Dr Paul Farrimond Dr Helen Talbot Diane Watson
| Methylhopanoids: Molecular indicators of ancient bacteria and a petroleum correlation tool | 2004 |
Dr Helen Talbot Diane Watson Dr Emma Pearson Dr Paul Farrimond
| Diverse biohopanoid compositions of non-marine sediments | 2003 |
Dr Paul Farrimond Dr Gordon Love Diane Watson
| Evidence for the rapid incorporation of hopanoids into kerogen | 2003 |
Dr Helen Talbot Diane Watson Dr Paul Farrimond
| Analysis of intact bacteriohopanepolyols from methanotrophic bacteria by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation mass spectrometry | 2001 |
Diane Watson Dr Paul Farrimond
| Novel polyfunctionalised geohopanoids in a recent lacustrine sediment (Priest Pot, UK) | 2000 |
Diane Watson Dr Paul Farrimond
| Organic geochemistry of petroleum seepages within the Jurassic Bencliff Grit, Osmington Mills, Dorset, UK | 2000 |