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Browsing publications by Professor Clare Fitzsimmons.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
James Hardwick
Dr Christopher Hackney
Lizzie Keen
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
The Role of Non-Native Plant Species in Modulating Riverbank Erosion: A Systematic Review2025
Dr Eylem Elma
Dr Rachel Gaulton
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Evaluating UAV-based multispectral imagery for mapping an intertidal seagrass environment2024
Dr Priscilla Carrillo-Barragan
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Hannah Lloyd-Hartley
Dr Ashleigh Tinlin-Mackenzie
Dr Heather Sugden
et al.
Fifty-year study of microplastics ingested by brachyuran and fish larvae in the central English North Sea2024
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Revealing the Identity, History and Nature Conservation Status of Royal Navy Vessel Steam Pinnace 744, in Lyness, Scapa Flow, Orkney Isles / Revelando la identidad, historia y estado de conservación de la naturaleza del buque Pinaza a Vapor 744 de la Royal Navy, en Lyness, Scapa Flow, Islas Orcadas / 揭示奥克尼群岛斯卡帕湾利内斯皇家海军蒸汽舰载艇 744 的身份、历史和自然保护状况 揭示奧克尼群島斯卡帕灣利內斯皇家海軍蒸汽艦載艇 744 的身份、歷史和自然保護狀況2024
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Development of a Google Earth Engine-Based Application for the Management of Shallow Coral Reefs Using Drone Imagery2023
Jayne Carrick
Professor Derek Bell
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Professor Tim Gray
Dr Gavin Stewart
et al.
Principles and practical criteria for effective participatory environmental planning and decision-making2023
Dr Ashleigh Tinlin-Mackenzie
Dr Heather Sugden
Dr Catherine Scott
Dr Robert Kennedy
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
et al.
Trawling for evidence: An ecosystem-based multi-method trawling impact assessment2023
Dr Ashleigh Tinlin-Mackenzie
Dr Heather Sugden
Dr Catherine Scott
Dr Robert Kennedy
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
et al.
Trawling for evidence: An ecosystem-based multi-method trawling impact assessment2023
Dr Priscilla Carrillo-Barragan
Dr Heather Sugden
Dr Catherine Scott
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Enzymatic digestion method development for long-term stored chitinaceous planktonic samples2022
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Expanding narratives of governance constraints to improve coral reef conservation2022
Dr Ashleigh Tinlin-Mackenzie
Dr Ben Rowland
Dr Jane Delany
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
The lugworm fishery in Northerland, UK: Bait digging impacts in a marine protected area2022
Dr Heather Sugden
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Assessment of carbon capture and storage in natural systems within the English North Sea (Including within Marine Protected Areas)2021
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Professor Nick Polunin
Dr Fabrice Stephenson
WTO must ban harmful fisheries subsidies2021
Dr Rachel Turner
Dr Johanna Forster
Angelie Peterson
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Information brokerage in Caribbean coral reef governance networks2020
Dr Paula Lightfoot
Dr Catherine Scott
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Using object-based image analysis with multi-temporal aerial imagery and LiDAR to detect change in temperate intertidal habitats2020
Dr Ashleigh Tinlin-Mackenzie
Dr Jane Delany
Dr Catherine Scott
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Spatially modelling the suitability, sensitivity, and vulnerability of data poor fisheries with GIS: A case study of the Northumberland lugworm fishery2019
Kirsty Lees
Professor Aileen Mill
Daniel Skerritt
Dr Pete Robertson
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
et al.
Movement patterns of a commercially important, free-ranging marine invertebrate in the vicinity of a bait source2018
Dr Rachel Turner
Dr Johanna Forster
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Professor Selina Stead
Social fit of coral reef governance varies among individuals2018
Dr Johanna Forster
Dr Rachel Turner
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Angelie Peterson
Professor Selina Stead
et al.
Evidence of a common understanding of proximate and distal drivers of reef health2017
Fabrice Stephenson
Professor Aileen Mill
Dr Catherine Scott
Professor Nick Polunin
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
et al.
Experimental potting impacts on common UK reef habitats in areas of high and low fishing pressure2017
Dr Fabrice Stephenson
Professor Aileen Mill
Dr Gavin Stewart
Dr Matthew Grainger
Professor Nick Polunin
et al.
Socio-economic, technological and environmental drivers of spatio-temporal changes in fishing pressure2017
Mark Sinclair
Professor Nick Polunin
Professor Aileen Mill
Dr Catherine Scott
Dr Paula Lightfoot
et al.
Spatial and temporal changes in pot-fishing effort and habitat use2017
Daniel Skerritt
Dr Pete Robertson
Professor Aileen Mill
Professor Nick Polunin
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
et al.
Fine-scale movement, activity patterns and home-ranges of European lobster Homarus gammarus2015
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Professor Tim Gray
The new mode of marine planning in the UK: aspirations and challenges2015
Alexander Caveen
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Christopher Sweeting
Helen Bloomfield
Dr Estelle Jones
et al.
Diverging Strategies to Planning an Ecologically Coherent Network of MPAs in the North Sea: The Roles of Advocacy, Evidence and Pragmatism in the Face of Uncertainty2014
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Professor Tim Gray
EU marine strategy framework directive (MSFD) and marine spatial planning (MSP): Which is the more dominant and practicable contributor to maritime policy in the UK?2014
Dr Rachel Turner
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Dr Johanna Forster
Professor Selina Stead
Measuring good governance for complex ecosystems: Perceptions of coral reef-dependent communities in the Caribbean.2014
Dr Peter Mumby
Jason Flower
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Dr Johanna Forster
Professor Selina Stead
et al.
Towards Reef Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods: A handbook for Caribbean coral reef managers2014
Dr Johanna Forster
Angelie Peterson
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Professor Selina Stead
Coral reef management in a changing environment: livelihood responses and governance challenges2013
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Dr Johanna Forster
Angelie Peterson
Rachel Turner
Future of reefs in a changing environment (FORCE): a multi-layer adaptive governance framework – lessons from the Caribbean for the western Indian Ocean2013
Professor Selina Stead
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Dr Rachel Turner
Dr Johanna Forster
Future of Reefs in a Changing Environment (FORCE): a multi-layer adaptive governance framework for Caribbean coral reefs2013
Angelie Peterson
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Dr Rachel Turner
Dr Johanna Forster
Professor Selina Stead
et al.
The role of bridging organisations in Caribbean coral reef governance2013
Dr Johanna Forster
Dr Rachel Turner
Angelie Peterson
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Professor Selina Stead
et al.
Ultimate and proximate drivers of Caribbean reef health: A common understanding?2013
Daniel Skerritt
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Professor Nick Polunin
Investigating the impact of offshore wind farms on European Lobster (Homarus gammarus) and Brown Crab (Cancer pagurus) fisheries2012
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Professor Nick Polunin
Alexander Caveen
Dr Martin Bailey
Building expertise to assess MPA effects: does the Whitby prohibited trawling area provide protection for finfish?2011
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Local livelihood diversification: Conservation and Socio-economics of scuba diving in the Solomon Islands2011
Rachel Turner
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Dr Johanna Forster
Angelie Peterson
Professor Selina Stead
et al.
Resource User Perceptions of Marine Governance and Coral Reef Management in The Bay Islands, Honduras2011
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Dr Johanna Forster
Angelie Peterson
Professor Selina Stead
Rachel Turner
et al.
Setting future scenarios for management, stakeholder usage, and the health of Caribbean reef ecosystems2011
Angelie Peterson
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Dr Johanna Forster
Professor Selina Stead
Rachel Turner
et al.
The Role of Different Actors in Caribbean Coral Reef Governance Through Multi-level Social Networks2011
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Dr Johanna Forster
Angelie Peterson
Professor Selina Stead
FORCE: an ecosystem approach to managing Caribbean reefs in the face of climate change2010
Professor Selina Stead
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Dr Johanna Forster
Dr Matthew Slater
Hunters and gatherers - modelling attitude, perceptions and socio-economics to develop a coral reef aquaculture science research network2010
Christina Hicks
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Professor Nick Polunin
Interdisciplinarity in the environmental sciences: barriers and frontiers2010
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
What do fishers think of scuba divers? Socio-economic impacts of the scuba diving industry in the Solomon Islands2009
Professor Clare Fitzsimmons
Why Dive? and Why Here?: A Study of Recreational Diver Enjoyment at a Fijian Eco-Tourist Resort2008