y la lucha contra la mercantilización del agua (The politics of privatization and the struggle against water commodification) - An Introduction to the Exhibition "Agua, Ríos y Pueblos" (Water, Rivers and Peoples) | 2008 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Los bienes comunes y la ciudadanía: contradicciones de una relación en pleno desarrollo (Commons and citizenship: the contradictions of an unfolding relationship) | 2008 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Neoliberal water and sanitation policies as a failed development strategy: Lessons from developing countries | 2008 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Prólogo (Prologue) | 2008 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Water struggles, citizenship and governance in Latin America | 2008 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| “A governança democrática da água” (Democratic water governance) | 2007 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| “El estudio interdisciplinar de los conflictos por el agua en el medio urbano: una contribución desde la sociología” (The interdisciplinary study of urban water conflicts: a sociological contribution) | 2007 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| “La lucha por la democratización de la gestión del agua y sus servicios” (The struggle for the democratization of water and water services) | 2007 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| “La privatización de los servicios de agua y saneamiento en América Latina” (The privatization of water and sanitation services in Latin America) | 2007 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| “Política pública de saneamento: apontamentos teórico-conceituais” (Public policy in environmental sanitation: theoretical and conceptual notes) | 2007 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| “Proyecto PRINWASS: nuevos retos en servicios de agua y saneamiento” (PRINWASS Project: new challenges for water and sanitation services) | 2007 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Poverty and citizenship: Sociological perspectives on water services and public-private participation | 2007 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Systemic Conditions Affecting the Universalisation of Water and Sanitation Services: A Sociological Exploration | 2007 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| The political ecology of water uncertainty and inequality: a sociological contribution | 2007 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Water governance in the twentieth-first century | 2007 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| “A participação da iniciativa privada na prestação de serviços de água e saneamento. Algumas conclusões da pesquisa PRINWASS” (Private participation in the provision of water and sanitation services. Some research conclusions from the PRINWASS research project) | 2006 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Agua, democracia y la construcción de la ciudadanía (Water, democracy, and the construction of citizenship) | 2006 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Institutional Development and Political Processes, Baseline Document for the Cross-Cutting Perspective 2 Also available in Spanish as Desarrollo Institutional y Procesos Políticos. | 2006 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Política pública de saneamento: apontamentos teórico-conceituais [Public policy of environmental sanitation: theoretical and conceptual notes] | 2006 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| The development of water and sanitation services in Argentina and Brazil | 2006 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Urban conflicts over water in Mexico: a theoretical and empirical exploration | 2006 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Water, Power and Citizenship : Social Struggle in the Basin of Mexico | 2006 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Agua y gobernabilidad: entre la ideología neoliberal y la memoria histórica (Water and governance: between neoliberal ideology and historic memory) | 2005 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Águas disputadas: regimes conflitantes de gobernabilidade no setor dos serviços de saneamento (Contested waters: conflicting governance regimes in the water and sanitation sector) | 2005 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Desarrollo Institucional y Procesos Políticos (final version of paper submitted in September 2005) | 2005 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Water governance: sustainability and policy innovation in water management | 2005 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Ciudadanía y gobernabilidad en la cuenca del Río Bravo-Grande (Citizenship and governance in the Rio Bravo-Grande basin) | 2004 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Ciudadanía y gobernabilidad en México: el caso de la conflictividad y la participación social en torno a la gestión del agua (Citizenship and governance in Mexico: conflict and social participation around water management) | 2004 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Entries on “drinking water”, “water-borne diseases”, “water user associations”, “water management”, “rainwater harvesting”, “citizenship”, and “Zapatistas” | 2004 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Urban water and the politics of citizenship: the case of the Mexico City Metropolitan Area during the 1980s and 1990s | 2004 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Entries on “Argentina”, “commodification”, “Karl Marx”, “Rio de la Plata River”, “Socialism and Communism”, and “Southern Cone” | 2003 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Incertezas manufacturadas, tecnociência e políticas de desigualdade: o caso da gestão dos recursos hídricos (Manufactured uncertainties, techno-science, and the politics of inequality: the case of water resources management) | 2003 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| London: structural continuities and institutional change in water management | 2003 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| La construcción de nuevas incertidumbres, tecnociencia, y la política de la desigualdad: el caso de la gestión de los recursos hídricos (The construction of new uncertainties, Techno-science, and the politics of inequality: the case of water resources management) | 2002 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Luta social pela água e direito à cidadania (Social struggle over water and citizenship rights) | 2002 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Urban water: a political-ecology perspective | 2002 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Review of three books: Siemens, A. H. (1998), A Favored Place. San Juan River Wetlands, Central Veracruz, A. D. 500 to the Present, Austin: University of Texas Press; Martínez S., T. and J. Palerm V. (eds.) (1998), Antología sobre Pequeño Riego, Mexico: Instituto de Socioeconomía, Estadística e Informática; Suárez Cortez, B. E. and D. Birrichaga Gardida (1997), Dos Estudios sobre Usos del Agua en México (Siglos XIX y XX), Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua (IMTA) and Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS) | 2001 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Book review of: Horn, Rebecca (1997), Postconquest Coyoacán: Nahua-Spanish Relations in Central Mexico 1519-1650, Stanford University Press | 2000 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Andreopoulos, G.J. (ed.) 'Genocide. Conceptual and Historical Dimensions', Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997 [Book review] | 1999 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| El retorno del ciudadano. Los inestables territorios de la ciudadanía en América Latina (The return of the citizen. The unstable territories of citizenship in Latin America) | 1999 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Book review of: Bennett, Vivienne (1995), The Politics of Water. Urban Protest, Gender, and Power in Monterrey, Mexico, Pittsburgh and London: Pittsburgh University Press | 1998 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| La formación de monopolios: el caso del agua en el Valle de México (siglos XV-XIX) (The formation of monopolies: the case of water in the Valley of Mexico (XV-XIX centuries)) | 1998 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| En Torno a la Obra de Niklas Luhmann (On the Work of Niklas Luhmann) | 1997 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Niklas Luhmann y la tradición sociológica (Niklas Luhmann, and the sociological tradition) | 1997 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Book review (in Spanish) of: Andersen, Martin Edwin, Dossier Secreto. Argentina’s Desaparecidos and the Myth of the ‘Dirty War’, Boulder-San Francisco-Oxford: Westview Press, 1993 | 1995 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Book review of: Gayol, Roberto, Dos Problemas de Vital Importancia para México: la Colonización y el Desarrollo de la Irrigación, Mexico City: CIESAS-IMTA, 1994; Palacios, Leopoldo, El Problema de la Irrigación, Mexico City: CIESAS-IMTA, 1994; Herrera y Lasso, José, Apuntes sobre Irrigación: Notas sobre su Organización Económica en el Extranjero y en el País, Mexico City: CIESAS-IMTA, 1994. | 1995 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Book review of: Viqueira Landa, Carmen & Torre Medina Mora, Lydia (Eds.), Sistemas Hidráulicos, Modernización de la Agricultura y Migración, Toluca, Mexico: El Colegio Mexiquense and Universidad Iberoamericana, 1994 | 1995 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Decentralization and modernization in Mexico: the case of water management | 1995 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Book review (in Spanish) of: Roett, Riordan, Political & Economic Liberalization in Mexico. At a Critical Juncture?, Londres: Lynne and Rienner Pub (1993) | 1994 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Sobre la construcción de hipótesis en la investigación científica (On the construction of hypotheses in scientific research) | 1993 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| ¿Funcionalismo o epistemología para las ciencias? (Functionalism or epistemology for the sciences) | 1992 |
Emeritus Professor Esteban Castro
| Georg Simmel y la tragedia de la cultura occidental (Georg Simmel and the tragedy of Western culture) | 1992 |