Professor Karen Ross
| Gender in/and the news in the UK and Republic of Ireland: Slow but (un)steady progress? | 2024 |
Professor Karen Ross
| Gendered ageism in the media industry: disavowal, discrimination and the pushback | 2024 |
Professor Karen Ross
| Gender, party and performance in the 2020 New Zealand general election: politicking on Facebook with Jacinda and Judith | 2023 |
Professor Karen Ross
| Learning and teaching gender in the digital age: insights and reflections on the AGEMI project | 2021 |
Professor Karen Ross
| Facebooking a different campaign beat: Party Leaders, the press and public engagement | 2020 |
Professor Karen Ross
| Ideas for gender-transformative futures of education in the digital age | 2020 |
Tobias Bürger Marloes Jansen Professor Karen Ross
| Not all tweets are created equal: gender and politics in the platform age | 2020 |
Professor Karen Ross
| The International Encyclopaedia of Gender, Media and Communication | 2020 |
Professor Karen Ross
| The media world versus the real world of women and political representation: Questioning differences and struggling for answers | 2020 |
Professor Karen Ross
| Across the Great Divide: Gender, Twitter and elections in the United Kingdom and New Zealand | 2019 |
Professor Karen Ross
| Advancing Gender Equality in Media Industries: An Innovative European Approach | 2019 |
Professor Karen Ross Marloes Jansen
| Gender, politics and the tweeted campaign: tweeting about issues during the UK’s 2017 General Election campaign | 2019 |
Professor Karen Ross
| Getting to the top: women and decision-making in European media industries | 2019 |
Professor Karen Ross
| Women, men and news: it’s life, Jim, but not as we know it | 2018 |
Professor Karen Ross
| World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development: Global Report 2017/2018 | 2018 |
Professor Karen Ross
| Employment, representation and the 30 percent cul-de-sac | 2017 |
Professor Karen Ross
| Gender, Politics, News: A Game of Three Sides | 2017 |
Professor Karen Ross
| Gender Equality and the Media: A Challenge for Europe. | 2016 |
Professor Karen Ross
| Facing up to Facebook: politicians, publics and the social media(ted) turn in New Zealand | 2015 |
Professor Karen Ross
| Gender and Media in Times of Crisis | 2015 |
Professor Karen Ross
| Face to face(book) : social media, political campaigning and the unbearable lightness of being there | 2014 |
Professor Karen Ross
| Women in Decision-Making Structures in Media | 2014 |