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Browsing publications by Professor Alexandra Hughes.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Dr Cheryl McEwan
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Food, memory, and changing framings of sustainable consumption in Johannesburg2025
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Access, health, re-conhecimento: Co-crafted Brazilian discourses on sustainable food2024
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Consumption: advancing postcolonial perspectives from the Global South2024
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Reducing Barriers to the Consumption of Traditional Fruits and Vegetables by Migrant Communities in Johannesburg: Recommendations for Urban Policy and Planning2024
Dr James Brown
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Reducing Modern Slavery in the Health Sector's Supply Chains for Personal Protective Equipment: Stakeholder Engagement Report2024
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Synergistic state governance of labour standards in global value chains: Forced labour in the Malaysia-Nepal-UK medical gloves supply chain2024
Professor Alexandra Hughes
The challenges of implementing antibiotic stewardship in diverse poultry value chains in Kenya2024
Professor Alexandra Hughes
The Role of Traditional Food Systems in Rapid Urbanization: Facilitating enterprise development around the production and/or supply of traditional fruit and vegetables2024
Professor Alexandra Hughes
The Role of Traditional Food Systems in Rapid Urbanization: Improving the Maintenance of Indigenous Knowledge around the Significance of Consumption and Preparation of Traditional Fruit and Vegetables2024
Professor Alexandra Hughes
The Role of Traditional Food Systems in Rapid Urbanization: Scope, methods and high-level findings2024
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Food supply chains2023
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Global value chains for medical gloves during the COVID-19 pandemic: Confronting forced labour through public procurement and crisis2023
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Dr Suzanne Hocknell
Fragmentary embeddedness: Challenges for alternative food networks in Guangzhou, China2022
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Consumer Spaces2021
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Dr Suzanne Hocknell
Food supply chains and the antimicrobial resistance challenge: On the framing, accomplishments and limitations of corporate responsibility2021
Dr James Brown
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Forced Labour in the Malaysian Medical Gloves Supply Chain before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence, Scale and Solutions2021
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Dr Suzanne Hocknell
Sustainable Consumption, the Middle Classes, and Agri-food Ethics in Brazil, China, and South Africa: Trends, Practices, and Influences2021
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Envisioning African futures: Perspectives from economic geography2020
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Dr Suzanne Hocknell
Corporate food retailers, meat supply chains and the responsibilities of tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR)2019
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Public sector procurement and ethical trade: Governance and social responsibility in some hidden global supply chains2019
Dr Suzanne Hocknell
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Corporate Food Retailers, Meat Supply Chains, and the Responsibilities of Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance: Stakeholder Report2018
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Corporate social responsibility and standards2018
Dr Cheryl McEwan
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Dr David Bek
Fairtrade, place and moral economy: Between abstract ethical discourse and the moral experience of Northern Cape farmers2017
Dr David Bek
Dr Cheryl McEwan
Professor Alexandra Hughes
A high road to sustainability? Wildflower harvesting, ethical trade and social upgrading in South Africa’s Western Cape2016
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Empowered spaces? Management articulations of gendered spaces in apparel factories in Karachi, Pakistan2016
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Globalizing ethical consumption (Editorial for Special Issue)2015
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Dr Cheryl McEwan
Dr David Bek
Mobilizing the ethical consumer in South Africa2015
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Dr Cheryl McEwan
Dr David Bek
Postcolonial perspectives on global production networks: insights from Flower Valley in South Africa2015
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Retailers, corporate ethics and fair trade2015
Dr Cheryl McEwan
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Dr David Bek
Theorising middle class consumption from the global South: a study of everyday ethics in South Africa's Western Cape2015
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Dr Cheryl McEwan
Dr David Bek
Embedding Fairtrade in South Africa: global production networks, national initiatives and localized challenges in the Northern Cape2014
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Dr Cheryl McEwan
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Dr Dave Bek
Futures, ethics and the politics of expectation in biodiversity conservation: a case study of South African sustainable wildflower harvesting2014
Dr Cheryl McEwan
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Dr Dave Bek
Why ‘place’ matters in the development and impacts of Fairtrade production2014
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Dr Cheryl McEwan
Dr Dave Bek
Retailers, supply networks and changing articulations of ethicality: lessons from Flower Valley in South Africa2013
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Rethinking governance and value in commodity chains through global recycling networks2013
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Corporate Ethical Trading in an Economic Downturn: Recessionary Pressures and Refracted Responsibilities2012
Dr Dave Bek
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Dr Cheryl McEwan
Ethical Production in South Africa: Sustainable Wildflower Harvesting and Fairtrade Raisin Production, Stakeholder Report2012
Professor Jane Pollard
Dr Cheryl McEwan
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Postcolonial Economies2011
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Dr Martin Buttle
Ethical campaigning and buyer-driven commodity chains: transforming retailers’ purchasing practices?2010
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Dr Felicity Wray
Corporate responsibilities2009
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Dr Martin Buttle
Global production networks, ethical campaigning, and the embeddedness of responsible governance2008
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Geographies of exchange and circulation: Flows and networks of knowledgeable capitalism2007
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Dr Martin Buttle
Organisational geographies of corporate responsibility: A UK-US comparison of retailers' ethical trading initiatives2007
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Supermarkets and the ethical/fair trade movement: making space for alternatives in mainstream economies?2007
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Geographies of exchange and circulation: Transnational trade and governance2006
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Learning to trade ethically: Knowledgeable capitalism, retailers and contested commodity chains2006
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Corporate strategy and the management of ethical trade: The case of the UK food and clothing retailers2005
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Geographies of exchange and circulation: Alternative trading spaces2005
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Guest editorial: publishing commodity chains2005
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Publishing commodity chains2005
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Accounting for ethical trade: global commodity networks, virtualism and the audit economy2004
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Geographies of Commodity Chains2004
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Global commodity networks, ethical trade and governmentality: Organizing business responsibility in the Kenyan cut flower industry2001
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Multi-stakeholder approaches to ethical trade: Towards a reorganisation of UK retailers' global supply chains?2001
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Shelf life: Supermarkets and the changing cultures of consumption2001
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Retailers, knowledges and changing commodity networks: The case of the cut flower trade2000
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Constructing competitive spaces:on the corporate practice of British retailer- supplier relationships1999
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Constructing economic geographies from corporate interviews: insights from a cross-country comparison of retailer-supplier relationships1999
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Editorial introduction: the economic geographer as a situated researcher of elites1999
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Editorial: researching elites and elite spaces1998
Professor Alexandra Hughes
The changing organization of new product development for retailers’ private labels: a UK-USA comparison1997
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Forging new cultures of retailer-manufacturer relations1996
Professor Alexandra Hughes
Retail restructuring and the strategic significance of food retailers’ own-labels: a UK-USA comparison1996