Dr Gabi Arrigoni Professor Areti Galani
| Recasting witnessing in museums: digital interactive displays for dialogic remembering | 2021 |
Professor Areti Galani Dr David Chatting Dr Rebecca Farley
| Designing for intersubjectivity and dialogicality in museum interactive installations about migration | 2020 |
Professor Areti Galani
| Hybrid Material Encounters – Expanding the continuum of museum materialities in the wake of a pandemic | 2020 |
Professor Areti Galani Professor Rhiannon Mason Bethany Rex
| Introduction: locating heritage and dialogue in digital culture | 2019 |
Professor Areti Galani
| Configuring slow technology through social and embodied interaction: making time for reflection in augmenter reality museum experiences with young visitors | 2019 |
Professor Areti Galani Professor Rhiannon Mason Bethany Rex
| Dialogues and heritages in the digital public sphere | 2019 |
Dr Gabi Arrigoni Professor Areti Galani
| Digitally enhanced polyvocality and reflective spaces: challenges in sustaining dialogue in museums through digital technologies | 2019 |
Professor Areti Galani
| Editorial Note for Special Issue on the Evaluation of Digital Cultural Resources - January 2019 | 2019 |
Professor Areti Galani Professor Rhiannon Mason Dr Gabi Arrigoni
| European Heritage, Dialogue and Digital Practices | 2019 |
Professor Areti Galani
| Evaluating digital cultural heritage 'in the wild': the case for reflexivity | 2019 |
Dr Gabi Arrigoni Professor Areti Galani
| From place-memories to active citizenship: the potential of geotagged user-generated visual content for memory scholarship | 2019 |
Professor Areti Galani Dr Katie Markham Professor Rhiannon Mason
| Problematising digital and dialogic heritage practices in Europe: tensions and opportunities | 2019 |
Dr Joanne Sayner Dr Katherine Lloyd Professor Areti Galani Professor Rhiannon Mason
| Experiencing mixed emotions in the museum: empathy, affect, and memory in visitors' responses to histories of migration | 2018 |
Dr Gabi Arrigoni Professor Areti Galani
| Online Visual Dialogues about Place: Using the Geostream Tools to Identify Heritage Practices on Photo-sharing Social Media | 2017 |
Dr Bruce Davenport Professor Areti Galani Professor Rhiannon Mason
| Reminiscence in open air museums - Results from the Erasmus+ project Active Ageing and Heritage in Adult Learning | 2017 |
Professor Areti Galani Professor Abi Durrant Dr David Chatting
| Sit with Me | 2016 |
Professor Areti Galani Alexandra Moschovi
| Other people's (hi)stories: bringing public-generated photography in the contemporary art museum | 2015 |
Professor Areti Galani Alexandra Moschovi
| Other People's Stories: Bringing Public-Generated Photography into the Contemporary Art Museum | 2013 |
Dr Aron Mazel Professor Areti Galani
| Experiencing Northumberland rock art the mobile way | 2013 |
Bronwen Colquhoun Professor Areti Galani
| Flickr The Commons: Historic photographic collections through the eyes of an online community of interest | 2013 |
Professor Areti Galani Dr Aron Mazel Dr Deborah Maxwell Dr Kate Sharpe
| Situating Cultural Technologies Outdoors: Empathy in the Design of Mobile Interpretation of Rock Art in Rural Britain | 2013 |
Dr Aron Mazel Professor Areti Galani Dr Deborah Maxwell Dr Kate Sharpe
| 'I want to be provoked': public involvement in the development of the Northumberland Rock Art on Mobile Phones project | 2012 |
Dr Aron Mazel Professor Areti Galani
| Rock Art Goes Mobile | 2012 |
Professor Areti Galani Dr Deborah Maxwell Dr Aron Mazel Dr Kate Sharpe
| Rock Art Mobile Web Application Mobile interpretation for 3 rock art sites: Lordenshaw, Weetwood Moor, Dod Law | 2011 |
Professor Areti Galani Dr Deborah Maxwell Dr Aron Mazel Dr Kate Sharpe
| Situating Cultural Technologies Outdoors: Designing for Mobile Interpretation of Rock Art in Rural Britain | 2011 |
Professor Areti Galani
| Embedded Mixed Reality Environments | 2010 |
Professor Areti Galani Dr Tom Bartindale Professor Patrick Olivier
| Time and Tide: Dialogue and design for interaction with older adults in museums | 2010 |
Professor Areti Galani Alexandra Moschovi
| Trans/forming Museum Narratives: The Accommodation of "Photography 2.0" in Contemporary Exhibitions | 2010 |
Jamie Allen Professor Areti Galani Kazuhiro Jo
| An Ecology of Practice: Chiptune Marching Band | 2009 |
Kazuhiro Jo Jamie Allen Professor Areti Galani
| Chiptune Marching Band: A Public Workshop and Performance | 2009 |
Professor Areti Galani
| Blurring boundaries for museum visitors | 2008 |
Professor Christian Kray Professor Areti Galani Dr Keith Cheverst
| Engaging with Cultural Content on Ambient Displays | 2007 |
Professor Areti Galani
| Empowering the remote visitor: supporting shared museum experiences among local and remote visitors | 2004 |
Professor Areti Galani
| Production of pace as a collaborative activity | 2004 |
Professor Areti Galani
| Seamful Interweaving: Heterogeneity in the Theory and Design of Interactive Systems | 2004 |
Professor Areti Galani
| Far away is close at hand: shared mixed reality museum experiences for local and remote museum companions | 2003 |
Professor Areti Galani
| Lessons from The Lighthouse: collaboration in a shared mixed reality system | 2003 |
Professor Areti Galani
| Mixed Reality Museum Visits: Using new technologies to support co-visiting for local and remote visitors | 2003 |