Dr Teresa Ndlovu Professor Steve Bull Emeritus Professor Alan Ward
| Production and evaluation of two antibiotics of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2), prodigiosin and actinorhodin under solid state fermentation, using micro-porous culture | 2022 |
Dr Teresa Ndlovu Emeritus Professor Alan Ward Professor Jarka Glassey Professor Galip Akay
| Bioprocess intensification of antibiotic production by Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) in micro-porous culture | 2015 |
Dr Teresa Ndlovu Emeritus Professor Alan Ward Professor Jarka Glassey Professor Galip Akay
| Bioprocess intensification of antibiotic production by Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) in micro-porous culture | 2015 |
Professor Kamelia Boodhoo Dr Maria Vicevic Craig Cartwright Dr Teresa Ndlovu
| Intensification of gas-liquid mass transfer using a rotating bed of porous packings for application to an E. coli batch fermentation process | 2008 |
Dr Teresa Ndlovu Professor Galip Akay Emeritus Professor Alan Ward
| Bioprocess intensification of bacterial antibiotic production on a substrate matrix | 2006 |
Dr Teresa Ndlovu Professor Galip Akay Emeritus Professor Alan Ward
| Bioprocess intensification using supported bacteria in flow-trough monolithic micro-bioreactors | 2006 |
Dr Ruba Mohamed Zainura Noor Omer Calkan Dr Burak Calkan Dr Teresa Ndlovu et al. | Development of catalytic micro-reactors with ultra-high surface area-to-volume ratio for bioprocess and chemical process intensification | 2006 |