Dr Tim Kinnaird Professor Sam Turner Dr Filippo Brandolini Dr Francesco Carrer
| Dating and characterising the transformation of a monastic landscape. A multidisciplinary approach to the agrarian spaces of Samos Abbey (NW Spain) | 2024 |
Professor Sam Turner Professor Mark Jackson Dr Gunder Varinlioglu Dr Francesco Carrer
| Cultural heritage in landscape: planning for development in Turkey | 2023 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| Diet and subsistence in the Alps in Late Antiquity: Organic residue analysis of pottery from an upland site in the Dolomites (Busa delle Vette, Veneto, Italy) | 2023 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| Reflections on the Dynamics of Frequentation of an Alpine Area in the Early Middle Ages through the Study of the Metal Finds. The Site of Busa dell Vette / Riflessioni sulle dinamiche di frequentazione di un settore alpino in età altomedievale attraverso lo studio dei reperti metallici: il sito di Busa delle Vette (Sovramonte, BL, 1850 m slm) | 2023 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| The historic character of a depopulating borderland: historic landscape characterisation on the Duero River | 2022 |
Dr Filippo Brandolini Dr Francesco Carrer
| Terra, Silva et Paludes. Assessing the Role of Alluvial Geomorphology for Late-Holocene Settlement Strategies (Po Plain – N Italy) Through Point Pattern Analysis | 2021 |
Professor Sam Turner Dr Gunder Varinlioglu Elif Koparal Dr Volkan Demirciler Professor Mark Jackson et al. | Agricultural terraces in the Mediterranean: intensive construction during the later Middle Ages revealed by landscape analysis with OSL profiling and dating | 2021 |
Dr Francesco Carrer Dr Charlotte Veal
| For Creative Research Methods in the Anthropocene? | 2021 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| Rock surface IRSL dating of buried cobbles from an alpine dry-stone structure in Val di Sole, Italy | 2021 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| The application of Local Indicators for Categorical Data (LICD) to explorespatial dependence in archaeological spaces | 2021 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| Archaeology of the Alps | 2020 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| Assessing the effects of trampling on spatial organisation of archaeological assemblages using statistical methods: an ethnoarchaeological study. | 2020 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| Ecology, Economy, and Upland Landscapes: Socio-Ecological Dynamics in the Alps during the Transition to Modernity | 2020 |
Niels Dabaut Dr Francesco Carrer
| Historic Landscape Characterisation: Technical Approaches Beyond Theory | 2020 |
Dr Francesco Carrer Dr Gunder Varinlioglu Professor Mark Jackson Professor Sam Turner
| Simulating change in cultural landscapes: the integration of Historic Landscape Characterisation and computer modelling | 2020 |
Dr Francesco Carrer Dr Graeme Sarson Dr Andrew Baggaley Professor Anvar Shukurov
| Ethnoarchaeology-Based Modelling to Investigate Economic Transformations and Land-Use Change in the Alpine Uplands | 2019 |
Professor Sam Turner Professor Lisa-Marie Shillito Dr Francesco Carrer
| Landscape Archaeology | 2019 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| Continuity and discontinuity in the history of upland pastoral landscapes: the case study of Val Molinac and Val Poré (Val di Sole, Trentino, Eastern Italian Alps) | 2018 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| Evaluating Mesolithic settlement patterns in mountain environments (Dolomites, Eastern Italian Alps): The role of research biases and locational strategies | 2017 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| Interpreting intra-site spatial patterns in seasonal contexts: an ethnoarchaeological case-study from the Western Alps | 2017 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| Intra-site Spatial Analysis in Ethnoarchaeology | 2017 |
Dr Francesco Carrer Dr Oliver Craig
| New criteria for the molecular identification of cereal grains associated with archaeological artefacts | 2017 |
Dr Francesco Carrer Dr Oliver Craig
| Chemical Analysis of Pottery Demonstrates Prehistoric Origin for High-Altitude Alpine Dairying | 2016 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| Combined X-ray diffraction and fluorescence analysis in the cultural heritage field | 2016 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| Secondary products exploitation: preliminary ethnoarchaeological insights from alpine cases study | 2016 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| The “Total Archaeology Project” and the Mesolithic occupation of the highland district of San Vito di Cadore (Belluno, N-E Italy) | 2016 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| Herding Strategies, Dairy Economy and Seasonal Sites in the Southern Alps: Ethnoarchaeological Inferences and Archaeological Implications | 2015 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| Prehistoric landscapes of the Dolomites. Survey data from the Cadore territory (Belluno Dolomites, Northern Italy) | 2015 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| The “Invisible” Shepherd and the “Visible” Dairyman: Ethnoarchaeology of Alpine Pastoral Sites in the Val di Fiemme (Eastern Italian Alps). | 2015 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| Shaping a periglacial land into a pastoral landscape: a case study from Val di Sole (Trento, Italy) | 2014 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| An ethnoarchaeological inductive model for predicting archaeological site location: A case-study of pastoral settlement patterns in the Val di Fiemme and Val di Sole (Trentino, Italian Alps) | 2013 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| Archeologia della pastorizia nelle Alpi: nuovi dati e vecchi dubbi | 2013 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| First Archaeological Data from an Alpine Pastoral Enclosure at Val Poré (Val di Sole, Trentino, Italy) | 2013 |
Dr Francesco Carrer
| Il paesaggio alpino di confine dalle fonti cartografiche storiche ai Sistemi Informativi Geografici: il caso studio del Contado di Arco (TN) | 2010 |