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Browsing publications by Professor Jonathan Pugh.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Anteaesthetics: Black Aesthesis and the Critique of Form. By Rizvana Bradley [Book review]2024
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Human geography: not ending but worlding the modern subject in new ways2024
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Problematising the Geographic Subject: an Abyssal Approach2024
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Abyssal Geography2023
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Affect, Archive, Archipelago: Puerto Rico’s Sovereign Caribbean Lives. Beatriz Llenin-Figueroa. Lanham, Boulder, New York, London. Rowman and Littlefield. 2022. xxii + 273. ISBN 978-1-538-15144-0 (hbk). [Book review]2023
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Review of Sea change: An atlas of islands in a rising ocean by Christina Gerhardt, Oakland: University of California Press. 2023.2023
Professor Jonathan Pugh
The Americas: A Relational or Abyssal Geography? An interview with Jonathan Pugh2023
Professor Jonathan Pugh
The lure of an unavailable world:The shifting stakes of contemporary critique2023
Professor Jonathan Pugh
The stakes of abyssal geography: Response to commentaries on David Chandler and Jonathan Pugh’s 'Abyssal geography'2023
Professor Jonathan Pugh
The World as Abyss: the Caribbean and Critical Thought in the Anthropocene2023
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Understanding "Islandness"2023
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Interstitial and Abyssal Geographies2022
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Relational or Abyssal?2022
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Review of 'Glissant and the middle passage: philosophy, beginning, abyss' by John E. Drabinski2022
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Anthropocene Islands: Entangled Worlds2021
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Anthropocene islands: There are only islands after the end of the world2021
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Commentary and extensive bibliography on 'Human Geography and Islands'2021
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Islands and the rise of correlational epistemology in the Anthropocene: Rethinking the trope of the 'canary in the coalmine'2021
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Mare Nostrum Interview: Jonathan Pugh2021
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Professor Jonathan Pugh
The Anthropocene Islands agenda2021
Professor Jonathan Pugh
The Lure of Island Studies: a cross-disciplinary perspective2021
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Islands of relationality and resilience: The shifting stakes of the Anthropocene2020
Professor Jonathan Pugh
The Affirmational Turn to Ontology in the Anthropocene: a critique2020
Dr Raksha Pande
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Professor Nick Megoran
(aka The Analogue University) Correlation in the data university2019
Dr Raksha Pande
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Professor Nick Megoran
Calling all journal editors:Bury the metrics page!2019
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Adaptation Machines or the biopolitics of adaptation2018
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Relationality and Island Studies in the Anthropocene2018
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Review of Michael Wiedorn, Think like an archipelago: paradox in the work of Édouard Glissant2018
Professor Jonathan Pugh
A sceptical approach to ‘the everyday’: Relating Stanley Cavell and Human Geography2017
Dr Raksha Pande
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Academic identities in the managed university: Neoliberalism and resistance at Newcastle University, UK2017
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Assemblage, Transversality and Participation in the Neoliberal University2017
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Book review: Island Genres, Genre Islands: Conceptualisation and Representation in Popular Fiction2017
Dr Raksha Pande
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Control, resistance and 'the data university': towards a third wave critique2017
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Postcolonial Development, (Non)Sovereignty and Affect: Living On in the Wake of Caribbean Political Independence2017
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Resilience as New Political Reality2017
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Review of Ralph Crane and Lisa Fletcher (2017) Island genres, genre islands: Conceptualisation and representation in popular fiction, London and New York, Rowman and Littlefield International2017
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Review of Roberts. B.R. and Stephens M.A. (2017) Archipelagic American studies, Durham and London Duke University Press2017
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Book Review: Islands: Nature and Culture2016
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Island Movements: Thinking with the Archipelago2016
Professor Jonathan Pugh
The relational turn in island geographies: bringing together island, sea and ship relations and the case of the Landship2016
Professor Jonathan Pugh
The returning terms of a small island culture: mimicry, inventiveness and suspension2016
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Assemblage Thinking and Participatory Development: Potentiality, Ethics, Biopolitics2015
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Book Review: Islands: Nature and Culture by Stephen A. Royle2015
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Returning from the Horizon: Introducing Urban Island Studies2015
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Resilience, Complexity and Post-Liberalism2014
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Dr Alison Williams
Beyond the securitisation of development: The limits of intervention, developmentisation of security and repositioning of purpose in the UK Coalition Government’s policy agenda2013
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Island Movements: Thinking with the Archipelago2013
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Speaking Without Voice: Participatory Planning, Acknowledgment, and Latent Subjectivity in Barbados2013
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Wittgenstein, Shakespeare and Metaphysical Wit2012
Professor Jonathan Pugh
The Stakes of Radical Politics have Changed: Post-crisis, Relevance and the State2010
Professor Jonathan Pugh
The Spaces of Democracy and the Democracy of Space: a new network exploring the disciplinary effects of the spatial turn.2009
Professor Jonathan Pugh
What is radical politics today?2009
Professor Jonathan Pugh
What is radical politics today? Asks Jonathan Pugh2009
Professor Jonathan Pugh
What are the consequences of the ‘spatial turn’ for how we understand politics today? A proposed research agenda2008
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Attending to the spatialisation of politics2007
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Dr Caspar Hewett
Debating (de)territorial governance2007
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Dr Caspar Hewett
Debating (de)territorial governance2007
Professor Jonathan Pugh
On the Political by Chantal Mouffe2007
Professor Jonathan Pugh
On the political by Chantal Mouffe2007
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Reflections on space, time and governance2007
Professor Jonathan Pugh
The Participation Paradox: Stories from St. Lucia2007
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Book Review: 'For Space'; D. Massey.2006
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Doing research with NGOs2006
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Environmental Planning in the Caribbean2006
Professor Jonathan Pugh
For space.2006
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Physical Development Planning in the Caribbean and the re-articulation of State power2006
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Environmental planning in Barbados: A confident state, isolated environmental movements, and anxious development consultants2005
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Pamela Richardson
Playing the donor's anxious game: Physical development planning legislative systems in the Eastern Caribbean2005
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Problems of Delivering Aid to Developing Nations2005
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Social transformation and participatory planning in St Lucia2005
Professor Jonathan Pugh
The disciplinary effects of communicative planning in Soufriere, St. Lucia: Governmentality, hegemony and space-time-politics2005
Professor Jonathan Pugh
A Losing Battle Over Aid2004
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Developing Institutional Capital in the Fisherfolk Communities of the Caribbean: a regional programme supported by the British High Commission2004
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Developing Institutional Capital in the Fisherfolk Communities of the Caribbean: the case of Antigua2004
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Developing Institutional Capital in the Fisherfolk Communities of the Caribbean: the case of Barbados2004
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Developing Institutional Capital in the Fisherfolk Communities of the Caribbean: the case of Carriacou2004
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Developing Institutional Capital in the Fisherfolk Communities of the Caribbean: the case of Dominica2004
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Developing Institutional Capital in the Fisherfolk Communities of the Caribbean: the case of St Kitts and Nevis2004
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Developing Institutional Capital in the Fisherfolk Communities of the Caribbean: the case of St Lucia2004
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Developing Institutional Capital in the Fisherfolk Communities of the Caribbean: the case of St Vincent2004
Professor Jonathan Pugh
The real Caribbean war2004
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Third Way on the Beach2004
Professor Jonathan Pugh
A Consideration of Some of the Sociological Mechanisms Shaping the Adoption of Participatory Planning in Barbados2003
Professor Jonathan Pugh
British Report on fishing communities2003
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation Evening News. An interview with Pugh, J. on the Launching of the Caribbean Fisherfolk Union2003
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Democracy in practice: recent developments at the MoBay Marine Park2003
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Hegemony and Exclusion in the Caribbean2003
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Participatory Planning in the Caribbean: An Argument for Radical Democracy2003
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Participatory Planning in the Caribbean: Lessons from Practice2003
Professor Jonathan Pugh
The axis of western-style democracy2003
Professor Jonathan Pugh
A review of Ecotourism and Planning”2002
Professor Jonathan Pugh
A review of Enlightenment Geography: the political languages of British geography 1650-18502002
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Book Review: Complex Problems, Negotiated Solutions: tools to reduce conflict in community development; M. Warner.2002
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Local Agenda 21 and the Third World2002
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Participatory Planning in the Caribbean2002
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Planning without Plans and the Neo-Liberal State: The Case of St Lucia, West Indies2002
Dr Caspar Hewett
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Oliver Moss
The Great Debate2002
Professor Jonathan Pugh
On Communicative Action and Power: The National Commission on Sustainable Development of Barbados2001
Professor Jonathan Pugh
The Changing Face of Coastal Zone Management in Soufriere, St Lucia2001
Professor Jonathan Pugh
An Overview of Physical Development Planning in St Lucia2000
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Caribbean urban futures2000
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Rolling Back the State and Physical Development Planning: the case of Barbados2000
Professor Jonathan Pugh
An Overview and Critique of the Third National Physical Development Plan for Barbados1999
Professor Jonathan Pugh
Speaking without Voice: participatory planning, acknowledgment and latent subjectivity in Barbados0