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Browsing publications by Professor Karen Ross.

Newcastle AuthorsTitleYearFull text
Professor Karen Ross
Gender in/and the news in the UK and Republic of Ireland: Slow but (un)steady progress?2024
Professor Karen Ross
Gendered ageism in the media industry: disavowal, discrimination and the pushback2024
Professor Karen Ross
Gender, party and performance in the 2020 New Zealand general election: politicking on Facebook with Jacinda and Judith2023
Professor Karen Ross
Learning and teaching gender in the digital age: insights and reflections on the AGEMI project2021
Professor Karen Ross
Facebooking a different campaign beat: Party Leaders, the press and public engagement2020
Professor Karen Ross
Ideas for gender-transformative futures of education in the digital age2020
Tobias Bürger
Marloes Jansen
Professor Karen Ross
Not all tweets are created equal: gender and politics in the platform age2020
Professor Karen Ross
The International Encyclopaedia of Gender, Media and Communication2020
Professor Karen Ross
The media world versus the real world of women and political representation: Questioning differences and struggling for answers2020
Professor Karen Ross
Across the Great Divide: Gender, Twitter and elections in the United Kingdom and New Zealand2019
Professor Karen Ross
Advancing Gender Equality in Media Industries: An Innovative European Approach2019
Professor Karen Ross
Marloes Jansen
Gender, politics and the tweeted campaign: tweeting about issues during the UK’s 2017 General Election campaign2019
Professor Karen Ross
Getting to the top: women and decision-making in European media industries2019
Professor Karen Ross
Women, men and news: it’s life, Jim, but not as we know it2018
Professor Karen Ross
World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development: Global Report 2017/20182018
Professor Karen Ross
Employment, representation and the 30 percent cul-de-sac2017
Professor Karen Ross
Gender, Politics, News: A Game of Three Sides2017
Professor Karen Ross
Gender Equality and the Media: A Challenge for Europe.2016
Professor Karen Ross
Facing up to Facebook: politicians, publics and the social media(ted) turn in New Zealand2015
Professor Karen Ross
Gender and Media in Times of Crisis2015
Professor Karen Ross
Face to face(book) : social media, political campaigning and the unbearable lightness of being there2014
Professor Karen Ross
Women in Decision-Making Structures in Media2014