Professor Niina Kolehmainen Dr Sara McCafferty Dr Gregory Maniatopoulos Professor Ann Le Couteur Professor Luke Vale et al. | What constitutes successful commissioning of transition from children’s to adults’ services for young people with long-term conditions and what are the challenges? An interview study | 2017 |
Dr Sara McCafferty
| The return of public health to local government in England: changing the parameters of the public health prioritization debate? | 2015 |
Dr Sara McCafferty
| Change in Healthcare: Using Existing Theory to Develop Tools for Qualitative Analysis | 2014 |
Professor Farhad Kamali Dr Hilary Wynne Dr Patrick Kesteven Dr John Hanley Dr Jing Shen et al. | Improving the safety and efficacy of anticoagulation therapy for thromboembolic disease through Vitamin K | 2013 |
Dr Sara McCafferty
| The Elephant in the Room: Economic Determinants of Health | 2013 |
Dr Sara McCafferty Professor Cam Donaldson Dr Angela Bate
| Implementing world class commissioning competencies | 2012 |
Dr Angela Bate Professor Cam Donaldson Dr Sara McCafferty
| Implementation of the World Class Commissioning Competencies: a survey and case-study evaluation | 2011 |
Dr Sara McCafferty
| Book Review of: 'Social justice and public policy: Seeking fairness in diverse societies' | 2010 |
Professor Cam Donaldson Dr Sara McCafferty Hilary Snowdon
| Managing scarcity: the new mantra for NHS commissioning | 2009 |