Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Anteaesthetics: Black Aesthesis and the Critique of Form. By Rizvana Bradley [Book review] | 2024 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Human geography: not ending but worlding the modern subject in new ways | 2024 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Problematising the Geographic Subject: an Abyssal Approach | 2024 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Abyssal Geography | 2023 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Affect, Archive, Archipelago: Puerto Rico’s Sovereign Caribbean Lives. Beatriz Llenin-Figueroa. Lanham, Boulder, New York, London. Rowman and Littlefield. 2022. xxii + 273. ISBN 978-1-538-15144-0 (hbk). [Book review] | 2023 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Review of Sea change: An atlas of islands in a rising ocean by Christina Gerhardt, Oakland: University of California Press. 2023. | 2023 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| The Americas: A Relational or Abyssal Geography? An interview with Jonathan Pugh | 2023 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| The lure of an unavailable world:The shifting stakes of contemporary critique | 2023 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| The stakes of abyssal geography: Response to commentaries on David Chandler and Jonathan Pugh’s 'Abyssal geography' | 2023 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| The World as Abyss: the Caribbean and Critical Thought in the Anthropocene | 2023 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Understanding "Islandness" | 2023 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Interstitial and Abyssal Geographies | 2022 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Relational or Abyssal? | 2022 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Review of 'Glissant and the middle passage: philosophy, beginning, abyss' by John E. Drabinski | 2022 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Anthropocene Islands: Entangled Worlds | 2021 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Anthropocene islands: There are only islands after the end of the world | 2021 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Commentary and extensive bibliography on 'Human Geography and Islands' | 2021 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Islands and the rise of correlational epistemology in the Anthropocene: Rethinking the trope of the 'canary in the coalmine' | 2021 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Mare Nostrum Interview: Jonathan Pugh | 2021 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Resilience | 2021 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| The Anthropocene Islands agenda | 2021 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| The Lure of Island Studies: a cross-disciplinary perspective | 2021 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Islands of relationality and resilience: The shifting stakes of the Anthropocene | 2020 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| The Affirmational Turn to Ontology in the Anthropocene: a critique | 2020 |
Dr Raksha Pande Professor Jonathan Pugh Professor Nick Megoran
| (aka The Analogue University) Correlation in the data university | 2019 |
Dr Raksha Pande Professor Jonathan Pugh Professor Nick Megoran
| Calling all journal editors:Bury the metrics page! | 2019 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Adaptation Machines or the biopolitics of adaptation | 2018 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Relationality and Island Studies in the Anthropocene | 2018 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Review of Michael Wiedorn, Think like an archipelago: paradox in the work of Édouard Glissant | 2018 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| A sceptical approach to ‘the everyday’: Relating Stanley Cavell and Human Geography | 2017 |
Dr Raksha Pande Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Academic identities in the managed university: Neoliberalism and resistance at Newcastle University, UK | 2017 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Assemblage, Transversality and Participation in the Neoliberal University | 2017 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Book review: Island Genres, Genre Islands: Conceptualisation and Representation in Popular Fiction | 2017 |
Dr Raksha Pande Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Control, resistance and 'the data university': towards a third wave critique | 2017 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Postcolonial Development, (Non)Sovereignty and Affect: Living On in the Wake of Caribbean Political Independence | 2017 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Resilience as New Political Reality | 2017 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Review of Ralph Crane and Lisa Fletcher (2017) Island genres, genre islands: Conceptualisation and representation in popular fiction, London and New York, Rowman and Littlefield International | 2017 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Review of Roberts. B.R. and Stephens M.A. (2017) Archipelagic American studies, Durham and London Duke University Press | 2017 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Book Review: Islands: Nature and Culture | 2016 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Island Movements: Thinking with the Archipelago | 2016 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| The relational turn in island geographies: bringing together island, sea and ship relations and the case of the Landship | 2016 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| The returning terms of a small island culture: mimicry, inventiveness and suspension | 2016 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Assemblage Thinking and Participatory Development: Potentiality, Ethics, Biopolitics | 2015 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Book Review: Islands: Nature and Culture by Stephen A. Royle | 2015 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Returning from the Horizon: Introducing Urban Island Studies | 2015 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Resilience, Complexity and Post-Liberalism | 2014 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh Dr Alison Williams
| Beyond the securitisation of development: The limits of intervention, developmentisation of security and repositioning of purpose in the UK Coalition Government’s policy agenda | 2013 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Island Movements: Thinking with the Archipelago | 2013 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Speaking Without Voice: Participatory Planning, Acknowledgment, and Latent Subjectivity in Barbados | 2013 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Wittgenstein, Shakespeare and Metaphysical Wit | 2012 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| The Stakes of Radical Politics have Changed: Post-crisis, Relevance and the State | 2010 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| The Spaces of Democracy and the Democracy of Space: a new network exploring the disciplinary effects of the spatial turn. | 2009 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| What is radical politics today? | 2009 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| What is radical politics today? Asks Jonathan Pugh | 2009 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| What are the consequences of the ‘spatial turn’ for how we understand politics today? A proposed research agenda | 2008 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Attending to the spatialisation of politics | 2007 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh Dr Caspar Hewett
| Debating (de)territorial governance | 2007 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh Dr Caspar Hewett
| Debating (de)territorial governance | 2007 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| On the Political by Chantal Mouffe | 2007 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| On the political by Chantal Mouffe | 2007 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Reflections on space, time and governance | 2007 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| The Participation Paradox: Stories from St. Lucia | 2007 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Book Review: 'For Space'; D. Massey. | 2006 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Doing research with NGOs | 2006 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Environmental Planning in the Caribbean | 2006 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| For space. | 2006 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Physical Development Planning in the Caribbean and the re-articulation of State power | 2006 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Environmental planning in Barbados: A confident state, isolated environmental movements, and anxious development consultants | 2005 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh Pamela Richardson
| Playing the donor's anxious game: Physical development planning legislative systems in the Eastern Caribbean | 2005 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Problems of Delivering Aid to Developing Nations | 2005 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Social transformation and participatory planning in St Lucia | 2005 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| The disciplinary effects of communicative planning in Soufriere, St. Lucia: Governmentality, hegemony and space-time-politics | 2005 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| A Losing Battle Over Aid | 2004 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Developing Institutional Capital in the Fisherfolk Communities of the Caribbean: a regional programme supported by the British High Commission | 2004 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Developing Institutional Capital in the Fisherfolk Communities of the Caribbean: the case of Antigua | 2004 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Developing Institutional Capital in the Fisherfolk Communities of the Caribbean: the case of Barbados | 2004 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Developing Institutional Capital in the Fisherfolk Communities of the Caribbean: the case of Carriacou | 2004 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Developing Institutional Capital in the Fisherfolk Communities of the Caribbean: the case of Dominica | 2004 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Developing Institutional Capital in the Fisherfolk Communities of the Caribbean: the case of St Kitts and Nevis | 2004 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Developing Institutional Capital in the Fisherfolk Communities of the Caribbean: the case of St Lucia | 2004 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Developing Institutional Capital in the Fisherfolk Communities of the Caribbean: the case of St Vincent | 2004 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| The real Caribbean war | 2004 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Third Way on the Beach | 2004 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| A Consideration of Some of the Sociological Mechanisms Shaping the Adoption of Participatory Planning in Barbados | 2003 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| British Report on fishing communities | 2003 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation Evening News. An interview with Pugh, J. on the Launching of the Caribbean Fisherfolk Union | 2003 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Democracy in practice: recent developments at the MoBay Marine Park | 2003 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Hegemony and Exclusion in the Caribbean | 2003 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Participatory Planning in the Caribbean: An Argument for Radical Democracy | 2003 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Participatory Planning in the Caribbean: Lessons from Practice | 2003 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| The axis of western-style democracy | 2003 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| A review of Ecotourism and Planning” | 2002 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| A review of Enlightenment Geography: the political languages of British geography 1650-1850 | 2002 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Book Review: Complex Problems, Negotiated Solutions: tools to reduce conflict in community development; M. Warner. | 2002 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Local Agenda 21 and the Third World | 2002 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Participatory Planning in the Caribbean | 2002 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Planning without Plans and the Neo-Liberal State: The Case of St Lucia, West Indies | 2002 |
Dr Caspar Hewett Professor Jonathan Pugh Oliver Moss
| The Great Debate | 2002 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| On Communicative Action and Power: The National Commission on Sustainable Development of Barbados | 2001 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| The Changing Face of Coastal Zone Management in Soufriere, St Lucia | 2001 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| An Overview of Physical Development Planning in St Lucia | 2000 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Caribbean urban futures | 2000 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Rolling Back the State and Physical Development Planning: the case of Barbados | 2000 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| An Overview and Critique of the Third National Physical Development Plan for Barbados | 1999 |
Professor Jonathan Pugh
| Speaking without Voice: participatory planning, acknowledgment and latent subjectivity in Barbados | 0 |