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Browsing publications by
Professor Niina Kolehmainen.
Newcastle Authors
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Dr Sarah Khan
Sonia Garcia Gonzalez-Moral
Alex Inskip
Dr Gill Norman
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
et al.
Medicines Horizon Scanning Annual Report 2020
Chizoba Oparah
Claire Eastaugh
Kate Lanyi
James Woltmann
Dr Fiona Pearson
et al.
Interim Horizon Scanning Report: Identification of Paediatric Neurological Trauma Technologies
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Dr Christopher Thornton
Dr Olivia Craw
Professor Mark Pearce
Laura Kudlek
et al.
Physical activity in young children across developmental and health states: the
CHILD study
Dr Christopher Thornton
Kate Lanyi
Dr Georgie Wilkins
Rhiannon Potter
Emily Hunter
et al.
Scoping the Priorities and Concerns of Parents: An Infodemiology Study of Posts on Mumsnet and Reddit
Claire Marcroft
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Professor Catherine Exley
Dr Richard Thomson
Dr Sally Johnson
et al.
Survey of current practice of routine neurodevelopmental follow-up in UK neonatal services
Dr Christopher Thornton
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Professor Kianoush Nazarpour
Using unsupervised machine learning to quantify physical activity from accelerometry in a diverse and rapidly changing population
Dr Tim Rapley
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Dr Jennifer McAnuff
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
et al.
Advancing cluster randomised trials in children’s therapy: A survey of the acceptability of trial behaviours to therapists and parents
Michael Sykes
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Richard Thomson
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
et al.
Enhancing national audit through addressing the quality improvement capabilities of feedback recipients: a multi-phase intervention development study
Victoria Harbottle
Dr Bronia Arnott
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Identifying common health indicators from paediatric core outcome sets: a systematic review with narrative synthesis using the WHO International Classification of Functioning, Health and Disability
Sam Armitage
Emerita Professor Elaine McColl
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Professor Tim Rapley
Describing pre-appointment written materials as an intervention in the context of children’s NHS therapy services: a national survey
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Making a difference for children, young people and families’ lives in the North East: Recommendations for the next steps In using routinely collected data
Michael Sykes
Emeritus Professor Richard Thomson
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Dr Tracy Finch
Opportunities to enhance ward audit: a multi-site qualitative study
Michael Sykes
Dr Richard Thomson
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Tracy Finch
et al.
Opportunities to enhance ward audit: a multi-site qualitative study
Claire Lambert
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Social participation to support good mental health in neurodisability
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Jennifer McAnuff
Specifying current physical therapy practice for paediatric trials: A survey of UK physical therapists
Michael Sykes
Emeritus Professor Richard Thomson
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Dr Louise Allan
Dr Tracy Finch
et al.
Impetus to change: A multi-site qualitative exploration of the national audit of dementia.
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Jenni Hislop
Professor Laura Ternent
Professor Lindsay Pennington
Implementing participation-focused services: a study to develop the Method for using Audit and Feedback in Participation Implementation (MAPi)
Dr Nathan Bray
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Jennifer McAnuff
Dr Louise Tanner
Fiona Beyer
et al.
Powered mobility interventions for very young children with mobility limitations to aid participation and positive development: the EMPoWER evidence synthesis
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
The meaning of leisure to children and young people with significant physical disabilities: Implications for optimising participation
Dr Jane Goodwin
Jan Lecouturier
Dr Anna Basu
Emeritus Professor Allan Colver
Johanna Smith
et al.
Standing frames for children with cerebral palsy: a mixed-methods feasibility study
Dr Jane Goodwin
Jan Lecouturier
Johanna Smith
Dr Anna Basu
Emeritus Professor Allan Colver
et al.
Understanding frames: A qualitative study of young people's experiences of using standing frames as part of postural management for cerebral palsy
Dr Jane Goodwin
Emeritus Professor Allan Colver
Dr Anna Basu
Denise Howel
Professor Jeremy Parr
et al.
Understanding frames: A UK survey of parents and professionals regarding the use of standing frames for children with cerebral palsy
Jennifer McAnuff
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Improving participation outcomes and interventions in neurodisability: co-designing future research
Dr Veronica Swallow
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Ingredients and change processes in occupational therapy for children: a grounded theory study
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Methods for designing interventions to change healthcare professionals’ behaviour: a systematic review
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Dr Sara McCafferty
Dr Gregory Maniatopoulos
Professor Ann Le Couteur
Professor Luke Vale
et al.
What constitutes successful commissioning of transition from children’s to adults’ services for young people with long-term conditions and what are the challenges? An interview study
Michael Sykes
Jennifer McAnuff
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
When is audit and feedback effective in dementia care? A systematic review
Dr Tracy Finch
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Implementing a video-based intervention to empower staff members in an autism care organization: a qualitative study
Susan Armitage
Jennifer McAnuff
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Implementing better healthcare: using audit and feedback to change therapists' practice
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Developing a Knowledge Translation (KT) Strategy for a Centre of Childhood Disability Research: description of the Process
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Family-clinician interactions in children's health services: a secondary analysis of occupational therapists' practice descriptions
Dr Katie Hackett
Joanne Newton
Dr Tim Rapley
Vincent Deary
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
et al.
Identifying participation barriers and key intervention targets for an autoimmune disease
Dr Katie Hackett
Dr Tim Rapley
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Vincent Deary
Dr Katherine Deane
et al.
Identifying stakeholder informed priority targets for a non-pharmacological intervention package to improve functional capacity: a multi-centre mixed methods study
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Implementing goal setting in practice
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Participation in physical play and leisure in children with motor impairments: a mixed methods study to generate evidence for developing an intervention
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
The meaning of leisure for children and young people with physical disabilities: a systematic evidence synthesis
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
"I should have discharged him but I felt guilty": a qualitative investigation of clinicians’ emotions in the context of implementing occupational therapy
Dr Katie Hackett
Emerita Professor Julia Newton
Dr Katherine Deane
Dr Tim Rapley
Vincent Deary
et al.
Developing a service user informed intervention to improve participation and ability to perform daily activities in primary Sjӧgren’s syndrome: a mixed methods study protocol
Jennifer McAnuff
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
How can I ‘do’ family-centred, shared goal-setting? An interactive workshop for service providers and parents.
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Jennifer McAnuff
Interventions for children with motor impairments: a review of descriptions of the ingredient, outcomes, and change pathways.
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Neurodevelopmental treatment
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Promoting Leisure Participation as Part of Health and Well-Being in Children and Youth With Cerebral Palsy
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Clinicians’ actions associated with the successful patient care process: a content analysis of interviews with paediatric occupational therapists
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Development and validation of the GMFM-66
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Beliefs about responsibilities, the aims of therapy, and the structure of the therapy process: a qualitative study of caseload management issues in child health occupational therapy
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Epidemiology: patterns and causes of CP
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Dr Jill Francis
Specifying content and mechanisms of change in interventions to change professionals' practice: an illustration from the Good Goals study in occupational therapy
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Professor Laura Ternent
Using shared goal setting to improve access and equity: a mixed methods study of the Good Goals intervention in children’s occupational therapy
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Dr Jill Francis
Participation in physical play and leisure: developing a theory- and evidence-based intervention for children with motor impairments
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Clinicians' caseload management behaviours as explanatory factors in patients' length of time on caseloads: a predictive multilevel study in paediatric community occupational therapy
Professor Niina Kolehmainen
Community professionals' management of client care: a mixed-methods systematic review