Dr Adam Brandt Dr Spencer Hazel Dr Christopher Leyland
| Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders special issues: Atypical Interaction Conference 2022 | 2023 |
Dr Christopher Leyland Dr Spencer Hazel Dr Adam Brandt
| Enabling people living with dementia to make choices during creative workshops: a conversation analysis study of co-creativity, choice-sequences, and the supportive actions of carers | 2023 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| Enhanced English conversations-for-learning: Constructing and using notes for deferred correction sequences | 2021 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| The interactional construction of the academic reader in writing tutorials for international students: An advice-giving resource | 2021 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| Academic Writing Tutorials for International Students: Deferring to an expert and follow-up advice | 2020 |
Dr Christopher Leyland Dr Spencer Hazel
| Facilitating Participation in Creative Arts Interventions for People with Dementia | 2019 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| In-sessional support for International Students: the management of interactional challenges in L2 writing tutorials | 2019 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| In-Sessional Writing Tutorials for International Students: Invoking non-present sources of help in advice-giving meetings | 2019 |
Dr Adam Brandt Dr Spencer Hazel Dr Christopher Leyland
| Interaction, Dementia and Engagement in the Arts: Resources and Challenges in Participation | 2019 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| Naming an activity: Arriving at recognitionals in team-teacher planning talk | 2018 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| Resistance as a resource for achieving consensus: adjusting advice following competency-based resistance in L2 writing tutorials at a British University | 2018 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| Inscribed objects as resources for achieving progressivity in lesson planning talk | 2017 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| Pre-enactment in team-teacher planning talk: demonstrating a possible future in the here-and-now | 2017 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| Social Interaction Research: Applications for Technology, Cultural Heritage, and Cross-Cultural Communication | 2017 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| Students problematizing advice in L2 support tutorials at a British university: opportunities for socialization? | 2017 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| Dropping the devil's advocate: TA follow-up contributions in EFL group discussion tests | 2016 |
Dr Christopher Leyland Dr Adam Brandt
| The diagnosis of L2 writing competence in one-to-one tutorials for international students | 2016 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| The role of objects in English team teacher lesson planning meetings | 2016 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| Physical artifacts and ‘pre-enactment’ in team-teacher planning discussions | 2015 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| Progressivity through joint focus of attention to a text-inclusive object: Topic shift in team-teacher lesson planning meetings | 2015 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| Stoking the fire: TA follow-up talk in group discussion tests | 2015 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| Conversation Analysis Across Borders | 2014 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| Enabling language help: epistemic maneuvering in extended information request sequences between EFL teachers | 2014 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| Pre-enactment and the Use of Physical Artefacts in Pre-class Planning Discussions | 2014 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| The English ‘native speaker’ teacher as a language resource: Conversation Analytic examinations of ‘backstage’ interactions in Japanese High schools | 2013 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| The English 'native speaker' as a language resource: Conversation Analytic examinations of backstage interactions in Japanese high schools [PhD Thesis] | 2013 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| Epistemic struggles of the English ‘Native speaker’ teacher in Japanese high school staffrooms | 2012 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| Does the rebranding of British universities reduce international students to economic resources? A Critical Discourse Analysis | 2011 |
Dr Christopher Leyland
| For mutual intelligibility, must English as a lingua franca be standardized? | 2011 |