Dr Hermann Moisl
| Cluster Analysis for Corpus Linguistics | 2015 |
Professor Karen Corrigan Dr Adam Mearns Dr Hermann Moisl
| The Diachronic Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English: Annotation practices and dissemination strategies | 2014 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Statistical Corpus Exploitation | 2013 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Mapping phonetic variation in the Newcastle Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English | 2012 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Measurement of nonlinear distance in data derived from linguistic corpora | 2012 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Finding the Minimum Document Length for Reliable Clustering of Multi-Document Natural Language Corpora | 2011 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Hypothesis Generation | 2011 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Variable scaling in cluster analysis of linguistic data | 2010 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Exploratory Multivariate Analysis | 2009 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Sura Length and Lexical Probability Estimation in Cluster Analysis of the Qur’an | 2009 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Using electronic corpora in historical dialectology research: the problem of document length variation | 2009 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Using electronic corpora to study language variation: the problem of data sparsity | 2009 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Identifying the Main Determinants of Phonetic Variation in the Newcastle Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English | 2008 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Normalization for Variation in Document Length in Exploratory Multivariate Analysis of Text Corpora | 2008 |
Professor Karen Corrigan Dr Hermann Moisl
| A linguistic 'time-capsule': The Newcastle Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English | 2007 |
Professor Karen Corrigan Dr Hermann Moisl
| Creating and Digitizing Language Corpora, Volume 1: Synchronic Databases | 2007 |
Professor Karen Corrigan Dr Hermann Moisl
| Creating and Digitizing Language Corpora, Volume 2: Diachronic Databases | 2007 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Data nonlinearity in exploratory multivariate analysis of language corpora | 2007 |
Professor Karen Corrigan Dr Hermann Moisl
| Taming Digital Voices and Texts: models and methods for handling unconventional diachronic corpora. | 2007 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Language, literacy, and cultural development in early medieval England and Ireland | 2006 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Phonetic variation in Tyneside : Exploratory multivariate analysis of the Newcastle Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English | 2006 |
Dr Hermann Moisl Vikki Jones
| Cluster analysis of the Newcastle electronic corpus of Tyneside English: a comparison of methods | 2005 |
Dr Hermann Moisl Vikki Jones
| Cluster analysis of the Newcastle Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English: A comparison of methods | 2005 |
Dr Hermann Moisl Professor Karen Corrigan
| The Newcastle Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English | 2005 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Artificial networks and natural language processing | 2003 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| A Frankish aristocrat at the battle of Mag Rath | 2002 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Celtic Religion | 2001 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Corpus analysis and results visualization using self-organizing maps | 2001 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Linguistic Computation with State Space Trajectories | 2001 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Handbook of Natural Language Processing | 2000 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| NLP Based on Artificial Neural Networks: Introduction | 2000 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Lordship and Tradition in Barbarian Europe | 1999 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Implementation of natural language semantics in an ANN-based natural language processing system | 1997 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Recurrent neural networks and natural language processing | 1997 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Artificial Neural Networks and Natural Language Processing | 1994 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Recurrent artificial neural networks and finite state natural language processing | 1994 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Celtic Religion | 1993 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Implementation of Natural Language Processing Automata in Artificial Neural Networks | 1993 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Connectionist finite state natural language processing | 1992 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Early Irish Grammarians | 1991 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| The Church and the native tradition of learning in early medieval Ireland | 1987 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Kingship and law in early Ireland | 1986 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Das Kloster Iona und seine Verbindungen mit dem Kontinent im siebenten und achten Jahrhundert | 1985 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Kingship and orally transmitted Stammestradition among the Lombards and Franks | 1985 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| The Bernician royal dynasty and the Irish in the seventh century | 1983 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| A sixth-century reference to the British bardd | 1981 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Anglo-Saxon royal genealogies and germanic oral tradition | 1981 |
Dr Hermann Moisl
| Celto-Germanic *watu- / *wotu- and early Germanic poetry | 1980 |